Truly bizarre NRA ad...

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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Antiboyscout »

I guess no one noticed the part where the video states it doesn't matter if the police go in to disperse a riot, that act will be use as propaganda to encourage more rioting.
Your "disloyalty" looks more and more like insurrection every day. The Brown Shirts aren't marching through the streets. The only people I see marching are waving red an black flags.
Human shields? Last I checked no hostages were taken and no one was in the building at the time. Using your logic I can go ahead and label all the protesters at Evergreen State University as domestic terrorist. They've occupied a public building and have formed vigilante mobs that patrol the campus armed with baseball bats.
As for the left being the victims, how many Democratic representatives have been shot? How many times did people try to assassinate Obama? Can you say the same about the Republicans or Trump?
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Megabob452 »

Gabby Giffords for one, you know that Democrat from Arizona, was shot during the rise of the Tea Party six and a half years ago. Oh but I suppose that assassination attempt had nothing to do with the anti-Obama conservative rhetoric at the time, right?

Oh, and the Right sure is one to talk about disloyalty. For eight years the Right did everything it could to oppose the President, sabotaged the President's agenda at every opportunity, illegitimatize the President by claiming he's a foreigner, filibustered practically every single legislation the President wanted passed, repeatedly brought the government to the brink of shutdown to make the President look bad, and went so far as to deny the President a Supreme Court nomination for over a year. Yet when the Oval Office goes to a Republican, suddenly everyone must be loyal to the President or its insurrection. Where was this mandated loyalty during the Obama years? I suppose it only exists when Republicans are in charge. When Democrats are in charge, disloyalty becomes patriotism.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Arkle »

Antiboyscout wrote:How many times did people try to assassinate Obama? ... rack_Obama
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Antiboyscout »

The Tucson shooter? The guy who thought the government was brainwashing people with neuro-linguistic programing and was found unfit to stand trial do to his paranoid schizophrenia at least at first. You can't pin him to the right. He was no tea party-er

So they pushed against him to the extent of the law. Again, where are the brown shirts who is marching in the streets. No mention of Evergreen, does that ruin your narrative?
Do I need to get the video of Dem. reps speaking to former President Bush that nominating a Supreme Court justice in his final year is highly improper? to Not to mention you can't pin every Gov. shutdown on the Rep. You want to and the media did but it isn't true. The first shutdown was caused when the Rep. refused to pass a budget proposed by the Dem. The second was caused when the Dem. refused to pass a budget proposed by the Rep. How are both of those the Rep. fault. Only if you live on a planet where your side is always right and the other side is evil.

Good to know that Over 8 years Obama has had about as many attempts on his life that Donald had in the primaries, election, and first 100 days.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Arkle »

Antiboyscout wrote:The Tucson shooter? The guy who thought the government was brainwashing people with neuro-linguistic programing and was found unfit to stand trial do to his paranoid schizophrenia at least at first. You can't pin him to the right. He was no tea party-er
This is actually true. Though you can't tie him to the Left either. He's one of those mass shooters whose political affiliation fall into the category of "indeterminate." I remember at the time the media talking about all the political books he listed as his favorites, but they ran the gamut from Karl Marx to Ayn Rand. Odds are the guy never actually read any of the stuff he posted about and was just trying to look smart.

Of coruse, all of this is pointless. Even setting aside for a moment that more mass shooters, when you can pin down their politics at all, have strong Right Wing leanings, the real common thread here, and one that Righties don't want to talk about for some reason (and by some reason I mean a blind devotion to outdated, arbitrary, and psychologically harmful definition of male-ness), is that these shooters are nearly always Male, Straight, White, and have a history of domestic violence. The word 'nearly' in that last sentence was bolded to make it harder for you to claim I said always and then throw examples of outliers at me.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Antiboyscout »

Careful now, that argument can easily be used to demonize blacks. Men commit more shooting and blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime right? Same argument.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Arkle »

Antiboyscout wrote:Careful now, that argument can easily be used to demonize blacks. Men commit more shooting and blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime right? Same argument.
So racism is what you're using to avoid the covnersation about toxic masculinity then. Okay. On the Foes list you go. You offer nothing of value to this conversation. Buh-bye.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Arkle »

As for me, I'll bow out of this too. I already made my point about how this ad is basically calling for a fascistic purge of academia, not unlike Franco's Spain, Nazi Germany, and other examples the quote I shared listed. The conversation about the link between domestic violence and mass shootings (that Right Wingers like to ignore so they can blame Liberals and/or Muslims because why let logic get in the way of a good bigoted rant) is a carry over from the thread about the Alexandria, VA shooting. Not eneitrely relevant to this conversation.
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Re: Truly bizarre NRA ad...

Post by Antiboyscout »

It's for the best it's not like you addressed the substance of my argument. How is pointing out their gender of a perpetrator any better than pointing out their race. You just resorted to name calling and assurtions about my racism.
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