Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Antiboyscout »

TGLS wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 11:09 am
Antiboyscout wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:54 am
Draco Dracul wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:40 am
Antiboyscout wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:29 pm
Some will come to the US but the US won't take it all and tax havens don't have there own currencies.
Proximity makes the UK tied to europe? The entirety of British history after the war of the roses and before WW2 would seem to prove otherwise
One, between those periods the affairs of Europe greatly effected the UK. Two, the empire is dead, the UK no longer has colonies to draw on and it never will again.
But she's still and island, and she still has the 2nd or 3rd most powerful navy in the world. This makes her flexible in ways Germany and France can't be.
How? If this whole brexit thing doesn't work out, is the plan commerce raiding?
You might be surprised. The US is going to revoke the Bretton Woods agreement sooner or later.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Antiboyscout »

Madner Kami wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:50 am
The article is from 2016. And let's make special mention of the UK's largest and most powerful vessel, HMS "Queen Elizabeth". The aircraft carrier that has no aircraft. By contrast Germany offers 65 commissioned ships including 10 frigates, 5 corvettes, 3 minesweepers, 10 minehunters, 6 submarines, 11 replenishment ships and 20 miscellaneous auxiliary vessels and we are not even trying to be a naval power...
Yes you have a really nice coastal defense force also on paper. I'm guessing your manpower problems are even worse than the UK's considering the state of your army.

The only ships that could do long range missions are maybe the frigates and corvettes, but you couldn't send them anywhere because that would leave your coast highly exposed.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Madner Kami »

You nicely misread what I wrote as a boast of national maritime power? Congrats, that is not at all what I was alluding to. Look up, there's a point flying over your head.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Antiboyscout »

Madner Kami wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:46 pm You nicely misread what I wrote as a boast of national maritime power? Congrats, that is not at all what I was alluding to. Look up, there's a point flying over your head.
And my point is that long range capabilities are not the same thing as coastal defense.
It might be a stretch but the brits do have it.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Admiral X »

Man, the UK has fallen far, from even just the '80s. That's sad.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by clearspira »

Admiral X wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 4:27 pm Man, the UK has fallen far, from even just the '80s. That's sad.
I can't disagree.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Riedquat »

Draco Dracul wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:40 am
I mean if you think that crippling the UK is worth it for the principle of it, more power to you. Though I can't say I know what that principle is as the UK is going to come out of this with less sovereignty that before as it will be subject to the regulations of the EU, and over a barrel when making other trade agreements, while having no say in either.
This absurd, completely over-the-top "we're all doomed without the EU to look after us!" rhetoric is one of the main reasons so many people have had it up to here with its supporters.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Riedquat »

editing this down (the quoting had gone to pot anyway).
Madner Kami wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:50 am I've written this elsewhere, what is happening here is a projection of a domestic political crisis that will not at all be solved by that projection and now that Boris Johnson has been "elected", it just emphasizes how truely fucked up the british political system and establishment is and how quite the contrary of a solution BrExit really is, because it obviously makes everything worse, even before the BrExit even happened.
Equating the UK's domestic political issues and Brexit is a mistake. They are two separate issues. Whilst it's true that some blame the EU for the UK's domestic issues also all too common is claiming that anyone on the Leave side must be mistaken for having any issues with the EU. Whenever this subject comes up there's a distinct lack of willingness to accept people's values and desires at face value - too much "that disagrees with what I believe / prefer therefore they MUST be mistaken."

Also you response (not quoted) gave the impression that you think I want no deal. I don't, there's a big difference between wanting it and simply not being prepared to rule it out. It's simply that in any negotiation if you're not prepared to walk away you are saying that at the end of the day you will sign anything. Any deal that is not reasonably respectful to all parties is a recipe for resentment and further dissatisfication in the future - a good negotiator doesn't want to "win", he wants both parties to be satisfied. Of course that's not always possible but going in with any other frame of mind is asking for future failure.
Last edited by Riedquat on Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Riedquat »

Mecha82 wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:40 am
This could be shocker for you but UK has always been part of Europe and always will because EU isn't same as Europe. It might not be part of continental Europe but geographically UK is part of Europe making all people that we call British European. UK has also had lot of involvement with rest of Europe during history even before WWII so it wasn't isolated from rest of Europe while taking colonies and exploiting people living in those places.

UK is still going to trade with other European countries after leaving. You are naive if you think that any country in this world could survive without trading with others and be isolated. Maybe you haven't realized it yet but UK hasn't been Empire for very long time so they won't be gettimng any resources that they need from subjugated places. Only reason why Japan was so long isolated before forced to open for trade was that they were still feudal society back then.
Try telling that to the Europhiles who constantly equate Europe with the EU, and talk as if Brexit means having nothing whatsoever further to do with the rest of the continent.
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Re: Boris Johnson is the new British Prime Minister

Post by Draco Dracul »

Riedquat wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:59 pm
Draco Dracul wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:40 am
I mean if you think that crippling the UK is worth it for the principle of it, more power to you. Though I can't say I know what that principle is as the UK is going to come out of this with less sovereignty that before as it will be subject to the regulations of the EU, and over a barrel when making other trade agreements, while having no say in either.
This absurd, completely over-the-top "we're all doomed without the EU to look after us!" rhetoric is one of the main reasons so many people have had it up to here with its supporters.
Doomed? Probably not. In a significantly worse position that you started? Yes. Your current trade agreements were negotiated with the full weight of the EU behind them, you will be in a significantly weaker position by default when making any new agreements. And that's assuming a deal is reached, because otherwise you will be over a barrel due to not producing enough food to feed yourselves and not producing key medicines, like insulin, domestically.
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