Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

For this crossover, man, I have some really freaky trippy space-time concepts planned. Anyone wanna hear them? I even know how it ends!
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by AquaReggie »

Hmm, I'm willing to do what I can to help. I'm pretty familiar with Trek, very familiar with Star Wars (as in, I owned one of those "Ultimate Guide to Vehicles/Weapons/etc." line of books many a year back). I guess what I'm struggling with is how one would manage an 8-way crossover without feeling like it was overlooking things while simultaneously becoming overly complicated.

I'll take an example from the Kantai Collection Ideas and Fics thread on Spacebattles (and a similar one on Said idea starts by taking the shipgirls (TL;DR for Kantai Collection: waifu manifestations/spirits of WW2 warships who returned in the modern day fight to aquatic undead) and sending them back in time to the 1940s. Then we ask "What happens?" Answer: The Axis shipgirls depose their leadership or try to talk the saner and less war-crimesy officers into backing down before their countries are devastated by an unwinnable war, theologians the world over have to reevaluate doctrines to cover the idea of spiritual manifestations being real, etc.

Now if you suddenly added to that scenario: "And then the Martians from War of the Worlds invade! But, this is all a plot by the Foundation to ensure that their psychohistorical predictions of the future of mankind go ahead!" etc, it adds dimensions to everything that make it really complicated without necessarily serving the core premise.

That said, again I'll pitch in if you want input on the Star Wars side of things, caveat being that I haven't really done much with the Old Republic Era
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

Thank you! That would be awesome.

And yeah, there's a danger of bogging it down. I ejected many other stories in favor of these final eight, which included Animorphs, Transformers, The Culture, and so on. Not Doctor Who, though, lol. Even I am not dumb enough to think anyone else could stand a chance with them in the picture. Especially Time War era.

In the time of my last posting, I have since revised the summary further as well as the ideas and the timeline (I actually HAVE a coherent timeline now, and a slow narrative is forming).

I'm not really sure what you are trying to say here. If you actually mean "examining how these radically different verses line up," that's reserved for Part 2. Part 1 is madly scrambling about to try and get things done before the various wars in these separate verses overwhelm them. The Dominion War takes a turn for the worse when a secret party leaks Sisko's deception to the quadrant, and thus the Romulans side with the Dominion instead. They have to depose President Clark in Babylon 5 and deal with the Shadow War as well. And then that secret party also drags in the Imperials from the past, but there is also the New Republic shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War and after the treaty that ended the Galactic Civil War and sanctioned the Imperial Remnant as all that is left of the Empire. Part 1 ends with all these verses discovered so far having things stabilize, briefly. The New Republic/Federation/Babylon 5 allied fleet drive off the Imperials from the Trek galaxy, but given that they had attracted the Borg, they then begin an invasion of their galaxy, alongside the Shadows influencing Vader. They also force the Compact Treaty that lets the Dominion stay in Cardassian and Romulan space, given the superior firepower of New Republican ships, and speed advantages, and pragmatic as ever, Weyoun and the female Changeling accepts this, but plot ways to turn this to their advantage. And the Shadow War had taken a brief pause given all that transpires between the verses, that Luke, a mere human, had let the essence of Kosh into his mind, which is sacrilege to the Vorlons, and the Shadows saw how devastating the Jedi were against their ships (even more effective than the telepaths which power them), and so they want to find new ways to turn this to their advantage with contact between other universes established. This forms the Compact Alliance or the Compact Allied Forces.

Part 2 is where they begin branching out, trying to find more Stargates, and also acquiring more technology out of a sense of preservation. Like the Cold War. This allows for more breathing room. It's also where ReBoot comes into the story, a virtual reality of sentient programs within the fabric of computer networking. That said, I have NO IDEA how to resolve the stuff with the UNSC vs. Covenant war in Part 1, since they are one of the verses involved. And it takes place only a month before Halo 2 and in fact as the Battle of Installation 04 in Halo: Combat Evolved rages on. And of course, Warhammer 40,000 comes late into the story. This is really a story of serial escalation, as things keep getting worse. And as I said, I think I finally have the ending planned. I now know the ending and the beginning.

I'd put my ideas here so far, but I'm afraid they would be TLDR for most people.

