Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Hell, in the Narendra Universe (what I call the alternate timeline where the Enterprise-C couldn't stop the Romulans, leading to war), what I feel happened is that in a heated argument Duras challenged K'mpec's authority, and have you seen the dude? LOL. He lost. And Duras pressed hard into attacking the Federation, listening to hostile elements in the Klingon High Command which included Korvas himself.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Could somebody help me develop what an "isoton" even is? I mean, I think I'm going with DS9, that 10 isotons of force were going off outside them in "The Ship." Thus... an isoton would be a pretty low measurement. Every other use is by Voyager, which this is a revision of. :lol:

So seriously? We know a 25 isoton photon torpedo could blow up a whole "city" in "seconds" as described in "Living Witness," but that gives no clue to its power. The only other instance in DS9, when they blew up the Jem'Hadar supply depot, could be dismissed as the enriched ore enhancing the power past what it could normally do.

Given my new view that the Khitomer Accords outlawed the use of warheads into yields of multiple gigatons, my feeling is that in DS9, the Romulan and the Cardassian fleets equipped them in defiance of those treaties. It would make sense, given how far Tain was willing to go and to tie into the "we've crossed the Rubicon" theming he had going. And it can set a baseline for their normal photon or plasma torpedo yields, from 60 megaton at the lowest to a gigaton at level 16. This would not only tie into the Voyager rewrite, since they might need to develop more potent weapons and an argument might be to focus on gathering resources and making allies instead of building bigger bombs (Janeway would advocate the former, Chakotay the latter), but also "Star Chronicles" too to let them compete with the various powers out there.

What do you think?
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

To be honest, I would just not use it. It's a nonsense term both in theory and practice. Whatever you go with, would contradict one piece of continuity or the other because Voyager was notorious for abusing technobabble. I would just use the standard megaton/gigaton measurements.

Someone else might have better idea, though.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Got it. So I have a few story ideas possibly planned.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

Let's hear them!
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Well, first off, Year of Hell is a complete year. And the timeline gets reset. Which means Season 6 is gonna be like "Year of Hell" if they had not encountered the Krenim. Or they were just a minor species.

I have a few character interactions planned. As we know, in a parallel world, Nick ends up with Kes. In this world, since she hesitated in the split second she knew was coming when the console exploded, and Torres is wounded and Janeway killed, I'm thinking she doesn't trust herself to love anymore, especially with all her memories of "Year of Hell." She is the one to retain them due to her psychic powers, or perhaps she was the one in deflector control where none of the shields had dropped yet. Either way, this means Harry Kim is dying at the end of Season 3 leading into Season 4. And... it means perhaps there can be a nice Kes/Seven relationship in this altered timeline.

And yes, I know, we're all giggling, "Girls together doing it!" Let's restrain those impulses and really giver this some serious depth past titillation. I think Kes would do to Seven what she had done to the Doctor. See her humanity. Hell, perhaps Janeway is all too willing to let Seven return, but Kes insists she stay. And she could help her find her humanity. So that when Kes is feeling upset, angry, and vulnerable that for an Ocampa who never cheats and never lies and life-mates, she was willing to let two people DIE just to be with Nick. And Seven could tell her all she's learned about humanity so far. That would lead the two together.

What do you think?

I have a few basic ideas for Year of Hell too.

One is that the Hirogen are hunting Species 8472 right alongside the Borg and Krenim threat. This would, in effect, push Year of Hell down to Season 4, and then Season 5 would be altered timeline.

And since, of course, the Dominion ship was marooned, they can only replicate or fabricate ketracel-white for so long. They need help from the Federation, which I think the Vorta in charge would be all too willing to ask for, via their snake-oil salesman approach, but the Jem''Hadar would hate it. Since this is originally in Year of Hell, my feeling is we could explore options never seen later on. Like maybe the Jem'Hadar take out one of the Voyager Fleet ships and even kill off a few main characters. Janeway dies, we know that. I also wanna explore Torres' self-harm feelings, assuming this is kept to Season 5 and not Season 4. I also wanna move "Mortal Coil" here. So that Neelix dies in Year of Hell, and comes back. I also wanna give technobabble for why Seven can't always revive people. I wanna keep that, but moderate it. Let's go back to the Jem'Hadar. My feeling is that in Year of Hell, the Founder is liberated by the Dominion battlecruiser, and you can imagine how painful those experiments were. But then Kes knows what is coming in the altered timeline, and chooses to save the Founder. It would fit her pattern. She saw so much good to the Founder, just a lot of pain to overcome.

The problem is building a coherent chronology. What do you guys think?
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

That all sounds fun. I think keeping Kes around is one of those things that almost everyone agrees would've made the show better.

I can't really help with the chronology because I truly despise time travel (which is weird considering the fact that I loved "Year of Hell" and "Eye of the Needle").
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

I see. What about the idea of Seven and Kes being together?

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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Simplicius »

Being together in what sense?

I think you have a good grasp of their potential dynamic, essentially allowing Kes to apply all the lessons she's learned and her newfound maturity to bring out the humanity in Seven.
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Re: Complete Voyager and First Contact/Insurrection Rewrite Fanfiction

Post by Yukaphile »

Romantically. Hell, one idea I have is reworking "Someone to Watch Over Me." Seven is at heart, supposed to be like a supergenius child, right? Well... have her ask Kes about dating. LOL

I have a question. What is "Alice" about? I'm still organizing my structure for my rewrite, and I'm into the original Season 6. What is it? I wanna know if it has value that can be saved.
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