(DS9) Penumbra

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Archanubis »

FakeGeekGirl wrote:Throughout the final arc she kicks the dog so damn much with Weyoun I was sure they were setting up a "Wormtongue stabbing Sauruman in the back" kind of thing, and when Garak and Kira break into headquarters I half expected them to run into him first and demand to know where Sanders is and him to just be like, "Up one floor to to the right third door on the left." That's not what happens of course - he's so thoroughly loyal to her that even her constantly belittling him and even threatening to have him killed and replaced as soon as the cloning facility is up and running (which leaves him visually shaken) doesn't make a dent in his commitment to the Founders. I think it's the same way with the doctors being executed and replaced - I think if anything, they'd be devastated that they "failed" so thoroughly to "deserve" execution and just grateful they got a "second chance." They'd probably be so desperate after that point they'd start making stupid mistakes out of panic or vacillating on necessary decisions out of excessive self-doubt - Vorta seem pretty cool under pressure but even they have to have limits (Weyoun did briefly lose it when Dukat made the wormhole disappear), and for many human scientists at least pressure + science = no bueno.
Keep in mind that the Vorta are genetically programmed to be loyal to the Founders to a fault. Aberrations like Weyoun 6 aside, the Vorta are literally unable to even conceive that the Founders could be wrong, about anything (and if anything, the Jem'Hadar seem more prone to "aberrations" in their genetic programming than the Vorta - which seems strange, when you think about it).

As for "Sandy's" disposition - well, her deteriorating condition probably isn't helping her mood any. 8-)
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Dînadan »

Archanubis wrote: Keep in mind that the Vorta are genetically programmed to be loyal to the Founders to a fault. Aberrations like Weyoun 6 aside, the Vorta are literally unable to even conceive that the Founders could be wrong, about anything (and if anything, the Jem'Hadar seem more prone to "aberrations" in their genetic programming than the Vorta - which seems strange, when you think about it).
Adding to this, its worth noting that Weyoun 6 was only able to reconcile his 'aberration' by latching onto Odo as a Founder substitute; if Odo hadn't stood opposed to the Dominion then it's likely 6 wouldn't have even concidered switching sides.
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Madner Kami
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Madner Kami »

Archanubis wrote:Keep in mind that the Vorta are genetically programmed to be loyal to the Founders to a fault. Aberrations like Weyoun 6 aside, the Vorta are literally unable to even conceive that the Founders could be wrong, about anything (and if anything, the Jem'Hadar seem more prone to "aberrations" in their genetic programming than the Vorta - which seems strange, when you think about it).

As for "Sandy's" disposition - well, her deteriorating condition probably isn't helping her mood any. 8-)
There are houndreds, if not thousands of Jem'Hadar made for every single Vorta. As a rule of thumb, I'd expect there to be, percentage-wise, as many "flawed" or flawed Vorta, as there are Jem'Hadar, leading to tons of abberant Jem'Hadar that go about unnoticed. Keevan, for example, isn't exactly the most loyal subject either, which already raises the toll of flawed Vorta to 2 out of 9 named Vorta within the show, equalling an abberation-rate of 22% and, if Weyoun 6's "defection" is any sort of indication, then certain shades of disloyalty are to be expected even in the most loyal subjects.

In the end, all of it may simply come down to a variation of Asimov's Laws. They all may be imprinted both genetically and doctrinally, to revere the Founders as flawless gods, but the rules were made by flawed beings who percieve themselves as never-failing, which opens the gate wide for loopholes within the rules and the Founders are self-absorbed enough, to not even recognize their own flaws anymore, as long as it doesn't fly in their face in the form of an open rebellion. Just look at characters like the head-Jem'Hadar in the prison where Worf was fighting in the circle. It's clear that he isn't disloyal, but he clearly breaches the rules of conduct set for him and he still ended up as being a head-Jem'Hadar.
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