Don't worry, this is NOT Old Republic. This is post-Endor Legends of the time of the Young Jedi Knights and the era around Return of the Jedi. ;)
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

But, now I finally DO have a beginning and end. The beginning is where Captain Picard is recalled to Earth during the events of "In the Pale Moonlight." See, Vash had been part of the Mars archaeological expedition to unearth some ancient ruins in an area of Mars that had never been explored, but had signs of previous habitation. They found a Stargate and a Quantum Mirror. She vanished through the Quantum Mirror while disobeying orders and had pilfered their research. Starfleet Command knew Picard would wanna investigate this, but the real reason the Enterprise-E has been called here instead of the front lines is that they deep down wanna "show the flag," reassure nervous citizens back on Earth and throughout the solar system that Starfleet IS dedicated to their protection, especially since there are rumors of a Dominion battle fleet in the area following the fall of Betazed. After a few days, Picard learns how to activate the Stargate (I figure this is good for plot reasons since primitive Earth took a while, but still did it, and the Feds are way more advanced), and brings the report back to Starfleet, that it is a contained wormhole within a portal-gate, unlike anything they have ever seen before. It's unknown if Vash vanished through it, but they do need intel on this. In the end, since Picard is an accomplished mediator and well-versed in first-contact situations, given the disaster with the Dominion that has led to the current war, Starfleet approves his travel through the Stargate, but with a set time limit to return before they blow it up, hoping maybe they will find where Vash had taken their stolen data. He heads through, and that kicks off everything.

Perhaps not the end, since there will be an extended series of epilogues to show what happens following the last battle, but the climax comes when things are worse than they have ever been. The Temple at Ulnar with the Keystone was the intersecting nexus for ALL of reality within the foldspace matrix, and now destroyed, the Warp is spreading out of control. Sisko has fallen to Khorne, and the Celestial Temple is now part of Chaos. Q had appeared to give hints, like in "All Good Things...", but nevertheless wanted humanity to solve this on their own. And, finally, they come to unlock some of the greatest secrets of the universe. That's a significant theme here. Unlocking the earliest secrets of existence. In this case, the Force had been a Q construct, both generated off of and sustained by life, through the miid-chlorians, and the Omega molecules were another Q construct spawned off during the time of the Big Bang at the earliest history of the universe. The Force was designed as a way to access the power of the Q through a biological form as a minuscule "avatar of the Q," and Omega molecules are the way to achieve the power of the Q via a technological process. If the two, midi-chlorians and Omega molecules, were to ever be harnessed, then through an Ascension process like on Stargate, one could transcend into a Q, not given Q powers like Riker had by Q, but reaching such a level on their own. With Chaos out of control, I'd imagine that the Federation, with the remnants spearheaded by Captain Picard, construct a meditation sphere out of Omega molecules, where Luke heads inside to meditate. Luke is the one to become Q, but in the end, he simply purifies Chaos, and gives up all the power he had to return to the way he was. It was meant as a true test of life by the Q, for whichever person or race had reached this great level, what they did would be a true test of character. And it showed off the great potential life had. Luke did not wipe out the Chaos Gods like he could have, he just purified them. Then comes the extended epilogues.

Also, I'd like to discuss how the multiverse was constructed in this story. The Q, you see, were the original sapient species, a race long forgotten to time, in the Progenitor Universe. Over time, though, they took to the stars, but found no other life, merely those they uplifted or genetically engineered and "Q" became a term for their new collective union. As the universe expanded, they also expanded, similar to the Downstreamers from Manifold (there are many such shout-outs in this fic). They grew into galaxy-spanning neutrino consciousness that survived the heat death of the Progenitor Universe through a similar process to Ascension from Stargate and technology. However, they felt life still had had so much potential, and reached back to the Big Bang in order to "tweak" the quanta that made up the expanding blast of energy with a certain spatial/temporal "vibration." The new universe to shape would have an expanding cycle of death and rebirth, through quantum superposition, and that at the end of each cycle, the universe would then "clone off" itself into another, separate, almost identical but subtly altered universe, though a technique of folding space. As a result, each of the eight verses in this fic belong to a "foldspace iteration" much further down the line. Here is what I have come up with so far.

1) First foldspace iteration — Star Trek
2) Second foldspace iteration — StarCraft
3) Third foldspace iteration — Star Wars
4) Fourth foldspace iteration — Halo
5) Fifth foldspace iteration — Warhammer 40,000
6) Sixth foldspace iteration — Babylon 5
7) Seventh foldspace iteration — Stargate

ReBoot does not count since it is the fabric of anthropomorphized virtual reality programming within computer networks.

There you go. Thoughts?
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Simplicius »

I would be interested in reading this once you've written it up in prose form. Other than that, I fear that I cannot offer much input.

