Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

I'm still structuring each season's episode, so gimme time. That said, here it is. My redesign of the Kazon and the Voth.

The Kazon are divided into sects that are then divided into smaller clans because as a race that steals technology to advance as far as they have, they are built, as a civilization, around the acquisition of technology, like a cross of the Klingons meet the Ferengi. A warrior race centered around pilfering technology. "Technology" is what "honor" or "money" means to them. They believe it changes their whole way of thinking, and stronger beliefs emerge through the conflict of acquiring new technology adhering to a code of honor called the "Articles of Resolution." Kind of like the Borg. They can barter, sometimes, sure, but only if it is seen as a situation where new thinking can emerge which leads into new strengthening of their beliefs as a society as laid down under the Articles of Resolution, through conflict and personal challenge. More often, they justgo on war raids to steal technology. Any clan or sect that acts dishonorably is stripped of their power, exiled, even killed, given the vastly different technologies each sect selfishly clings to in their society. Voyager is set up as worthy opponent under the Articles of Resolution as potential prey. A clan can rise to become a new sect if it gains enough power. Each Kazon war raid group within their society must abide by the Articles of Resolution when pursuing the same technology, to maintain order on their war raids, otherwise they would be at one another's throats. Rarely do sects ally, but sometimes it happens. Sometimes, they need to bring the matter before their council, known as the Kazon Sect Authority, to settle. They feel technology will strength their race, and each sect leader as well as the clans under their command are striving for "resolution." It is the goal of their race, that once they have achieved it on an individual and group level, they no longer need to fight. "Resolution" is not even so much about victory as adhering to an alien code of honor in the pursuit of technology, feeling "resolution" is the way to bring new ideas from technology, and in the pursuit of technology, by testing themselves. Resolution boils down to when you have achieved a new way of thinking in your pursuit of technology. As the First Maje of the Kazon-Nistrim, Jal Culluh led his clan into being its own sect. Hence he would be very proud of his accomplishments. Also, once resolution has been achieved, you need never challenge the same enemy twice. It is against the Articles of Resolution.

Under Doctrine, imo, the Voth would believe that since they are first to the quadrant, they must guide it, oversee it. With their huge city-ship, they can cross the quadrant in a month, which would lead to excellent moral dilemmas and ways to try and convince them to assist Voyager. Might even lead to an episode where they offer a bribe that is so blatant to defend something heinous, they can't stand by and do nothing. The Voth had fled their Delta Quadrant home. They are unsure which one it is, via their city-ship, which contains their whole civilization. It is home to a quarter-million Voth, all of many species. Given the population problems as well as who must run what areas of the ship based on what dinosaurs evolved, breeding is both encouraged but also tightly regulated, conforming to a strict caste system. Hence how Tova likes Gegen's daughter, and he can be blackmailed into submitting. This would be a system ripe for abuse and corruption. In many respects, the Voth are a dying breed of species who need fresh, new ideas in order to survive. Some hard-line Doctrinates say they have always lived in the city-ship, while the more moderate Doctrinates allow that they arise on a planet in the quadrant, rather than the ship itself. While they preach to be guardians, shepherding the younger races, in truth they are quite apathetic. They have a strict policy of non-interference that can be used to contrast against the Prime Directive, since it is brought up they regularly violate it where it suits the interests of serving Doctrine. The Starfleet people can bring up how they never stopped the Borg when they first arose, or cured the Vidiians. Those in charge might blow smoke up their ass there is no cure, but Voyager found one. They never got involved in the Talaxian war. They slowly pierce out what the real motive is, that while they claim to be guardians, they don't want the responsibility, just the reputation, the respect, they have built their whole culture around that, as Doctrine is an empty principle, but it's all they have past that. Doctrine is just shallow words and empty platitudes based on the past, not the future. The Voth are basically frightened of change, and so Doctrine is how they stop that. This is like how religious faiths have teachings they never live up to because of mortal contradictions and the failure with a centralized power system. In the end, I think they will learn their history, that they were taken offworld by the same species that transplanted the 37's, and the technology for the original city-ship was built on those designs. Gegen is appointed the High Minister, preparing to usher in a new era of change, and takes them back home in the last episode, fighting the Borg all along the way.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Here ya go! The complete reedited season structure! Whew. This is 16 pages on Word.


