The 13th Doctor announced

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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by Robovski »

Everything has "implications" and the projection upon my motives and feelings again. It's just so boring.

Here are some actual political views of mine: Liberty, equality, fraternity. Racial politics divide us to keep the real division that matters (wealth and opportunity) from being addressed. But we can't have those poor people getting together and actually forming effective political movements now can we? They might get health care, better access to education, better labor laws... But the proles are dumb right? Working class nobodies who are easily lead to believe that the color of their skin is much more important than the common shared culture and class in society. They can blame everything on those white/black/immigrants/whatever and never read a book or have a thought worth having right? The very fact it is cheaper to give a home to a homeless person than to keep them on the street but we don't shows just how much "fuck that guy, I got mine" goes on, and I see NO leadership coming out of either party to fix what is wrong with the country of my birth, the USA.

I honestly don't care if the Doctor is a man or a woman. I do care if the show is good. Radical changes to the character are more likely to come off as pandering than a positive creative choice and that makes fans concerned, and not unreasonably so considering the variable nature of the show's past quality.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Antiboyscout wrote:10 years ago the conversation would be more focused potential stories and if this a good move in general.
Again, I have posted repeatedly about how this is a creatively consistent and logical choice for Doctor Who. Which you have ignored, so that you can keep the discussion focussed on how feminists are supposedly persecuting white men, while blaming me for "politicizing" the topic.
But as Justin Trudeau says "it's the current year".
An off-topic partisan cheap shot.
Feminist political agitation is everywhere and the effects are quite visible.
What do you define as "Feminist political agitation", beyond simply asking that women have the same opportunities as men, and acknowledging that prejudice and discrimination still exist? Because that's all I'm really saying here, at its base.

Frankly, this reads as nothing but buzzword-based fear mongering. And as a side note, I think its a damn shame that "feminist" has become a dirty word, in much the same way "socialist" did, because of a concerted Right-wing campaign to falsely equate feminists with radical anti-male extremists.

The Right has been (successfully) playing this game for years, scaring liberals and progressives into retreating towards the Centre Right and casting us as dangerous extremists by accusing us of bias and extremism any time we try to actually stand for something Left of centre. Its far past time to stop being afraid, and start wearing those labels proudly.

Or, to quote Captain Picard:

"If we're to be damned, let us be damned for what we are."
Some of us read comics, some of us watch movies, and some of us play games. The trend of diversity for diversity's sake d*mn be to plot, realism, and most of all quality. All of the media that are obviously are pushing politics or appeasing political agitators make all the others suspect.
Again, this accusation seems to be automatically leveled every time a woman or minority is put in a traditionally white male role, sometimes with no evidence for it besides the simple fact that a woman or minority was cast. So how is it "obviously" politically motivated? Unless what you are actually arguing is that white men are and should be the default, and anything else is a sinister aberration.

For that matter, what is wrong with a series having a political message? What is wrong with addressing political issues? Certainly, it can be done badly, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. You certainly have no problem with advancing a political agenda in this topic (specifically the anti-feminist, anti-"SJW", anti-affirmative action agenda). So again, it seems like your problem is not with "politicization" per say, but just with politics you disagree with.

Moreover, you need to explain in what way you feel that having a woman in the role of the Doctor, for example, inherently undermines the plot, realism, or overall quality. Because if you make this objection for no other reason than the fact of a woman being cast, in a role where their is no practical reason that a woman cannot be cast, then the obvious implication is that you consider women to be inherently inferior characters or actors.
BBC recently has an iffy record on diversity for diversity's sake. Recall the minorities only jo- I mean internshi- I mean 'training programs' or the hiring quotas that are supposed to represent UK demographics but under-represents whites and over-represents minorities or the sacking of John Holmes a radio presenter for being a white man to make room for diversity.
As I have little knowledge of the specific cases to which you refer, I will ask that provide specific, credible (ie not known Alt. Right) sources.

Edit: Robovski, I'm not ignoring your post, but I spent about an hour writing a reply before it got deleted/lost, and I can't be arsed to write the whole thing over right now.
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Thank you.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Why shouldn't the Doctor be a woman? Why is that a political decision or pandering, while keeping the doctor male is not perceived as pandering to the old guard fans?
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

No, a more direct question.

Why do you care? What about the Doctor being a woman will in any way keep you from enjoying the show?
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The Romulan Republic
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by The Romulan Republic »


Every time, every God damn time that a woman or minority is given a traditionally white/male role, their is immediately a hue and cry about how its "political" (as if that is necessarily a bad thing), and how we should just enjoy the show and not worry about politics (even though the people who make these complaints are themselves "guilty" of politicizing the discussion).

Seldom, if ever, do they make much attempt to justify their underlying assumptions. Because they are, ultimately, unjustifiable, and any attempt to do so is going to come off sounding half-baked, overtly racist/misogynist, or both.
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by Antiboyscout »

We won't know how good the new season of Doctor Who will be until it comes out. We're speculating. These speculations are based on the trend that the more a media company panders to progressive politics the lower the quality the product it produces. This can be from a need to tone police and pushing progressive propaganda a la Marvel Comics, or this can be a marketing ploy to create controversy to guarantee viewership from people who will watch it as a form of political statement in to cover up poor writing, plot, and character development a la Ghost Busters. These are no longer isolated incidents; they are now prevalent enough to form a pattern.

I noticed TRR you have said nothing about the past actions of the BBC especially with regards to the sacking of John Holmes.

Let me reverse your question and throw it back. Why can't a character remain white and male? Why does changing the race and gender make it better?
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

I asked first. What, when this new doctor fights the latest convoluted plan of the Daleks or deals with alien medical tech gone horribly wrong or saves a species-of-the-week from genocide, will prevent you from enjoying it? Does simply the knowledge that it might be Politically Correct or Pandering distract you from your viewing experience? Will the concern that this might be the result of concerted action by feminists make it difficult for you to emotionally connect with the Doctor's latest incarnation and relate to her character arc?
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Re: The 13th Doctor announced

Post by TGLS »

Honestly, the only thing I'm concerned with is that this might see a shift to the dramatic, because the only work I saw with Whittaker before was Broadchurch, which is just pure drama.
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