How are you factoring in other Q-esque beings, like the Traveller, the Cytherians and so on?
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

Already got a plan. The Q created the multiverse. Wanna know how?
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Simplicius »

Sure. Let's hear it.
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

I just realized, I wrote that up above. Oops.
Also, I'd like to discuss how the multiverse was constructed in this story. The Q, you see, were the original sapient species, a race long forgotten to time, in the Progenitor Universe. Over time, though, they took to the stars, but found no other life, merely those they uplifted or genetically engineered and "Q" became a term for their new collective union. As the universe expanded, they also expanded, similar to the Downstreamers from Manifold (there are many such shout-outs in this fic). They grew into galaxy-spanning neutrino consciousness that survived the heat death of the Progenitor Universe through a similar process to Ascension from Stargate and technology. However, they felt life still had had so much potential, and reached back to the Big Bang in order to "tweak" the quanta that made up the expanding blast of energy with a certain spatial/temporal "vibration." The new universe to shape would have an expanding cycle of death and rebirth, through quantum superposition, and that at the end of each cycle, the universe would then "clone off" itself into another, separate, almost identical but subtly altered universe, though a technique of folding space. As a result, each of the eight verses in this fic belong to a "foldspace iteration" much further down the line. Here is what I have come up with so far.

1) First foldspace iteration — Star Trek
2) Second foldspace iteration — StarCraft
3) Third foldspace iteration — Star Wars
4) Fourth foldspace iteration — Halo
5) Fifth foldspace iteration — Warhammer 40,000
6) Sixth foldspace iteration — Babylon 5
7) Seventh foldspace iteration — Stargate
In any case, since the seventh foldspace iteration is where humans first developed, a lot of this fic is about weird twisting time travel. The Alterans were the first to use technology to break through to a previous iteration, and that paved the way to head back in time to the first foldspace iteration. Wanna see the timeline?
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Simplicius »

I'd be interested in seeing the timeline, sure.

How are you portraying the Q? Mysterious and solemn? Arrogant and reckless? Something else?
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Re: Need help with "Star Chronicles" (my eight-way sci-fi fanfiction)

Post by Yukaphile »