ORIGINAL EPISODE 3: ("Parallax")
Chakotay wants B'Elanna as chief engineer on their ship. Janeway initially thinks it's espionage or sabotage, but Chakotay goes on to add it would be an exchange program, his man for her man, which ends up being Carey. to promote better unity between the crews. he also would like his helmsman, former Ensign Ro Laren, occasionally to be part of the exchange program, switched with Nick Locarno. Janeway allows this only at the end.
there are also discussions on stuff like from "Elogium" on the potential need to make this into a generational ship and what to do for species on a time cycle to various behaviors — like the Vulcan pon farr. or warring behaviors to choose leaders.
Janeway, as a science officer and not into any medical fields, doesn't know about the pon farr and is frankly embarrassed listening to it.
Neelix knows of the black hole in the area.
the black hole serves as the focal point for the drama, not the end in and of itself. this is where they first encounter a Trabe ship fighting a Kazon ship. the time dilation distortion effect is now a complication to a battle in a gang war that Voyager doesn't know about and wants to escape from.
Chakotay might suggest allying with the Trabe, since the Kazon want them dead and that is good enough, but Janeway shoots him down, still knee-deep in Federation dogma.
they perhaps indirectly help the Trabe ship escape. Mabus is aboard. they don't entirely learn who he is, though, setting up future conflicts. and of course, it makes sense the Kazon would want to come and to seize a Trabe governor.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 4: ("Time And Again")
Neelix recommended them to this planet that Voyager heads to here. they come to this planet to trade, with a bomb under every street, and it can generate discussions on the Prime Directive. whether or not they warn them. Chakotay is not in favor of Prime Directive, and neither are many of the Maquis. Janeway wants to rigidly adhere to it. in the end, on orders from Chakotay, either Ro Laren or Seska violates the Prime Directive and Janeway's orders to get the desperately needed supplies to augment their weapons, which are woefully inadequate for this area of space, letting Janeway believe this lie rather than facing the truth.

EPISODE 5: ("Phage")
Neelix was right about dilithium being here.
First encounter with the Vidiians. Chakotay wants to kill one to send a message and save Neelix, but Janeway sticks to canon decision, which ends up with Neelix restored, and Janeway takes it as the proof of her righteousness. she defends it saying they are the only representatives out here. Chakotay insists that with the weapons they have, that won't matter when they are dead. especially when they run into Borg space. and the secret Section 31 agent (don't show who it is but drop hints of who it is later revealed as, given who is nearby and can be referenced later) does something to wanna adapt the Phage to biowarfare once they return home.
EXTRA: Chakotay says "And there's something you're not considering. (off Janeway's question) What happens when we finally cross the great unknown and enter Borg space?" he leaves, end "episode" to consider this.

the energy crisis must be consistent while they fly through the cloud and hurt that lifeform. this also adapts "Worst Case Scenario" in how a holodeck program discovered is Tuvok's simulation to counter a Maquis mutiny. eventually, the Maquis find out and are offended. mention that simulations are also being run with projections on Borg space early on to follow up on last episode. this is an episode where their holodeck can be run, but sparingly. in regards to the Borg, Janeway is still thinking like Starfleet in terms of large fleet engagements, putting yourself in the open, while Chakotay sees they will need to run and hide and pick at the ankles of the Borg in order to make it through their space.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 7 ("Eye of the Needle")
this could still work, but needs retooling. perhaps they use some technology from another group later such as the Voth, rather than a micro-wormhole. the energy crisis from before is still affecting the systems. might involve Ro Laren or Seska or the 31 agent.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 8: ("Ex Post Facto")
"Prime Factors" is adapted here instead of much later in the season. they come to this planet to trade. make a discussion on how they are tempted to stay, but they don't in the end. the end remains the same, with Tuvok making the exchange, and Carey and Torres try whipping up the inverter thing, but that fails, and Tuvok takes responsibility. he feels a mutiny was likely and Janeway starts to feel truly overwhelmed as, finally, asks him to serve as her voice out here. she also begins to realize she needs to be more flexible. also add in a good subplot.

