DIS - Brother

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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DIS - Brother

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

..What mirror universe?
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Rawbeard »

this episode sounds so dumb it makes me want to watch it. I only made it into the 5th episode of season one, I think, when Lorka got taken by the romulan acting klingons. the chain of events was just too much for me to continue...
and is DIS really the official abbreviation? that is not much better than STD if you ask me. thought it was DSC for some reason...
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Mecha82 »

Over all this one didn't seem that bad. I know that that might not had been Chuck's goal but that's impression that I got based on this review.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Mecha82 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:34 pm Over all this one didn't seem that bad. I know that that might not had been Chuck's goal but that's impression that I got based on this review.
Chuck's like, "I gotta make damned certain that everybody has a bad impression of this episode."
..What mirror universe?
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Riedquat »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:16 pm
Mecha82 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:34 pm Over all this one didn't seem that bad. I know that that might not had been Chuck's goal but that's impression that I got based on this review.
Chuck's like, "I gotta make damned certain that everybody has a bad impression of this episode."
The impression I got was tired of Michael but not the rest of it - it's probably the first DIS review that made me think "There's a chance of something worth watching here."
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by TheStarWarsTrek »

(disclaimer: just seen the review, not the episode).

So with the lizard headed alien that sneezes on Not-Spock-Blue-Shirt . . . what is up with that?

This might be a small thing to get hung up on, but hear me out. He is not an animal, he is a sapient being and a part of Star Fleet. Can you imagine that scene where he's replaced with a human, or a human looking alien? A crew member sneezes without covering his mouth - no, worse than that, he actively turns his head to sneeze into a superior officer's face, . . . and everyone just ignores it? If I sneezed in a co workers face I would apologize profusely. All the people in the elevator react with indifference at best and amusement at worse.

Now, someone's probably gonna say that it's a cultural thing. Like, maybe the lizard man's species spit at each other as a form of greeting, and he finds it gross when humans kiss or something. But I gotta imagine that even an accepting place like Starfleet draws the line when it comes to hygiene. Or is there also an owl headed alien who throws up owl pellets on the shoes of his captain, and everyone just brushes this off?
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Edvarius »

Maybe it's an awkward moment thing? Like they felt a sneeze coming and turned their head to the side, only to not realize that there was somebody over there. And afterward it feels too awkward to say anything.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by CrypticMirror »

ST:D I think highlights why TNG's greatest weakness was also its greatest strength. I mean the first two seasons being TOS remakes, intermixed with new stuff and developing new characters. It convinced the fanbase that TNG was the same franchise, it felt the same and there was no great severing of tone. It evolved and developed slowly and made the old fans feel welcome all the while it cultivated new ones. ST:D needed that, rather than it being All New, All Different, This Will Change the Face of The Show Forever; which never brings the goodwill.

That is why The Orville feels more like the real show than the real show does. Plus it doesn't have girl!Wesley in it. Oh my god, someone write her into an airlock accident (or have her start mainlining valium, please). I just cannot get Discovery, and I admit having a main character called "Michael" was always going to be a hard sell for me (I have issues regarding people with that name, deep seated emotional issues) regardless of the rest of the show. I know it seems an arbitrary and petty issue to everybody else, but it just meant, for me, that the show had a high bar to clear right from the off and things I might have overlooked in, say, Voyager or ENT, that I would not be able to overlook in this.

Oh well, maybe Discovery S3 will be the one where they get it right.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Linkara »

Feels like the stinger would have been more appropriate for the season finale. XD

I get where Chuck is coming from concerning Michael and unfortunately this season does not help that, but I think the struggle here is in realizing that season one WASN'T an ensemble piece like traditional Trek. It IS the Michael Burnham show because she IS the main character. It's like any show where it's name after a single person - there are other characters, but it is not their show. The name Discovery obviously doesn't imply that, but it's definitely the case by now that Discovery IS the Michael Burnham show and everyone else is a supporting character.

Mind you, season two WAS an improvement over season one, especially in the ensemble cast department. It still has a lot of issues (I could rant for hours about the final battle of the season) and a lot of their attempts at fanservice come across like people not familiar with the material TRYING to slip in references while not understanding the material they're working with, but it is a step up. The mystery is intriguing and the expansion of characters was a breath of fresh air, including undoing one of their massive missteps of last season and building some honest to goodness story with it, too.

Still, I'm more looking forward to season three, wherein we're basically doing what a lot of Trek shows do: call a do-over with what is essentially a second pilot, since they realized setting this show in TOS era was such a dumb, dumb move when nothing looks or feels like TOS, whereas the new status quo in season 3 will allow us a glimpse in an era of Trek that we're not really that familiar with.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by clearspira »

As I have said elsewhere, Tilly and Neelix would have made for an excellent couple. I can only imagine what demonic hellbeast would come out of sex between these two - my money is on Jar Jar Binks.
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