The timeline. Be warned, it IS going to be a bit confusing, given the nature of warped space-time folding timeline stuff in this fic, lol.
16,000,000,000 B.C.
The Progenitor Universe is formed in the original Big Bang. The only sapient animals to rise and develop within this Progenitor Universe are the Q, who take to the stars on wings of exploration, and end up finding no other intelligence in this Progenitor Universe except for themselves even as they wind up genetically engineering new life, with "the Q" merely being the collective name which they take for this union.
Reaching their cosmic fingers back across time, the Q Continuum in their ascended lossless computing substrate form "tweak" the physical quanta which makes up the burst of energy expanding outward to add a layer of special variety of spatial and temporal vibrations onto it which ensures the universe repeats in a cycle of death and rebirth, with the potential and ability to add to itself at the end of every cycle as the previous iteration folds in on itself and detaches into another universe cloned off the one that came before with the Progenitor Universe as the base template in a new system of multiversal creation and expansion.
With the foldspace computing matrix which resets the universe to spawn off into new foldspace iterations engineered by the Continuum, the Q manifest a conceptual and intangible realm of nonspace separated from the material universe known as the Immaterium which is built as the binding fabric between each foldspace iteration.
Having pioneered the Atavism of the Force as a way to unlock the power of the Q through biological form much further down the line the Q Continuum now reach back into the first foldspace iteration to pioneer what can be classified as "Omega molecules"; a source of great power and energy which is present from the Big Bang and is in fact vital to harnessing the might of the Q through a technological process, designed so that when the midi-chlorians are filtered through Omega molecules by means of Ascension process, transcendence into Q would instantly take place: The ultimate test to reveal the motives and true nature to the first being or species to reach this level without help.
The first foldspace iteration passes unremarkably. In the second iteration to spawn off of the Progenitor Universe, however, the first noteworthy life to develop are the Warp beings inside the Void that are known as the Xel'naga, who survive through the entire endless length of the history of their universe, yet foresee how even they can fade when the universe ends. As a result, they set up the Infinite Cycle to make sure they survive as a race through each age of universal rebirth.
The Xel'naga construct the Keystone at the Temple of Ulnar as an intersecting nexus between all of reality; with this done, the Xel'naga enter a new universe at the dawn of universal creation, and guide each race with the potential of purity of essence and purity of form toward coming together naturally throughout the eons, where they shall be inevitably drawn to unite at the Temple of Ulnar and be bestowed the essence of the Xel'naga that will see them through to the next iteration of universal creation in this Infinite cycle, ensuring the immortality of the Xel'naga.
The third foldspace iteration passes by as unremarkably as first one, while a couple sapient species end up making it to the Temple at Ulnar through the eons, transcending to the second generation of Xel'naga within the fourth foldspace iteration.
The fourth foldspace iteration also passes without any issues, leading to the fifth and sixth iterations, where everything is disrupted in the sixth and seventh foldspace iterations.
The last point in the Infinite Cycle concludes with the transference of the Xel'naga essence to those who possess purity of form and purity of essence, and among those uplifted is a newly formed Xel'naga known as Amon, who had dreamed of glory, yet then came to despise being torn from his previous life, feeling the transformation had been forced on him or at the very least that he had been lied to now since he had become part of the Infinite Cycle itself.
13,000,000,000 B.C.
On the Planet Celestis of the seventh foldspace iteration, the Alterans evolve and progress into the first evolution of humanity, and soon, they take to outer space, settling the galaxy and moving far past that over the due course of time.
7,000,000,000 B.C.
Lorien is born to a naturally immortal race and as time continues, eventually he passes the threshold to sentience, staring on the suns burning bright in space and wondering if there's something "more" to what his limited senses perceive, with his brain taking on newer and increasingly stronger dimensions in correspondence with all these changes as the first of life within the sixth foldspace iteration to ultimately achieve such a level of understanding.
Lorien meets Amon, described as an "ancient of the ancients," as compared to himself, "The First One who is not First," where the two discuss their role in history, their place across the larger universe with Lorien fresh and young and naïve, full of ambitious dreams, a vigor that sustains the disillusioned Amon for a spell as Lorien vows to break the Infinite Cycle through the will of other races, ushering them into a collective of learning and understanding, and setting himself up to be the being who can direct others to rise among his species to cross into meta-intelligence, a First One for the many other First Ones to follow him.
Lorien and his race venture out into the larger galaxy, meet other Ancient First Ones, and share in learning and knowledge. As the eons crawl by and more and more sentient species arise this forms together into the center of collective guidance, judgment, and wisdom dubbed the Belkan Empire, possibly named after Lorien's race, who preside above the Younger First Ones and act as their teachers and guardians to nurture and develop them, and then step aside when it is time to let these new First Ones instruct the Younger Races themselves, with the Belkan Empire always acting as a source of direction for those who require it.
In an unaltered chronology of events the Belkan Empire could have withstood long until the end of the sixth foldspace iteration with Amon resolved to crush the Infinite Cycle when Lorien's methods failed to transfer over into the seventh foldspace iteration.
