DIS - Brother

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Enterprising »

Edvarius wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:18 pm Maybe it's an awkward moment thing? Like they felt a sneeze coming and turned their head to the side, only to not realize that there was somebody over there. And afterward it feels too awkward to say anything.
Nope, it was a "let's try and get a cheap laugh at Rimmer's expense" moment.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by planescaped »

Every time I see something on this show I am made happy I never bothered with it.

Same thing goes for the new Star Wars movies. I remember someone spoiling something that happened in those for me before apologizing when I told them I hadn't seen any of them, I told them it's fine because I truly don't care and have no intention of ever seeing them, so spoil away.

Discovery elicits the same apathy. Hell, maybe even worse. The show is just so unpleasant and jarring that I struggle even watching Chuck's reviews of it.

Really feels like the writers are too busy trying to push their own insights and morals at the expense of the show. If you wanna do that then write your own damn IP I say. Stop stuffing square pegs into round holes all the damn time.

It is like writing a LOTR spinoff but using Baldurs Gate as a base. Yeah they're both fantasy, but they aren't the same thing. Discovery comes off like they'd rather be writing a show called "Space Voyage" instead of Star Trek, and it confuses and irritates my brain every time I see it. >__>
Last edited by planescaped on Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Admiral X »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:27 pm Two things stood out on the negative side - the science officer dying (to show where disagreeing with Michael gets you? But I might be reading too much into it)
Considering all the usual suspects were cheering about how the "mansplainer" got killed, no, I'd say that was entirely intentional on the part of the writers. Especially given how he was for basically his entire time on screen, and stuff like him getting sneezed on. Basically they made him an assmonkey on purpose and for all their protests that Michael totally isn't a Sue, they helped to bolster the fact that she was with this character and his death. :lol:
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by clearspira »

Admiral X wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:33 pm
Darth Wedgius wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:27 pm Two things stood out on the negative side - the science officer dying (to show where disagreeing with Michael gets you? But I might be reading too much into it)
Considering all the usual suspects were cheering about how the "mansplainer" got killed, no, I'd say that was entirely intentional on the part of the writers. Especially given how he was for basically his entire time on screen, and stuff like him getting sneezed on. Basically they made him an assmonkey on purpose and for all their protests that Michael totally isn't a Sue, they helped to bolster the fact that she was with this character and his death. :lol:
The parallels between Michael and Rey/Holdo are painful to list they really are.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by AllanO »

Nealithi wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:10 am Why is Pike in gold but every other star fleet uniform is the blue jumpsuit? Not saying I do not like it. But I would like to know.
As briefly mentioned in the review the explanation is that the Enterprise crew has the "new" uniforms (or wait were the Discovery uniforms new...), Pike ends up in a standard Discovery ("old") uniform by the end, but I think the other uniforms pop up again as they interact with other crews over the course of the season.


I missed the last couple of eps of season 1 but I was disappointed no one read a fortune cookie because I wanted to apply the old joke, since we finally get one here:
Not every cage is a prison, not every loss eternal... in bed!

Sorry needed to get this out of my system.

I like Discovery okay but it is very gimmicky and silly at times including in trying to be super serious dark and gritty etc., continuity with itself, let alone greater Star Trek is often sacrifice to whatever shiny bauble the writers are pursuing in this scene.

I like Pike in this he seems reasonable and in control most of the time, helps keep an even keel most of the time.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

AllanO wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:38 pm
Nealithi wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:10 am Why is Pike in gold but every other star fleet uniform is the blue jumpsuit? Not saying I do not like it. But I would like to know.
As briefly mentioned in the review the explanation is that the Enterprise crew has the "new" uniforms (or wait were the Discovery uniforms new...), Pike ends up in a standard Discovery ("old") uniform by the end, but I think the other uniforms pop up again as they interact with other crews over the course of the season.
This is a prequel to TOS, so why would the jumpsuits be the new thing?
..What mirror universe?
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by FaxModem1 »

Regarding the sneeze, the Saurian crew member is meant to be a slight gag on the openness of the Federation and Starfleet. The Saurian is meant to pretty much be a reptile monster looking guy, and everyone just says excuse me politely as they shuffle by him into the turbolift. Michael asks how he is doing, and he makes a rasping sound similar to Bossk in Empire Strikes Back. Michael then nods in concern, saying that whatever the guy is sick with had been going around. He then turns and sneezes so as to not sneeze on Michael, hitting not-Spock on accident. Not-Spock even says bless you right after.

It's showing the IDIC of the Federation, where they just treat him like another guy in the elevator, as opposed to the fear and apprehension most would have for sharing a small room with a giant reptile in another work. More of a return to form of how they don't blink at what we'd consider strange today.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Madner Kami »

Except that I am 100% certain that sneezing onto someone will forever be considered a rather rude action.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by clearspira »

FaxModem1 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:03 pm Regarding the sneeze, the Saurian crew member is meant to be a slight gag on the openness of the Federation and Starfleet. The Saurian is meant to pretty much be a reptile monster looking guy, and everyone just says excuse me politely as they shuffle by him into the turbolift. Michael asks how he is doing, and he makes a rasping sound similar to Bossk in Empire Strikes Back. Michael then nods in concern, saying that whatever the guy is sick with had been going around. He then turns and sneezes so as to not sneeze on Michael, hitting not-Spock on accident. Not-Spock even says bless you right after.

It's showing the IDIC of the Federation, where they just treat him like another guy in the elevator, as opposed to the fear and apprehension most would have for sharing a small room with a giant reptile in another work. More of a return to form of how they don't blink at what we'd consider strange today.
Sounds to me like they are saying: ''if you point out that he sneezed on you, you're a racist.''

Actually, y'know what, that would stick well with modern liberalism. Carry on.
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Re: DIS - Brother

Post by Mecha82 »

clearspira wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:39 pm
FaxModem1 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:03 pm Regarding the sneeze, the Saurian crew member is meant to be a slight gag on the openness of the Federation and Starfleet. The Saurian is meant to pretty much be a reptile monster looking guy, and everyone just says excuse me politely as they shuffle by him into the turbolift. Michael asks how he is doing, and he makes a rasping sound similar to Bossk in Empire Strikes Back. Michael then nods in concern, saying that whatever the guy is sick with had been going around. He then turns and sneezes so as to not sneeze on Michael, hitting not-Spock on accident. Not-Spock even says bless you right after.

It's showing the IDIC of the Federation, where they just treat him like another guy in the elevator, as opposed to the fear and apprehension most would have for sharing a small room with a giant reptile in another work. More of a return to form of how they don't blink at what we'd consider strange today.
Sounds to me like they are saying: ''if you point out that he sneezed on you, you're a racist.''

Actually, y'know what, that would stick well with modern liberalism. Carry on.
You are clearly reading too much into that.
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