Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

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Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by Winter »

As the saying goes, there can be no Light without Darkness so what are your least favorite Star Wars Stories and, again, this is just for fun so please keep it civil.

Legacy of the Force. WHAT THE F#^(K WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY WROTE THIS!?!? It's overly padded, pointlessly kills off beloved characters for Shock Value and it's plot is so convoluted I'm amazed ANYONE can follow this.

The Last Jedi: Not a fan of this one and every time I watch it I only grow to dislike it more. Rey is reduced to the go-between for Luke and Kylo's arc, Poe and Holdo are both SO unlikable that I ended up not caring about the whole space chase and the whole Casino Planet feels like a Star Trek Message Episode without the subtly. And the whole Forth Act just feels tacked out and adds in a lot of extra scenes that I'm REALLY not a fan of.

The D-Squad Arc in The Clone Wars: Who thought that Clone Wars would introduce not one but TWO characters who were actually WORSE then Jar Jar. WAC-47 is the sort of useless you don't come across often, he actually went to warn everyone about a Comets instead of avoiding them. That's the kind of dumb that would make Neelix go, "Wow, what an idiot."

And then there's Colonel Meebur Gascon. He actually has to be FORCED to save millions of Republic Soldiers instead of his own skin. I may not like Holdo or Rose but truth be told I will GLADLY take them over this little toad. He is one of the few characters in fiction I WANTED to be killed simply because he was so TERRIBLE. He's whiny, pretty much useless and arrogant. He actually makes Kirk from Into Darkness look like TOS Kirk, That's How Bad He Is!

And those are my least favorite Star Wars stories, if you happened to like any of these stories no offense was meant and hope that we can still just discuss the topic like reasonable people. But no matter what, there's one thing I think most, if not all, of us can agree on. The Holiday Special is the Worst.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by Simplicius »

The Force Awakens: Pointlessly regressed the character of Han Solo, ruined the character of Luke Skywalker (no, I don't think the blame lies with TLJ), undermined all the achievements of the original heroes, at its very best it feels like the OT in a half-remembered fever dream, nonsensical plot, interesting ideas (like humanised Storm Troopers) are brought up only to be thoroughly smashed.

Total crap with no redeeming features whatsoever. At least TLJ had some interesting characters like DJ and had the actual guts to drive a stake in the ground (much as I don't like the execution).

Ultimately TFA is a perfect example of the shallowness and creative bankruptcy of "mystery box" story-telling.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by MissKittyFantastico »

Dark Disciple. I won't go into detail since I don't really enjoy being pissed off at things, just, ugh. Quinlan Vos. Really? Really? Swipe friggin' left.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by Meushell »


Least Favorite...

...Movie: It probably is The Last Jedi. I kept waiting for the twist that Holdo was secretly working for the bad guys. Nope. She’s just a bad leader. The casino plot felt out of place. I wish Lando would have been the guy they were supposed to get. He could have been there for any number of reasons, and I can picture him grinning as he watched the fathiers wrecking havoc.

...The Clone Wars Story: The Zillo Beast. It’s boring, predictable, and takes up two episodes when it could have just been one.

...Rebels Episode: Iron Squadron. The episode and the members, though two of the members briefly come back later and are used better.

...Resistance Story: Kaz himself at the start of Season 1. Too much goofball, slapstick humor. I get that they wanted him to start low to develop and grow up, but he starts out too low.

...Book: Tarkin. It has two stories. One with a meh ending, and the other which is tediously boring. (A lot of people do like it though.)

I haven’t played any of the games. I just can’t get into the comics. That’s not a criticism to the comics. I just don’t particularly enjoy that method of storytelling.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by hammerofglass »

Dark Empire. Making the original movies pointless and ruining Luke as a character before it was cool.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by J!! »

Attack of the Clones, followed by Revenge of the Sith.

With a few exceptions, all of the EU stories I've read/played/watched just sort of blur together into a vague haze of mediocrity. I can't remember them well enough to hate them.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by Mecha82 »

Movies: The Phantom Menace
Cartoons: Ewoks
Novels: Dark Apprentice
Comic Books: Dark Empire 1 and 2.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by Yukaphile »

Everything since 2014.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by AquaReggie »

Movies: The Force Awakens. Despite all the controversy (and still conforming to ESB's plot to some degree), I still appreciate The Last Jedi's attempt to interrogate the themes of Star Wars. When my brother and I walked out of TFA we looked at each other and immediately agreed that we'd watched this story before in ANH. As mentioned by Winter above, that's only a personal opinion, and I had an hour or so of fun watching TFA still.

Books: The Crystal Star. The author, Vonda McIntyre, did several books for Star Trek, and it definitely shows. The alien Waru hailing from a parallel universe that has an "anti-Force" was different, sure, but it felt so different from Star War's normal fare that other writers mostly ignored this. Add to that Luke having another case of Plot Powerdown that writers in the time period often handed out, and the WTF moment of Han considering cheating on Leia with a loli-looking alien, and this one's a mess. I will say that Leia gets a nice subplot showing just how determined she is to rescue her kids, and demonstrating that she's quick on the uptake with other cultures.

Video games: Star Wars Pit Droids. Not offensively bad, but one step above shovelware. Other games made to cash in on Episode I like The Gungan Frontier or Star Wars Episode I Racer gave a younger me much more fun.
Last edited by AquaReggie on Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just For Fun What are Your Least Favorite Star Wars Stories?

Post by AquaReggie »

Winter wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:33 am
Legacy of the Force. WHAT THE F#^(K WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY WROTE THIS!?!? It's overly padded, pointlessly kills off beloved characters for Shock Value and it's plot is so convoluted I'm amazed ANYONE can follow this.
No disagreement here. I remember slogging through the half-dozen large hardback novels from my local library, and in retrospect I realize that the story was just bloated and could have been told in more streamlined fashion.

As mentioned earlier I'm a big Tahiri fan, so after she and most of the YJK secondary characters were reduced to blanks in Dark Nest, the direction the writers took with her character in LoTF was a real disappointment to me.
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