While expanding through space, the Alterans are the first to break through the dimensional barriers of space-time vibrations to journey back into previous iterations of universal expansion, which immediately draws the attention of the Q, who sense enormous potential in them and vow to watch them closely from this point on.
During their treks through previous iterations, the Alterans come into contact with the Belkan Empire, who like the Q, spot their potential and welcome them in to take their place as part of the Belkan Empire and the Council of the First Ones.
A brilliant Alteran scientist Amelius designs something which he christens the Ark of Truth that has an ability to override free will to convince the recipients the "truth," though it is entirely dependent on what is true and not false; upon being finished, the Council of the First Ones convenes and ultimately decrees such an item is too dangerous to ever put to use and it is discarded but not destroyed, as Amelius gears himself toward other pursuits.
As the Belkan Empire spreads through time and space, Amelius revolutionizes the future of the multiverse by inventing a contained wormhole within a portal to allow for practically instantaneous transit between multiple dimensions in the space-time continuum all based on the principles which were used to breach past the seven vibrations of the multiverse, and the gateways are dubbed the Stargates as it is through these Stargates that the Belkan Empire keeps expanding in a union of collective knowledge while throughout the Belkan Empire, the Alterans are known as the Gatekeepers, an honored role they happily fulfill.
During the period of the Belkan Empire the Guardian of Forever is constructed in the first foldspace iteration as a Stargate fused to the consciousness of its maker while being capable of a far wider range of functions, but like the Stargates, it is more than capable of breaking through the seven vibrations into future iterations of the foldspace matrix.
In their expansion the Belkan Empire engineers a Great Barrier in two galaxies far removed across the universe in the first and third foldspace iterations in attempting to phase-displace the celestial bodies through time and space to replace their far-distant counterparts, but the test fails as the Council of the First Ones decrees it terminated, and yet nevertheless leaving the Great Barrier fields intact.
While overseeing the engineering of the Great Barrier, a colony of Alterans is left forgotten and lost in the galaxy of the first foldspace iteration, and over the eons, trapped and believing they are alone in a galaxy with no other sentient life present, they evolve from the Alterans into the Progenitors, a name they take for themselves with their plans to seed life across the galaxy they cannot escape from.
4,500,000,000 B.C.
Having thrived alone for billions of years the Progenitors seed DNA fragments on to many worlds throughout the first foldspace iteration galaxy to leave behind their essence, everything they were, along with a programmed genetic message to direct evolution of life to a similar upright bipedal form. Not long after this, they are recovered by the Belkan Empire, who adopt a formal policy of seeding life across universes and uplifting any species they deem worthy.
3,000,000,023 B.C.
Picard's fleet emerges into the Kinrath Galaxy, billions of years in the past of the third foldspace iteration. Admiral Ackbar's armada arrives to investigate them: After an explanation, their task force is escorted to Coruscant via the use of the New Republican tractor beams. Luke Skywalker, meanwhile, senses the disturbance in the Force and he hastily leaves the Jedi Praxeum to track the disruption back to its source.
Picard presents his appeal before the New Republic Senate to assist them in being brought to their proper destination. In the name of like-minded ideals. That does not convince them, so Luke arrives to make a passionate argument on his behalf, sensing how that is something the New Jedi Order must do, to provide aid wherever it is needed, given their personal experiences with the former Galactic Empire.
The New Republic Senate approves the use of a small task force overseen by the Jedi to help these extragalactics after having been assuaged of their misgivings with Data's explanation on all they have learned in manipulating the wormhole; though tension keeps rising especially among the Bothan delegation, led by Borsk Fey'lya.
The allied task force under the joint command of Captain Picard, Admiral Ackbar, and Luke Skywalker sets out on their journey and create a geodesic fold into Coruscant Prime, passing billions of years into the future over a spatially-folded alternate dimensional plane.
1,000,000,000 B.C.
The distinction begins to be made between the Ancient First Ones and the Younger First Ones which soon follow among the Belkan Empire.
500,000,000 B.C.
To store the great data they have accumulated, the Belkan Empire engineers the Precursor Domain in the fourth foldspace iteration.
300,000,000 B.C.
Curious about an age-old mystery which the First Ones had been left with, the Belkan Empire calls a Council of the First Ones and agrees to an experiment to test the nature with how expertly the Progenitors had seeded their DNA instructions on millions of planets to evolve towards an upright and bipedal form resembling themselves on a small blue planet third from its star which has cropped up constantly in each foldspace iteration they travel to by engineering reptilian species, the earliest of the dinosaurs in order to chart their rise with their evolution of life over the process of hundreds of millions of years. The planet in question is dubbed Terra or Earth.
100,000,000 B.C.
The slow, cold-blooded but wise Old Ones, a group of reptilian First Ones, expand their understanding of reality to such a degree that they undertake immense works of psychic engineering based upon the purely grounded sciences of the Alterans by manipulating the Immaterium to form the Warp Gates and build the Webway as a conduit to traverse through realspace by means of Warpspace in the fifth foldspace iteration.
87,000,000 B.C.
The D'Arsay Archive is launched in the first foldspace iteration.
65,000,000 B.C.
Spotting the approach of an asteroid to Earth, a Council of the First Ones is convened and declares the experiment to be a failure, though feeling life is sacred, it is also agreed upon to preserve the dangerously exotic wildlife on this planet, as they transplant all of the dinosaurs to the largely barren Delta Quadrant so they can continue to evolve in isolation, while the First Ones allow the asteroid to hit and, across the other iterations with this experiment use their mighty space technology to tractor other great space objects and hurl them at Earth, causing a mass-extinction event that within only a hundred years, has left the Earth devoid of the once majestic reptiles.
