DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Winter »

In regards to DC animation I personally feel that they've gone down hill the last few years, mostly because they're trying to hard to be hard core and edgy which is a problem with DC as a whole cause as Linkara pointed out it has gotten to Dark and to violent. However, what makes it even worse, for me at least, is that the comics have recently made great strides to get away from that image with DC Rebirth as while it still indulges in the darker elements its' no where near as bad as it was with the New 52. Or rather, no story I've seen has gotten to Dark.

The closest series in DC's resent run that is Very Dark and Very Violent is DC's Doomsday Clock and in all fairness it is the Sequel to Watchmen which itself was a Very Dark and Violent Graphic Novel so it is rather fitting. But for what ever reason, now that the comics are, for the most part, moving away from the elements that gave DC a bad name it seems like there are some parts of the company that are desperately trying to drag it bad down with the most notable offenders being the Upcoming Titans live action series which has Dick Grayson's Robin saying F Batman, Dove, who is a pacifist, killing people. Beast Boy needing to strip naked to transform with said transformations looking rather painful to some extent and Starfire dressed like a hooker.

And of course, DC animations with causal swearing, nudity and very Very gory death scenes. I get wanting to take stories in more mature directions but honestly the DC Animated Universe was able to tell mature stories without resorting to toilet humor, pointless sex scenes and over the top gory death scenes.

I actually have a similar problem with the resent Star Wars films which includes scenes like Luke milking a alien breasts for her green milk, characters being more violent then they were originally and a rather surprising number of tentacles, (seriously between The Force Awakens, Rouge One and Solo: A Star Wars Movie there has been a steady increase in tentacles in Star Wars). I also had a similar problem with a number of Star Wars EU stories which also tended to include story elements that I would rather not get into TBH.

And the same thing happened with Star Trek in both Enterprise and Discovery, though in all fairness to a lesser extent with the later as the series has also had over the top violence, characters acting like jerks for no real reason.

I'm not against these sort of story or seeing heroes I've known since child hood acting like jerks as everyone has their bad days, their are places in the real world where horrible things happen. The Marvel Netflix shows are good examples of this as they tend to look at the less savory side of things and for the most part, it works though I do think they take things a little to far more often then not it works very well.

Same thing for the resent Tomb Raider games which also have some rather violent moments but it never feels forced, at least for me and while I feel that Rise and Shadow aren't as strong as the first game they're still good and I do enjoy them and look forward to more games in the series.

But with series like Titans, the Resent DC animated films, Enterprise and even Star Wars I have to ask, why does this keep happening? Why do so many series meant for general audience try to be as violent and as over the top as possible?
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

Nealithi wrote: Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:45 pm
Wargriffin wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:55 pm Meanwhile in Doomsday Clock....



A mere Six inches


I see nothing
Not sure if I like the Watchmen crossover one though there does seem to be a sense of relief that there is a blank spot ahead. Almost as though he is looking forward to it. (Pardon the pun)

The Alan Scott one feels like he chose his outcome as he hated what the world had become.
Odd but there is feeling in these single pages. Nicely crafted.

As long as it doesn't descend into Watchmen destroyed Comics' pure soul nonsense
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Nealithi »

Wargriffin wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:23 pm
As long as it doesn't descend into Watchmen destroyed Comics' pure soul nonsense
Pure soul?

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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Yukaphile »

Wanna see my list of downloaded comics so far for DC?

Through my journey into DC by getting as many comics as I can, I'm learning who Captain Marvel is, and I think he's pretty cool. Recently I downloaded Shazam Vol 1 (1973-1978). :)
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

https://www.reddit.com/r/TitansTV/comme ... x02_promo/

Ya know... at this point Geoff's so called love for Dawn as Dove is becoming more and more questionable

as the first thing he does with HIS version of the Hawk and Dove is Either A: Have her be yet another sexual conquest for Manwhore Extraordinaire Dick Grayson or B: which is worse, Having her Cheat on Hank with Manwhore Extraordinaire Dick Grayson

So is it that time we call Linkara and just have THAT LONG discussion about Geoff Johns...
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Yukaphile »


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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

Heroes in Crisis continues to be slow as balls

The DC verse Drowns

Mr Miracle has broken my brain
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

Sideways and the Terrifics cancelled...

Seriously of all the new age of Heroes

Damage is the one that sticks!
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

So... yeah... Tom King just dethroned Geoff Johns as the Titan killer... and DC continuity makes no sense 'big surprise'
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Re: DC Comics General Discussion [Spoilers]

Post by Wargriffin »

Rebirth Deathstroke is still one of the more consistently good books to come out of Rebirth sad Priest is gone at 50#

Right now its Solidus Slade who is totally supposed to be Total Bastard New 52 Slade vs Solid Slade who is still kind of a bastard but has a heart deep down in there... somewhere


Linkara takes on the Bizarre mash up of Gail Simone and Rob Liefeld
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