The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by Yukaphile »

What do they got makes 'em different from Legends, if I may ask?
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by CmdrKing »
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by hammerofglass »

Yukaphile wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:21 pm Well, ram ships is something new that makes it distinct from Legends, so count me among that.
They're a direct lift from KOTOR.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by Yukaphile »

When did they ever do that in KOTOR? I've only played 2, not 1, so... where did it come from? And then people rag on it for being stupid, lol. The irony is if they were gonna lift from Legends and treat their new EU with so much respect, where is the respect for Legends? Then again, it's probably like politics to them. When I say that, I'm talking about one thing...

"The voice of the people? There is no such thing. You got 250,000,000 voices all screaming something different at you. The only thing you all seem to agree on is that you don't want higher taxes. The voice of the people, my fanny!"

From My Fellow Americans. That could equally apply here to the fans. And I also think, contrary to what some people think, that Disney probably has very specific marching orders for them. I know I don't have proof, and they are hands-off, but look at it this way. When superhero comic books were being made for Marvel in the late 1990s, they did not adapt from the original source material at all, as far as I know. X-Men, the Spiderman movies, and Hulk. Then along came the Disney buyout, and they have flourished. But what is also a fact is Marvel, even at its peak, is nowhere near as huge as Star Wars is. But, it's just speculation. That they didn't release The Making of Force Awakens is some very shady stuff. Maybe in time we will find out.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by hammerofglass »

The ship design is a very slight modification of the Republic ships of that era, google the Endar Spire.

Wait, you never played KOTOR 1? That's like reading the novels and skipping the Thrawn Trilogy, or watching the movies and skipping A New Hope.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by Yukaphile »

I've WANTED to, for the longest time. But my OS could not support it, as others here know.

I meant the "hyperspace ramming" aspects, not the "ship design is similar." Because honestly, that's where they seem to draw from Legends the most, in making an Eclipse-like Star Destroyer. I have seen it, lol.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by hammerofglass »

Oh, you said ram ships and I thought we were still on Rogue One.

Hyperspace ramming was explicitly impossible in the EU. It would smash the attacker like a bug, but not harm the target. A rule which still seemed to be in effect in Rogue One, incidentally.

You can play KOTOR 1 on your phone now. Definitely worth the ten bucks.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by Yukaphile »


There you go. Yes. I like that it's something new. Will they keep it? I HOPE so. Do something new, or the reboot was just a pointless cash-grab. I know it was, but don't make it so damned bleeding obvious.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by McAvoy »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:41 pm I've heard Rogue One was a pretty good movie. Then comes Solo where they changed directors after a lot of filming had completed, a trilogy where they apparently didn't have a coherent storyline...

I don't know if KK is screwing up repeatedly or if Disney is interfering, but maybe they should concentrate on solo films (no pun intended) and move to trilogies when they're up to it.
Solo seemed to have the same issue as the DCverse as in too many cooks in the kitchen. But it had other issues as well.

It came months after The Last Jedi which is perhaps the most polarizing Star Wars film ever made. Which alot of movie goers who would have gone to see it, not the casual fan, was put off.

That and the actor didn't look like Harrison Ford and people had a hard time connecting the two actors together. It's not a comic book film where you can have multiple actors play the same character because the basic premise of comic books is that as long as you look good in the superhero costume and act like the superhero you were good.

They also picked the wrong character anyway IMO. They should have done a Darth Vader film. He is covered up and as long as he sounds like Vader, no one would have an issue with him. You could have done a Kenobi film too using an older Ewan McGregor.
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Re: The Planned Star Wars Trilogy is Dead

Post by hammerofglass »

My problem with Solo is that it felt like a chopped down series. It was like they had a bunch of fun episodic adventures they thought of, but instead of developing any of them they just crammed them all together and called it a movie. As a movie it was meh, but I feel a properly developed series with the same material would have killed.

Well, that and it stopped just before what seemed like the most important bit where his cheery heroic persona gets broken into the bitter man we met in ANH. Maybe they were banking on a sequel
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