60,000,000–50,000,000 B.C.
In the fifth foldspace iteration through time and space an old race known as the Necrontyr travel out on slow-moving ships with stasis crypts to escape the hellish radiation of their sun-blasted homeworld. During their journey, the Necrontyr dynasties spread throughout space where they encounter the Old Ones, and petition them for the secrets to immortality to relieve their short, cancer-filled existence. The Old Ones take it before the Council of the First Ones, where it is rejected.
The Necrontyr, burning with outrage, launch a war against the First Ones to unite their race following the Wars of Secession, but they are driven back into isolation by the Old Ones, who could have wiped them out, but opted not to, and while in exile, the Necrontyr become aware of the C'tan, constructing them necrodermis shells to inhabit as their Star Gods to wield as weapons against the Old Ones; in return, the C'tan, hungry for new material pleasures they never knew about, bestow the Necrontyr the process of bio-transference into necrodermis shells which reforges them as the Necrons, mindless slaves to Silent King Szarekh.
Glutted upon the life energies of the Necrontyr, the War in Heaven begins that draws in the whole Belkan Empire with planets and stars blasted out of existence and whole systems consumed with black holes as the Necron legions assail the Old Ones in the Webway in a cosmic harvesting process that threatens to destabilize the Belkan Empire completely if left unchecked for long.
While pulling back the C'tan begin infighting that leaves only four in existence, giving the Belkan Empire time required to seed new psyker races with Warp-spawned sorcery to strike back upon the C'tan and their Necron slaves. Among these new races are the Eldar.
These psyker Younger Races soon experience growing pains and collective psychic flaws which throw the Immaterium into anarchy as suffering and war and death coalesce in the Sea of Souls, rendering at the vulnerable psykers, and their environment is remade into Chaos. Warp beings like the Enslavers descend to totally ravage the fifth foldspace iteration galaxy.
Now deeply horrified by the events unfolding, a Council of the First Ones is convened, and the Belkan Empire agrees to close off the fifth foldspace iteration for the multiverse's sake, which the Alterans attend to, a task they feel unhappy with, but perform nevertheless, yet they leave one functional Stargate intact upon Terra in secret.
With the War in Heaven won the Necrons, led under the Silent King Szarekh, now rebel against the C'tan and divide them into fragments where each C'tan shard is encased within a multidimensional Tesseract Labyrinth, and with this completed and weakened from overthrowing their masters, the Necrons, predicting that the Eldar will inherit the galaxy and deciding to let the psyker swarm inevitably die down, withdraw to Tomb Worlds to a Great Sleep to wait the sixty million years for the time they can rise again and dominate the new life that will evolve in the absence of the First Ones and the Belkan Empire.
The aftermath following the War in Heaven ignites a chain reaction leading to the much feared destabilization of the Belkan Empire some among the First Ones had been concerned over with the Alterans as the most vocal opponent given the role they had been forced to endure in destroying the Stargates in the fifth iteration, which sets the Belkan Empire on a course to collapse in the next forty million years.
50,000,000 B.C.
Among the Alterans a philosophical schism develops between two factions, the first of whom, known as the Ori, want to progress into a belief in religion while the smaller faction sticks to a solid grounding in the rationality of science; and over time, these viewpoints diverge so radically the two groups split apart and begin opposing one another, culminating with the Ori trying to destroy the disobedient Alterans.
The remaining Alterans retreat and hide on Celestis where they then petition the use of the Ark of Truth on the Ori but ultimately withdraw their petition before the Council of First Ones even has time to render a judgment on it, eroding faith in the venerability of the First Ones, and further splintering the already destabilized Belkan Empire when the Gatekeepers secede from the wise union to seek their own way.
20,000,000 B.C.
The dinosaurs transplanted by the First Ones have evolved to the species known as the Voth, who take to the stars on starships and consider themselves the first race to dawn in the Delta Quadrant.
15,000,000 B.C.
A seeder race within the Belkan Empire, with a renewed attempt to reinvigorate their primary mandate centered around the dedication of life and in sharing in knowledge and learning as well as giving guidance and wisdom to all the Younger Races, spawns the Forerunners on the Planet Ghibalb in the fourth foldspace iteration.
10,000,000 B.C.
The Forerunners, seeing all the Belkan Empire has built and feeling envious of their power despite knowing they are at a pinnacle of their decadence, decide to overthrow the seeder race, the Precursors whom are attempting to mentor them and rally together into their own new interdimensional empire, their name reflecting it, as defiance of the First Ones; to such an end, the Forerunners conscript the Ori to assist them in this rebellion, as the Ori are at last able to hit the Alterans with a devastating plague, reducing their numbers in the Milky Way colony within the seventh foldspace iteration, leading many of the Alterans Ascending in order to escape from death.
The Forerunners win their war and the Precursors, the last of the idealistic Younger First Ones are thus driven into the Large Magellanic Cloud, where they reduce themselves into an inert powder, to await the eons to one day when they can regenerate their forms, although over time this dust deteriorates, spawning the parasitic Flood.
