New Picard trailer

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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

I'm fine with there being sub-races of Vulcans/Romulans. Again, the original Klingon redesign in the late seventies was worse, same with the one from early this decade, but at you could always justify it with "higher budget" in TMP. There is literally no reason to do so in the early 2010s unless you're going to subtly redesign it. :lol:
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Simplicius »

I don't object to reverting the Romulan designs (the people involved can and should do whatever they feel is best - and continuity is clearly not something they care about), I just sincerely doubt it actually is a matter of wanting to appeal to TOS fans. Rather, I assume it's been done to fit the aesthetic of the Abrams' films.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Clearly. Still, continuity should be divided into layers of importance, imo. Kinda the approach modern Star Wars lacks, but was prevalent under Legends, that this has "layers" of higher priority. I mean, we all know that those in charge assign greater priority to something over the other based on how much money it makes them. So why not be honest? And if so, it's the same way that the Klingons were based on the reboots. Look how well that served them? :lol: While DISCO might be getting better, it shows they still haven't learned their lessons from the mistakes made in that show's genesis. :roll:
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Makeshift Python »

If they're just trying to fit with the aesthetic of the Abrams' films then they would have been bald with tattoos on their face.

I'm fine with restoring them to their TOS look where they all have natural hair instead of the same bowlcut wigs. One thing I didn't like in the Berman production besides the ridges was the very bizarre stipulation that ALL Vulcans and Romulans had to have Spock's bowl haircut. Why was that ever a thing? In TOS and the films they all had their own distinct hairstyles.

The only exception was (thankfully) Tuvok, where Tim Russ was allowed to just feature with his natural hair rather than put on a wig like they had that one black actor do in "The Pegasus".
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Eh, it is what it is.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Makeshift Python »

Really though, I wish Jolene Blalock had been allowed to have long hair. She looked much better in the alternate timeline episodes with longer hair.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Admiral X »

I'm a fan of shorter hair styles personally. The bowl cut didn't look bad on her, honestly. I agree that there should have been more variety among them, though.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Simplicius »

The D'deridex Warbird was one of the best designs the TNG crew came up with but I guess we're throwing the baby out with the bath water.


Anyway, as for the rest of the trailer, it seems kind of bizarre that we're being asked to buy into a Picard who represents apparently lost Federation ideals when Discovery is going show us how pointless that is. I really don't like the look of this android slave race ... it feels very dystopian, especially given, once again, that we know how it all ends.

Seven dual wielding phaser rifles looked a little silly and gave me TNG movie vibes (that's not a good thing) and I definitely don't like the look of Romulan Legolas. I do like the fact that beam weapons haven't been jettisoned.
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

... they are ejecting the D'Deridex? OMG... well, there goes our nostalgia. Stupid fanboys will rail on it for that reason, which I don't think is their intent. It's just reflective of the times. The very cynical times we live in.

Picard hating the Federation will no doubt piss off people who saw Luke turn into a bitter old hermit. It is Hollywood's approach these days. Take these older characters, and make 'em bitter. Is there perhaps a bit of ageism there too? "You baby boomers ruined the world! Now it's up to us to save it!" Mark Hamill even said as much.

Even so, I could accept this, if written correctly. The Dominion War, learning about Section 31, and what happened with Romulus. If 31 was involved (they even said they were planning for the next war, confirmed in late Season 7), then yeah, I could see him falling that way. Still remain skeptical they can do so.

Android slave race? Now that's just sliding too damned far into darkness. :lol: Do these people even understand what nuance is? DS9 did it well, it wasn't all darkness. :roll:
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Re: New Picard trailer

Post by Yukaphile »

Star Trek doesn't have to be optimism, but damned if this does not feel bleak as fuck. Not even DS9 was this dystopian, and that was in a fucking war zone!
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