EPISODE 9: ("Jetrel")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 9: ("Emanations")
shift "Jetrel" here from later on. it needs reworking. the Section 31 agent steals Jetrel's secrets, accumulating a database of information and prepared to relay it to Section 31 once they return home. make Jetrel like Degra from Enterprise. some Maquis have strong feelings against him, given what the Cardassians did, and when they filter into discussions, we can then get Seska and Ro Laren or even Chakotay's point of view.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 10: ("Prime Factors")
shift "Initiations" from Season 2 to here. Chakotay befriends Kar. to get his name, he has to steal an alien technology for resolution. this is where they get the idea if maybe this can apply on a whole race level. that is why Kar attacked him initially, to steal his technology in a raid. no pseudo-Indian religious ceremony stuff. it needs a strong subplot too. perhaps Voyager doesn't even come to Chakotay's rescue here. also edit in the "Elogium" but have it make sense along with Ocampa biology. basically, Kes entering the Elogium is the ONLY thing to stay from Season 2 to remain that episode. it also reveals more of why the Caretaker had stayed, since they had screwed up their mating habits, not just the environment. and of course, mention the Elogium only in regards to ongoing "generational ship" conversations, not that she goes through it yet.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 11: ("State of Flux")
this can still work, but needs major retooling on how to deal with Seska. when revealed, Seska confesses she is an Obsidian Order agent. possibly she is Garak's sister, but if so, don't reveal it now.
Janeway wants to lock her up in the brig or confine her to quarters. Chakotay, given that he felt Seska trading information to the Kazon if it keeps them alive, is an acceptable goal, defends her. Seska is then forbidden from ever setting foot on Voyager, and she and Chakotay grow closer. Ro Laren could maybe be a romantic rival, and also grows to hate Seska, so Chakotay has to keep the peace among his people.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 12: ("Heroes and Demons")
rework the photonic lifeforms into a useful premise. like maybe it's interrupting battle simulations between the crew, to try and help them coordinate better and ease tensions, even to adapt guerrilla tactics like the Maquis are familiar with. also it's discovered the photonic lifeforms could also serve as a power source. in the end, Janeway finally finds a common ground with Chakotay, who refuses to mass murder lifeforms to get home. Seska wants to do just that. that said, Seska also would begin worrying over Janeway here is a rival love interest, and thus the two consummate it. the Doctor finally takes his name. and possibly the secret Section 31 agent might start harvesting photonic lifeforms from various stars in order to secretly apply to Voyager. or he is planning a mutiny, so that they can do so.

EPISODE 13: ("Faces")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 13: ("Cathexis")
"Faces" can stay, but it needs retooling.


EPISODE 16: ("Learning Curve")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 16: ("Learning Curve")
the Maquis stuff can stay the same, and fuse it to "Good Shepherd" shifted here earlier to tell a subplot of Janeway trying to get to know Harren, Tefler, and Celes on the shuttle mission and feeling horrible on how Harren had a promising career derailed because of all of this, on which he blames her.


ORIGINAL EPISODE 1: ("The 37's")
merge this with "Night." Janeway is cut off from the crew, lamenting her decision in "Caretaker," that there must have been some way to save the array, perhaps if she had listened to Chakotay, even though there was no other way. Chakotay can't talk to her. and then Janeway finds inspiration from Amelia Earhart in human cities, and she learns about what it means to be a leader. more Chakotay/Janeway bonding stuff. perhaps Harren even stays here.
Nick's Captain Proton holodeck program is cut off, not because it's interrupting the Doctor's time like it is in canon, but that power is at a premium, so they need to conserve it, much to his annoyance, as he gripes they hardly ever have time for recreational holodeck use.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 2: ("Initiations")
shift "Initiations" from here to Season 1 and replace it with the next episode "Projections." it just needs a bit of minor retooling. show more of what is happening in the real world, not being at Jupiter Outpost, to further muddy what is and is not real as this all filters into the Doctor's program, since both the ships are traveling the void from "Night." This began shortly before this delusion.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 3: ("Projections")

shift any discussions on the Elogium or the Ocampa from here to Season 1, toned down, and reordered to make sense.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 5: ("Non Sequitur")
butcher down almost completely, except perhaps to keep the all-powerful alien stuff within the "Night" void. since it is separate from the material universe, the alien can offer to take Harry back in time to see Libby, changing time. Harry had been reflecting on Libby to Nick, missing her. Nick even observes Harry uses his limited recreational holodeck time to just see her.

EPISODE 6: ("Twisted")
the concept is good. just retool. perhaps the lifeform is part of the "Night" void.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 7: ("Parturition")
CUT. no need for this. moving on. MAYBE keep the planet. maybe. if so, either way, by this point, they've left the "Night" void.

EPISODE 8: ("Death Wish")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 8: ("Persistence of Vision")
cut "Persistence of Vision". no need for the alien Q-like thing. make it the Q and put in "Death Wish." make it so Maury Ginsberg had worked to make sure the speakers were hooked up at the Lincoln Memorial so King could give his "I have a dream" speech. without Quinn or him, it wouldn't have happened.
Janeway and Chakotay discuss compromising her principles to get them back, as does Janeway and Tuvok. and plaster this on from the unnecessary fat. this adds more Starfleet/Maquis tension since they know she could have gotten them home, but did not.


