Legend of Korra: Spirits

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by drewder »

I wish he would go back and do both avatar and korra episode by episode.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by aceina »

ok text is white below highlight to see there are spoilers for season 4

i know the creators have said korra is bi but i dont think she is i think she is pure lesbian she latched on to the first hot guy she saw (pun intended) and did every thing to force a relationship to work and was miserable i bring this up do to how chuck pointed out how all they did was argue before they broke up and it reminded me of my views on this i am speaking as a lesbian myself hell even here in book 2 her interactions with asami are much more natural hell asami is the one person korra never gets upset with in all 4 books

now asami yea she is bi
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by RobbyB1982 »

It's actually even worse than that. They ordered 1 season. So that being all they had, they wrapped everything up in a hurry at the end.

Then they got the order for season 2. So that being all they had, they wrapped everything up in a hurry at the end.

And then when that was near the end of production, THEN they got the order for season 3 and 4 at the same time and were finally able to pace it properly.

Had they just been given all 52 episodes up front, or even just the first two seasons, or even a 20 episode first season like the original show had, I think they would have been able to smooth out a looooot of the story and pacing issues the show had. (Korra not having her bending at the start of season 2 would have tied into and explained her desperation to do the spirit stuff, for instance.) And season 4 kind of gave us the fallout that the end of season 1 might have had otherwise had it not been tightly wrapped up in a bow. And maybe pro-bending wouldnt have been such a huge focus.

Also, they likely would have paced the dark avatar or the giant Kaiju battle differently if they hadn't thought season 2 was also the ending.

One thing that's absolutely clear though, the writers fell in love with Verric and he completely took over the show at the end. Rightly so, he was amazing.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by Megabob452 »

While I liked Varric as a character, the lack of any real comeuppance annoyed me. Sure he got thrown in jail, but it was a luxury cell that he had built specifically for himself, and he escaped a few days later. Next time our heroes meet him, he's easily forgiven and everyone suddenly trusts him again. He's even welcomed by the same president he tried to kidnap, the justification being that Raiko needs Varrick's weapons. He was the villain of season 2's B plot, and he got away with it scot free. He does go through a character arc based on atonement in season 4, but its for things he did that season and not the things he did two seasons earlier. If Chuck ever gets around to season 4 I hope he brings up Varrick taking over Asami's company when those two are working together, to poke fun at the animosity that should be between them that the show never bothered with.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by Winter »

aceina wrote:ok text is white below highlight to see there are spoilers for season 4

i know the creators have said korra is bi but i dont think she is i think she is pure lesbian she latched on to the first hot guy she saw (pun intended) and did every thing to force a relationship to work and was miserable i bring this up do to how chuck pointed out how all they did was argue before they broke up and it reminded me of my views on this i am speaking as a lesbian myself hell even here in book 2 her interactions with asami are much more natural hell asami is the one person korra never gets upset with in all 4 books

now asami yea she is bi
I agree, the way I saw it, Korra would have a certain idea of who the Avatar should be and being gay is NOT who the Avatar is, at least as she saw it.

That's why she "fell" for Mako as quickly as she did, because in her mind from what she saw of him, he was the type of person the Avatar should fall in love with.

This also likely contributed to their relationship problems, as she continued to be with Mako she began to become more and more aggressive, (though I still hold that more to writing her out of character then anything else), because not only did she begin to realize that she was not in love with Mako, but she was still fighting the fact that she had locked herself in a Narnia deep closet.

After Korra broke-up with Mako and began spending more time with Asami Korra started to become much calmer as she started to except who she was and that part of that was her coming to terms with her own sexuality.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by ORCACommander »

I think you guys are giving the writers far to much credit or letting your head cannon's run amok. fact is the show was sloppily written and I expect the upcoming s5 to be just as poorly done.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by aceina »

uh what season 5 do you mean the comics?
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by Winter »

ORCACommander wrote:I think you guys are giving the writers far to much credit or letting your head cannon's run amok. fact is the show was sloppily written and I expect the upcoming s5 to be just as poorly done.
I do think that TLOK has one to many characters and is rather poorly put together, at least the first two season. But I think the pros more the outweigh the cons, in my opinion. I think the romance in Change and Balance is better written and better thought out then anything else in the series. Korra, Asami, Tenzin, Lin and Jinora are all great characters who are just as good as the original Team Avatar IMHO. Amon, Vaatu, Zaheer and Kuvira are some of the best villains in the series and the themes being explored are just as fascinating as the ones in TLOA. Korra and Asami have two of the best characters arcs in the series with only Zuko's character arc surpassing them.

TBH I'm not only looking forward to Turf Wars but I also wouldn't mind seeing Korra have a film series that also continues the series. Not a film adaptation, as we all know how well that went over last time, but a straight up continuation of the show like Star Trek or Serenity and, if possible, I would love to see it done as a hand drawn film trilogy. Unlikely I know but if Japan can still have hand drawn films then why not try it with a series that is already hand drawn.

So long as its planned out, cinematic and feels like a natural continuation of the shows story I think it could work.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by Wilahelm2 »

I agree Winter, Korra's main handicap as a series is that the writers were never sure of how long the series would be so it couldn't be planned out and paced as well as the original Avatar was. Despite that handicap its still one of the best animated series ever produced.

As for Korra and her sexuality I do have to disagree a bit.

It was clear that Korra was genuinely interested and attracted to Mako but like Chuck said, once she got him has no idea what to do. Mako was more of a prize for Korra to win, not a person to form an emotional connection with. Once she won him she spends the whole relationship taking out her frustrations on Mako and acts surprised when he challenges her.

Korra had to deal with the fact that her prize was a person that she was not a fit for romantically. Mako has his own issues that I talked about and those just made things worse. They are just two people who found each other attractive but whose issues turned their relationship into a train wreck, it happens. They are both to blame for that but the initial attraction was real.

Part of the reason Korra got along better with Asami was that Asami was the most emotionally mature person in the whole group. She had no real issues that undermined her like Mako did and could deal with Korra in a way that didn’t make things worse. Asami was never a doormat but always acted in a way that made Korra know Asami was someone Korra could trust and feel safe with.

Also by the time Korra was becoming interested in Asami she was a much more mature person. Korra has learned form her relationship with Mako and her other experiences and battles helped her deal with her own issues. By the end she realized Asami is someone she does have a romantic connection with that was earned by getting to know her as a person and not by trying to win her like a prize.
Last edited by Wilahelm2 on Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Legend of Korra: Spirits

Post by aceina »

uh guys you should be careful with talkign abotu stuff chuck has not review yet some people may be fallowing it with him or something
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