Madner Kami wrote:Then there's the historical contradiction of how the Romulans, "Those who march beneath the Raptor's Wings", somehow lost a civil-war against what boils down to being a bunch of vulcan hippies? What? How? How exactly does the warlike faction loose a war against a sect that doesn't want to even take up arms?
Presumably it was the same way as how the Son'a got booted out by the Bak'u.
In fairness, the Vulcan-Romulan conflict is more believable than the Bak'u-Son'a one; unless I'm misremembering, the adoption of Surak's teachings was only a recent thing when the proto-Romulans were ousted, so the Vulcans of that time weren't necessarily entirely 'hippie pascifists'. Presumably they were only just getting their aggression and other emotions under control so were still capable of violence. In fact it's possible initially it benefited them as instead of going off half-cocked on an emotional whim, they were able to control and direct their emotions to be most efficient, in turn gaining the upper hand and forcing the proto-Romulans off world. In that case, it was only after then that they fully embraced pascifism. And as AdmiralX says, they also still had the emotion reflecting weapons then.
As for not coming back for several centuries, I vaguely recall an offhandedly mention of a two hundred year war between Vulcans and Romulans (think it's mentioned as one of the things Q caused when he was out causing mischief), so if that's not the war where the Romulans got kicked out, there was a conflict between then and the eras covered by the shows. It's also possible that the Earth-Romulan War was intended as the first move in a new conflict with Vulcan, but it went badly with Earth either winning or (more likely) a stalemate. After that the Romulans retreated to lick their wounds and rebuild, but within a few years was the founding of the Federation with Vulcan as a charter member and thus the game changed such that a war with Vulcan now meant a war with all the founding worlds of the Federation and thus it took til TOS before they were condfident enough to try again.