ORIGINAL EPISODE 10: ("Cold Fire")
keep. but rework. the crew will definitely be open to reinterpreting their actions out here, given the reputation they are building, truthful or not. in a debate, Janeway is realizing perhaps they must do what needs to be, while Chakotay is softening up, perhaps thinking there is something to be said for sticking to your values, reminded of what he initially saw in the uniform. perhaps Seska then begins selling data to the Kazon behind his back, worried she is losing him to Janeway, with the rationale of protecting him, and given the precedent he set up of shielding her against Janeway leading her to think she can do it.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 11: ("Maneuvers")
seriously rework this to something else to possibly nothing. maybe Seska at this point crosses a line that Chakotay won't stand for, like violating his orders and thus he reluctantly agrees with Janeway to confine her to quarters on Voyager. if not here, then later.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 12: ("Resistance")
possibly keep, but edit this.

EPISODE 13: ("Prototype")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 13: ("Prototype")
the automated personnel units, perhaps renamed or nicknamed the Duplicators by the Voyager Fleet, are like the Replicators from SG-1. this ends with them having had their replicating ability switched on again, rather than take out like in canon.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 14: ("Alliances")
this should be the flashpoint moment between the Trabe and the Kazon. perhaps Voyager tries to get them to negotiate a peace treaty, rather than forming an alliance. perhaps this convinces them to try to seek out allies instead of them, trading technology as needed to do so, within reason. to that end, they begin researching the Vidiian Phage to try and find a cure. also, the Kazon should get a mole on board. but it has to be different than in canon. possibly the secret Section 31 agent.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 15: ("Threshold")
CUT. nuff said.

keep, but rework. Suder is put into stasis in between periods Tuvok lets him out to mind-meld, and at the end, he even vouches for him to be placed under house arrest similar to Seska elsewhere on the ship.

EPISODE 17: ("Dreadnought")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 17: ("Dreadnought")
keep, but they keep the Dreadnought at the end. Torres brings over other Maquis to work on it. Hogan is made the Maquis exchange officer on loan to Engineering Department on Voyager. Torres is also given a battlefield promotion to commander of the Dreadnought.

ORIGINAL 18: ("Death Wish")
since "Death Wish" was moved earlier back, no need to put it here. instead, change it to "Lifesigns." it's Vidiian stuff that would be great to explore, but it has to be edited regardless. though, keep Denara.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 19: ("Lifesigns")
rather than the Michael Jonas subplot, Michael Jonas is actually the secret Section 31 agent, and was always a Starfleet officer. at the end, approaches Chakotay with all the photonic fuel that he has refined in the past year that would let them cross 50,000 light-years. it ends with Chakotay promising to bring it to the Captain.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 20: ("Investigations")
rather than Neelix busting open the case, this could lead to a serious ethical dilemma, whether they do something immoral to advance their means pilfered from somebody else's evil. in the end, I think Janeway would, while Chakotay is the one to have doubts. then, a Kazon attack leads them having to perhaps blow it up to stop them, and Michael Jonas goes with the Kazon. or dies.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 21: ("Deadlock")
keep, but just tinker with a bit. the broken Voyager after the end means they absolutely desperately need supplies. Neelix provides a planet nearby, but one that is under the control of a dictatorship.

EPISODE 22: ("Resistance")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 22: ("Innocence")
cut "Innocence" because nuff said. since Janeway is trying to be diplomatic and avoid a mutiny she is less inclined to do things by the book here and when they refuse to barter for the supplies, instead she allows the Maquis leave to steal what they need since she won't sully Starfleet hands herself. through their actions they lead one of their enemies to this world, since the Kazon had known about it, but reevaluate it as one worthy of a war raid for resolution. in the end, both ships are driven off and never get their supplies, and it just adds fuel to the fire in terms of the Starfleet/Maquis conflict, having now doomed a helpless world to war, even if not an innocent one.

EPISODE 23: ("The Thaw")
perhaps tie this to "Deadlock." there is supplies plenty below. but given the disaster last time both things the captains can agree to is they ask for it. to such an end, they need to bring up the stasis pods. there were 20 out of 100 to try and survive this disaster. only three remain. so, this is mostly the same, except the premise. Janeway might ask Neelix for a legit trading hub.

keep, but in the end, Janeway can't bring herself to "kill" Tuvix. this would lead Kes into developing feelings more toward Nick, feeling conflicted.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 25: ("Resolutions")
cut. not needed. though perhaps they finally cure the Vidiian Phage. if so, they would get something in return to help them on the journey.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 26: ("Basics, Part I")
the conclusion of the Kazon arc needs to end stronger. keep, but no marooning on the planet. instead, a subplot running is the discovery of a wrecked Klingon ship, and how this ties into it. this means a Kazon vs. Klingon fight.


ORIGINAL EPISODE 1: ("Basics, Part II")
conclusion of this story, with the Kazon finding resolution that leads them to calling off their war raids on Voyager. perhaps they even trade technology to help repair the Klingon ship, which joins Voyager on the way home to the Alpha Quadrant. this adds cloaking technology that is desperately needed. thus, they don the name Voyager Fleet.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 2: ("Flashback")
keep but edit it. Hikaru Sulu on the Excelsior is brought to the future via time anomaly, like "Yesterday's Enterprise." the Klingon ship is left protected from timeline changes because of technobabble. however, Voyager and the Val Jean are not.