With the Ori emerging as fully dominant in the schism between them and the Alterans as well as the Forerunners succeeding in establishing their own galactic dominance, free of the Precursors, the last Council of the First Ones of the Belkan Empire is convened, and while there is no official dissolution, the various races as part of the former center of learning and growth and knowledge make fleetingly less contact with one another, except to guide the many Younger Races within their own realms and spheres of influence. As Lorien later notes the Empire fell because they "forgot to love," that they had become so old in belief that, in the end, they thought in terms of the pure abstract, large groups, seeing stars and planets and galaxies and failing to see individuals, how small actions can make huge consequences.
3,000,000 B.C.
The Vorlons, a Younger First One race in the sixth iteration, whose familiarity to the Belkan Empire is that of legends and galactic myths, undertake what they feel is their special duty to oversee the galaxy as a seeder civilization following the abandoning of the Belkan Empire, and start uplifting many of the Younger Races and in manipulating their biology so to be programmed to view them as "beings of light."
1,000,000 B.C.
The City on the Edge of Forever is constructed by one of the First Ones around the Guardian of Forever, though the First Ones disregard the Guardian as a sentient lifeform and thus is not asked a question.
The Vorlons undergo a schism in their society who feel the Shadows have the right approach in guiding the Younger Races and in time side with the Shadows to wage war against the Vorlons, which is ended with the renegade Vorlons losing this conflict, and fleeing to the Progenitor Milky Way. Throughout the centuries, the exiled Vorlons come into contact with the Shadows and mix their DNA into their genetic composition, evolving into the Undine while holding a bitter grudge in their hearts against their Vorlon cousins, and building up their forces to prepare for that day to dawn to take their revenge upon the Vorlons.
600,000 B.C.
The Vorlons uplift the Vulcans in the first foldspace iteration.
500,000 B.C.
The remnants of the Alterans within the first foldspace iteration Milky Way Galaxy have at this time mostly died out and all of this due to the Ori contagion or Ascended into higher planes of reality. A small group of the Alterans — not able to Ascend — instead, opt to leave behind their consciousness implanted into receptacles hidden in an underground vault, led by Sargon as well as his wife, Thalassa. Attempting to undo the mistakes of the past, Sargon invites along an Ori, Henoch, who like them is able unable to Ascend, and awaiting the day one of the Younger Races seeded during the time of the Belkan Empire and after will come to find them.
200,000 B.C.
To counter the Vorlons and the way they have uplifted hundreds of species within the first foldspace iteration galaxy to psychic races the Shadows now graft cybernetic implants upon one of the Younger Races in the Delta Quadrant called the Taratimude, serving as the template for the Borg Collective. In time even the Shadows themselves will come to disregard them as a failure as the Borg begin expanding with the assimilation of other sapient races into their collective consciousness, promoting efficiency and enforced order, thus the Shadows leave them to grow unchecked while the technology used will later be refined into the Techno-mages.
c. 7800 B.C.
With most of the First Ones having left the Shadows feel the time is right to confront the Vorlons directly and go to war on them alongside the Undine. However, an alliance with the other First Ones ensures that the Undine are thwarted again, and sealed off in a higher dimensional plane known as Fluidic Space by the Vorlons, with their hatred now extending to all sentient life.
With the Shadows driven to Z'ha'dum, a pact is enforced by Lorien, previously Master-Arbiter of the Belkan Empire, that the Shadows and the Vorlons confine their attempts to guide the Younger Races to within their own galaxy, setting down rules of engagement for them to abide by.
November 22, 2260
Captain Picard arrives from 2374 within the sixth foldspace iteration, and is rounded up by Earthforce personnel on suspicion of being a Mars rebel, where he is then turned over to interrogation beneath William.
November 24, 2260
Having failed to get anywhere with Picard by conventional means the interrogation is turned over to Psi Corps, with Bester unlocking the key detail to who Picard is and where he comes from, as well as a way to manipulate the Stargate in their possession.
Picard is liberated by the Mars Resistance, who heard rumors to the extradimensional visitor, with the aim of requesting his parallel Earth government for military assistance against President Clark, given to their rationale that any enemy of Clark's is their friend.
November 25, 2260
After a lengthy discussion on how Clark presents a threat not only to his universe, but many others with the Stargate, Captain Picard agrees to bring the Mars Resistance's plea directly to the Federation Council.
November 26, 2260
The Mars Resistance manages to get Picard through the Stargate, with Number Two as well as two Martian Resistance guards also traveling into the wormhole with him to present the case to the Federation.
December 8, 2260
During the Battle of Sector 83 the allied fleet of Federation and New Republican forces appear nearby, displaced over time and space; with the Jedi on board sensing the darkness which taints the Shadow vessels they jump into the fray on the side of the Non-Aligned Worlds, rapidly turning this battle into a complete rout so that very few losses are sustained by the Army of Light.
Upon meeting them, Captain Sheridan invites the allied fleet to follow them back to Babylon 5 in order to discuss this weird situation they discover themselves in further.
December 5, 2374
Tired of all the pointless deaths, Captain Sisko decides to bring the Romulans into the Dominion War alongside them to turn the tide, recruiting Garak to help him in this endeavor.
December 8, 2374
Betazed falls to the Jem'Hadar; positioning the Dominion into striking distance of other major Federation worlds, including Earth. At the same time Vash accidentally triggers the Quantum Mirror while on the Mars archaeological dig while acting without orders and is transplanted across reality.
On DS9 Sisko receives news about the fall of Betazed, and turns to Garak, who in the absence of proper tangible evidence, suggest they manufacture it themselves in order to bring the Romulans into the war on their side, and while reluctant, Sisko considers that proposal, and brings it before Starfleet Command, who green-lit Operation Ally.
December 10, 2374