EPISODE 3: ("The Chute")
keep, but edit out so that it looks like the Voyager Fleet is gone. to deprive Kim and Nick of hope, and trim down on the fat to focus more on the prison stuff and what happens after. also give better reasons for why they have the clamp, to prevent them organizing.

EPISODE 4: ("Distant Origin")
switch from "The Swarm." keep it mostly the same, but it ends with the Voth in a new antagonistic role. the Voth even have the technology via their great city-ship that could take them back home to the Alpha Quadrant (since it only takes them a month to cross the whole quadrant). thus leading to lots of ethical dilemmas later.

EPISODE 5: ("The Swarm")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 5: ("False Profits")
establish the swarm as a real, season-long threat, and keep the Doctor stuff too.

EPISODE 6: ("False Profits")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 6: ("Remember")
cut "Remember." deal with the fallout from "The Price," but better. perhaps these Ferengi are reluctantly dragged into the Voyager Fleet, and so spend time working to try and prove themselves, to be let out of house arrest. make it a ticking clock too, so the wormhole will fade unless they do something, whether that is letting something unconscionable happen, or head home. Janeway, as the commander she is slowly becoming, decides not to, and while Chakotay opposes it, she still manages to convince him in a way to keep their alliance. they decide to keep the Ferengi until they can be charged.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 7: ("Sacred Ground")
apply a reworked concept of "Remember" here. Torres is carrying implanted memories she does not remember getting.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 8: ("Future's End, Part I")
perhaps cut or rework "Sacred Ground" here to serve as the focal point for something else, one of the ongoing conflicts or the larger running plots.

EPISODE 9: ("Future's End, Part I")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 9: ("Future's End, Part II")
rework this into stuff involving Braxton and his role in the Federation, policing time in the distant 29th century, and how there was a timeline shift that leads him to get involved here. perhaps a geodesic fold like event that would have destroyed both Earth's solar system, and another one out here. the Doctor also gets his mobile emitter. perhaps Voyager even gains some good distance home for thanks for their help assisting the Relativity, although not enough to pollute the timeline. or not. maybe Braxton hints on what is coming. rather than moving them through space, he helps with the Temporal Prime Directive by granting them information that will help, in a limited form, perhaps couched in riddles. this might also need to only be one episode.

EPISODE 10: ("Future's End, Part II")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 10: ("Warlord")
rework this into stuff involving Braxton and his role in the Federation, policing time in the distant 29th century, and how there was a timeline shift that leads him to get involved here. perhaps a geodesic fold like event that would have destroyed both Earth's solar system, and another one out here. the Doctor also gets his mobile emitter. perhaps Voyager even gains some good distance home for thanks for their help assisting the Relativity, although not enough to pollute the timeline. or not. maybe Braxton hints on what is coming. rather than moving them through space, he helps with the Temporal Prime Directive by granting them information that will help, in a limited form, perhaps couched in riddles. this might also need to only be one episode.

EPISODE 11: ("Warlord")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 11: ("The Q and the Grey")
move "Warlord" here. an ancient ruler possesses Kes, and she breaks up with Neelix, but nevertheless rework it from canon to something else. maybe the ruler does not try to seize his homeworld yet.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 12: ("Macrocosm")
CUT "Macrocosm" and move "The Q and the Grey" to this slot. rather than a literal Q civil war, make it a war of ideas, based off what Quinn did, that on their level are still nonetheless damaging to the universe around them, so that Voyager has to get involved to stop it. their ideas threaten to destroy the fabric of reality.

EPISODE 13: ("Fair Trade")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 13: ("Fair Trade")
mostly keep. expand on the Neelix stuff.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 14: ("Alter Ego")
cut or possibly rework. the nebula could serve as a good place for a larger conflict.

rework, and rather than the Vidiians, this deals with either the Duplicators or the Voth.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 16: ("Blood Fever")
only thing to keep is the discovery of a Borg corpse. but do show the crew having to engage in resource-gathering and mining.

keep, but rework through various ways. perhaps these ex-Borg join the Voyager crew, or some of them do.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 18: ("Darkling")
cut or rework. keep the thing from "10,000 years ago."

the only premise is to show off Neelix's growth, nothing more. perhaps dealing with a space elevator, sure, but less technobabble and more various other stuff that ties to the overall larger narrative.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 20: ("Favorite Son")
cut or rework.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 21: ("Before and After")
keep mostly the same, but rework it. consistency is needed. offer a good reason why her presence with these new memories affects the Borg into invading the domain of Species 8472. perhaps even as Kes goes back to before she was born, a "piece" of her remains separate from the material universe.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 22: ("Real Life")
keep the Doctor's family and his kid dying, and even the space tornado subplot, but perhaps make it about resources they could harvest. and Doctor will refer to these events down the line.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 23: ("Distant Origin")
move to earlier. not needed, cut, change to something else.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 24: ("Displaced")
cut or rework.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 25: ("Worst Case Scenario")
not needed, cut, and change into something else.

EPISODE 26: ("Scorpion, Part I")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 26: ("Scorpion, Part I")
Janeway is opposed to an alliance with the Borg, so Chakotay and his crew mutiny and take half the fleet with them. the Klingons side with Janeway. the Dreadnought, under Torres, sides with the Val Jean. or perhaps the Klingons side with Chakotay after all. this story arc ends with Species 8472 regrouping, but Chakotay finally begins to see the price for a deal with the devil, and Captain Jellico is brought out of his coma. perhaps the Klingons want Chakotay executed, and then given the Federation ideals, and how despite a Klingon ship in their ranks, it's not a Klingon fleet, they don't. add that drama. either way, the crew does gain 10,000 light-years from the Borg tractoring thanks to their efforts, no matter how brief. and somebody leaves, maybe Harry dies unlike in canon, or it could be Nick Locarno, or even Torres too.


EPISODE 1: ("Scorpion, Part II")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 1: ("Scorpion, Part II")
Janeway is opposed to an alliance with the Borg, so Chakotay and his crew mutiny and take half the fleet with them. the Klingons side with Janeway. the Dreadnought, under Torres, sides with the Val Jean. or perhaps the Klingons side with Chakotay after all. this story arc ends with Species 8472 regrouping, but Chakotay finally begins to see the price for a deal with the devil, and Captain Jellico is brought out of his coma. perhaps the Klingons want Chakotay executed, and then given the Federation ideals, and how despite a Klingon ship in their ranks, it's not a Klingon fleet, they don't. add that drama. either way, the crew does gain 10,000 light-years from the Borg tractoring thanks to their efforts, no matter how brief. and somebody leaves, maybe Harry dies unlike in canon, or it could be Nick Locarno, or even Torres too.

Chakotay is confined to house arrest. a more confident Janeway begins to assert herself, seeing the way Chakotay had challenged her and to lead her more into a leadership role.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 3: ("Day of Honor")
cut and change into something else while keeping elements. perhaps make this into "Equinox," where they encounter them, but it ends up a running season-long or half-season plot. Jellico initially lets them join their fleet, but it is not known how they get their fuel source, which requires very specific planets to head to. once it is known, Jellico allows this since there is no proof they are sentient lifeforms, which is common ground that even she and Chakotay had, so she mutinies against him.

cut. instead, they have discovered a wormhole and it leads to the Gamma Quadrant. they arrive neck-deep within Dominion space and six months away from the Bajoran Wormhole, but figure they can do so if they try hard enough. nevertheless, they learn that the Bajoran Wormhole was sealed off from the other side, and the sort of general state of affairs in the Alpha Quadrant, so knowing a lost battle, push and turn back. one of these vessels, perhaps the Val Jean, is lost. this wormhole is unstable and quickly fading, but they get through even as one Dominion battlecruiser follows them as the Voyager fleet escapes, with the Dominion pursuing not terribly far behind.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 5: ("Revulsion")
possibly cut. Harry begins his relationship with the Seven. keep the Doctor stuff. tone down on Seven's hyper-sexual stuff. maybe move "Messages in a Bottle" here.

show a bit more consistency, like showing them downloading the files from The Raven and also tone down on or edit or cut the juggernaut stuff.

EPISODE 7: ("Scientific Method")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 7: ("Scientific Method")
the Duplicators are the ones experimenting on the crew.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 8: ("Year of Hell, Part I")
cut, this is becoming a whole season event. put something else here.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 9: ("Year of Hell, Part I")
cut, this is becoming a whole season event. put something else here.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 10: ("Random Thoughts")
if this stays, make this planet make this planet more like the Psi Corps, and tie it into one of the other larger running plots.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 11: ("Concerning Flight")
instead of raiders, maybe another race as part of the larger narrative.
Leonardo comes to life, but make it during a crisis, and there is a power drain they have to deal with. he can't keep running constantly. maybe make Janeway "kill" Leonardo. This simply breaks her heart, but it had to be done.

EPISODE 12: ("Mortal Coil")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 12: ("Mortal Coil")
Neelix is killed while dealing with Voth or Duplicators or Equinox stuff. keep Seven's ability to restore the dead under the right conditions.