Captain Picard is recalled to Mars to inspect the Quantum Mirror standing beside a Stargate into which Vash had disappeared, taking stolen archaeological files with her, with Starfleet's goal to "show the flag" given how there are rumors of a Dominion battle fleet covertly operating in the area following the fall of Betazed.
December 14, 2374
Having examined the Stargate for four days, Picard figures out how it functions and gives his report back to Starfleet Command, who meet to debate on the matter regarding where to proceed in their next move.
December 18, 2374
Starfleet Command approves Captain Picard's transit through the Stargate in pursuit of Vash, with a timetable of four days to give him time to return, before they seal the Stargate with explosives to prevent a second threat like the destructive Dominion War from taking place.
Sisko presents the forged evidence before Senator Vreenak, the most pro-Dominion voice among the Romulan Senate, who sees past the forgery and heatedly declares it a fake.
December 20, 2374
With the staged assassination of Senator Vreenak as orchestrated by Garak to frame the Dominion as responsible the Romulan Star Empire declares war on them in return, and enters the Dominion War as had been hoped by Sisko and Garak.
Kerrigan, sensing a swift Federation victory won't conform to her plan, leaks the news to the whole quadrant about the Federation deception to lure the Romulans into that war including Vreenak's assassination by a Starfleet officer as sanctioned by Starfleet Command itself.
December 21, 2374
With the deception exposed and verified, the Romulans turn on the Federation and side with the Dominion, hitting the Federation and the Klingons hard throughout the border and sending their forces into a full retreat as Starfleet now runs tactical projections on their likelihood of defeat and not if, but when and how soon it will be.
December 22, 2374
Captain Picard returns from his sojourn into a parallel reality with Number Two of the Martian resistance against President Clark by his side to petition the Federation Council for a mutual defense aid, which given the losses that they are sustaining from the Dominion and the Romulans, is instantly granted as they are shuttled back to Earth.
December 23, 2374
The Federation convenes to review Number Two's petition, and once presented the Federation starts a period of debate how to proceed.
December 24, 2374
With the war putting a damper on Christmas eve, Captain Picard is called to give testimony to the Council members. The Federation then goes into final deliberations and finally edits and green-lights Operation New Ally, holding to the real ideals of the Federation as Picard sees it.
A small task force is assembled by pulling ships off the front line to serve as a final gamble to win the Dominion War in their favor, before total defeat. Data and Geordi start calculating on how to use the physics in the Stargate in traveling through the Bajoran Wormhole in a similar fashion.
December 29, 2374
The task force under Captain Picard of thirty ships sets out to Deep Space Nine to embark upon their journey through the wormhole.
December 30, 2374
Blanking out all sensors on DS9, Picard's task force plunges into the wormhole to make the theoretical transit to that parallel universe.
September 18, 2552
Picard's task force materializes in the Epsilon Eridani star system off course from their intended destination in the fourth iteration Milky Way Galaxy as the Covenant orbit the nerve center for the UNSC military operations and start glassing the surface of life, while the Pillar of Autumn races outsystem escaping the Covenant, with the crew completely not aware of Picard's task force and Picard's fleet immediately drawing Covenant weapons fire.
Improvising quickly Captain Picard finally devises an escape plan through the use of applying Stargate principles while performing a geodesic fold and the plan is pulled off with the less advanced ships in the task force staying behind to draw Covenant fire and Picard's armada drawing a significant portion of hostile warships into this rift, escaping through space and time.
September 22, 2552
The remnants of Captain Picard's task force arrive in Earth orbit. And sending out a general distress call, the UNSC comes to their assistance in using Home Fleet as well as the 50 operational ODPs to thwart the Covenant before they can get word back to reinforcements.
The Q civilization has moved into the Age of Star Farmers as the Q stabilize them to control the evolution of the galaxy and creating for themselves a biosphere which has spanned over the Virgo Cluster.
The Q civilization has progressed into the Age of Galaxy Gardeners as the Q of this era alternate the formation of the galaxy to create artificial stars, and to engineer star systems, providing a continuous supply of resources.
The Q have advanced into the Age of Black-Hole Miners, creating satellite black holes and then manipulating them to guide the flow of matter into supermassive black holes in galaxies to harvest energy and resources while also having most shed their corporeal forms into the collective-conscious conflux state they term the "Continuum."
The Q Continuum have reached the Age of Supercluster Black-Hole Miners as the Q from this era are moving the galactic black holes and mining the black holes created by collapsing galactic superclusters; the Q are also engaging in trivial civil wars, which seem pointless to later generations.
The Q are in the Age of the Gravity Miner, as they are moving and merging black holes with masses of galactic superclusters together to form larger black holes in the effort to slow down the rate of the energy loss of the reachable universe as their brain functions even within the intangible state they occupy keep shifting, expanding out, taking on newer and greater dimensions.
The Q have finally evolved into what could only be described as an "ascended" lossless computing substrate form, with each individual Q existing as a galaxy-spanning neutrino consciousness achieving perfect immortality as well as immunity to gravity from the heat death of the universe while retaining all knowledge via their neutrino database.
At some point the Q decide the universe without other life in it was a mistake they want to correct, and so, reach out their incorporeal touch to manipulate how the Big Bang in the Progenitor Universe occurred, and also affect the new multiversal structure spawned off it.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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