EPISODE 13: ("Waking Moments")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 13: ("Waking Moments")
tinker with this. the fleet crew are all in a dream simulation, perhaps by the Voth or the Duplicators, tied into the larger narrative here.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 14: ("Message in a Bottle")
stays the same, but with edits. possibly move earlier.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 15: ("Hunters")
stays the same, but with edits. possibly move earlier.

stays the same, but with edits. possibly move earlier.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 17: ("Retrospect")
cut. edit into something else. it could be Seven-centric, though, and even having to relate to fake memories which are not actually real. or possibly put the recovery of the Founder the Borg are experimenting on here, so that he can rein in the Dominion battlecruiser and join them to the Voyager Fleet.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 18: ("The Killing Game, Part I")
edit, rework, cut down into one part, or move further down. if so this would include battle simulations from the Alpha Quadrant. not only WWII.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 19: ("The Killing Game, Part II")
edit, rework, cut down into one part, or move further down. if so this would include battle simulations from the Alpha Quadrant. not only WWII.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 20: ("Vis à Vis")
Nick Locarno is still switched. other than that, retool.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 21: ("The Omega Directive")
there is a great temptation to use Omega molecules to engineer a faster reactor, since they could increase their speed. instead of a pre-warp society, this should be tying into the ongoing threats. perhaps the Borg are the ones tinkering with this. or the Voth.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 22: ("Unforgettable")
cut, edit into something else. maybe the fading away-lady could tie into something else as part of the larger ongoing threats and plot.

EPISODE 23: ("Living Witness")
ORIGINAL EPISODE 23: ("Living Witness")
keep. maybe make it the Crell hologram, if this is pushed back further. or this is pushed further up ahead.

keep, but edit.

EPISODE 25: ("One")
this can stay a Seven episode, but change it to something past flying through a nebula. tie this into the various other threats out there.

ORIGINAL EPISODE 26: ("Hope and Fear")
change, rework, but keep somewhat the same.

SEASON 5: "Year of Hell"
Kes lets Janeway and Torres die in a moment of weakness, not wanting to lose Nick, and so ends up leaving the ship because she doesn't trust herself anymore. this might set up so that since a piece of her is still "tied" to something outside the material universe, she still recalls her memories when the timeline is eventually reset at the end.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Added a bit more. Also, I think initially on, they must explain why they can't use geodesic folding.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Beastro »

Madner Kami wrote: Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:17 am I think you should actually start having a life outside the internet.
Knowing Yuke, I know what you mean, but if this is his way to practice writing then it's to some good end and better than just posting on the internet a ton.

I ran into something similar as a teen with a guy I know who loved writing Rogue Squadron type Star Wars fic which inserted everyone he knew into it (After we got to know one another in class he said as a compliment he was going to make me a new member of his squadron or something). I found it odd and asked why he wasn't trying to create his own setting and stories fully rather than using Star Wars the way he did, and he shrugged his shoulders about it. He grew up and moved on from it, but I can see now him doing that helped with his writing, if only to help further a love of it.

With that said, don't go too far into this, Yukes.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Beastro »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:56 am Unless he's from some kind of traditionalist revival group, he'd probably have a typically American first name. If he was from some kind of traditionalist revival group, he wouldn't have a surname, he'd just be whatever name he had earned as he became a man.
Depends on how super traditionalist they were, at least as far as many North American tribes are concerned it extends beyond that.

The basic fact is a lot of Indians adopted names as they desired when they desired and had numerous ones circulating that they were known for, which made it rather difficult to track a specific one down if you wanted to talk to them.

One common example is that many would adopt a new name upon a noted event, like a successful skirmish, where they did something they were proud of. Many often did working as scouts for the US Army, which rightfully were annoyed at their scout now asking to be called something else in the middle of a mission . They could skirmish often and adopt new names each time dropping older ones quickly, which if you were a stranger who got to know them during that period, wouldn't now what to call them as opposed to family or tribe members who'd, I'd think have a set name for them they'd use when around their people".
Yukaphile wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:20 pm Any genocidal acts against the Sioux or Hopi? I really wanna tie that to the Maquis situation for historical parallels. You know, make Chakotay an INTERESTING character. Maybe more like Kira.
You could make him a Pawnee and reflect upon the decimation they endured at the hands of other Indians and the path of revenge they went down working with the United States as a means of revenge upon the Sioux, Cheyenne and others who'd reduced their people from 12,000 to 4000 in the span of a generation and the archetypal message of forgiveness of all enemies (Such as tribes of our time, or of Chakotay's, looking on the Pawnee as something of traitors to their pan-nationalist sensibilities which in retrospect see the US/Europeans as the one and only threat Indians faced, something which ignores exactly how their people's looked on the world long before the new way of thinking from Europe swept in or their places on the continent and their interests at the time).

The Sioux often tried to get them to stop, but they refused to treat with them declaring the American to be more of an Indian than the Sioux were and they'd rather the US dominate the Plains than allow their enemies control of it.

It's an example of things I find are poorly reflected upon when it comes to the Indians, the simple, internecine tribal warfare that took place which resulted in constant, itinerant movement which couldn't cope with Western settled society moving in. The Sioux suffered a similar defeat and displacement, originally living in Manitoba/Eastern Ontario until the Ojibway moved in and attacked them until they then began the migration into the southern plains to stop their slaughter around the time of Columbus (The two tribes still have a friendly antagonism with Ojibway liking to rib about how much they got the best of the legendary warriors of the Sioux).
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:15 am Sioux actually means snake. It was a name given to them by other tribes they conflicted with or something.
It's an Ojibway name meaning "little snake". The Iroquois were called the "big snakes", which shows the relationship the two tribes had with the Ojibway and which ones they respected more.
Admiral X wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:24 am It's a shortened form of a term meaning "snakes in the grass." The thing is, some of the tribes, including the one I am a member of, still refer to themselves as Sioux. Some find the name offensive, others don't. I know my great uncle was rather amused at the people who found the term offensive. I tend to prefer the name Lakota for my tribe (important to note there are also Dakota and Nakota), simply because this is the most accurate. I still often find myself utilizing the Sioux name when referencing all the tribes collectively, though.
Names of derision can become names of respect seeing them as how much your enemy hates or fears you.

My mother side is of Clan MacFarlane and every generation gets a kick out of the names, or associated names, other clans lent to us. MacFarlane's Lantern was a nickname given to the full moon, as it was the signal of when the clan would raid.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Don't go too far into this, how? :shock: I'm pretty passionate, as you guys can tell. It's why I look to world-building with a strong gleam in my eye. I think if things had turned out differently in my life, I could have literally been the EU author to any one of a dozen of my favorite sci-fi series. There's great potential in world-building, sci-fi, and that I personally have. I wanna see this through to the end. As to what Madner Kami said, whose standards are that to which I must live my life? Certainly I'd love to get a girlfriend and settle down someday, surely, but that said, do you honestly think I'm mature enough to raise kids? :lol:

As to the Indian stuff, it should make sense, and be consistent. B5 proved you could do that with Russian/Jewish traditions, which is great. No reason Voyager could not, in theory. Again, all sorts of ideas to consider. And remember that while Chakotay would be a student of his history, I think he'd also have a deep-seated love to his colony. Similar to the Indians from "Journey's End," in that they had wandered from Earth for centuries (perhaps following some new upheaval, as that episode implied), and found the perfect land. It's the land of his father and forefathers. If I do reference "Papa Chakotay," it is that he has deep ties to the land, because of how long it took to find this place.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

I am that kind of a nerd which clearspira has said over and over is as ostracized today as ever, despite illusions to the contrary. The stereotypical Trek fan. Isolated, socially awkward, creative, imaginative, dreaming of the future, passionate, with a lot of love and heart, that others think means I "take it too far" and is "not healthy," and granted, like with Star Wars canon, sometimes it is not. Even so, I can relate especially to what clearspira says given the reactions I face on this very forum. Being a nerd is as niche as ever. And I love that. Being a loner and outsider can give you a unique view. I wish more people would take it.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Beastro »

Yukaphile wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:23 amDon't go too far into this, how? :shock: I'm pretty passionate, as you guys can tell.
Your fan fiction is going to go no where.

But you can take it as a spring board to how develop your writing, especially your world building. See what you might be able to make of it with your own original work. At the very least that has a chance of going somewhere, you could publish stories of you're own, you're not going to get much from Trek stories even if you wind up becoming the most popular Trek fan fiction writer of all time.

IMO, look at this as inspiration and focus on trying to make it into your own thing.

Who knows what you could make from this as a launch board, and I speak as someone who developed a world beginning from watching Space Above and Beyond almost 25 years ago. In my case, my problem is I can't find time to write any stories in it, I like the world building so much more so I treat it more as a recounting of history.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

... Jesus Christ, could you be any more offensive? It's a means of coping, an escape, and to convey thought and feeling into a tangible form.

I mean, yeah, I've planned original stories, but still... who are YOU to come in here judging how I live my life, telling me to "get a life?" How dare you.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

This is about MY STORY. My ideas, my plans, nothing more. Not for pretentious outsiders to come in and start spewing self-righteous judgment, otherizing the recipient in exactly the way I described.
"A culture's teachings - and more importantly, the nature of its people - achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking."
— Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
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