JK Rowling Backlash

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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by AlucardNoir »

CmdrKing wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:27 am “ The study found that one third of identical twin pairs in the sample were both transgender: 13 of 39 (33%) monozygotic or identical pairs of assigned males and 8 of 35 (22.8%) pairs of assigned females. Among dizygotic or genetically non-identical twin pairs, there was only 1 of 38 (2.6%) pairs where both twins were trans.[4]”

Shockingly, it turns out that the link you provided said... the thing the trans person said about it: genetics are an inadequate explanation of gender variance.
I just love how you just so happen to omit the phrase preceding that one: "Twin studies suggest that there are likely genetic causes of transsexuality, although the precise genes involved are not fully understood.[3][4]"

It's funny how you and trans people just so happen to come to the exact opposite conclusion scientists doing research come to.

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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

Funny how you think “there is a genetic component” is synonymous with “genes are the primary cause of everything”, especially with something where *identical twins* have the same outcome 33% of the time (in AMAB people, less overall).

Of course, I should amend my statement. Genetics may explain trans people much better than that... if we dismiss the concept of binary gender to start with. If gender is a spectrum, for example, the twins in the study may have occupied a far more similar gender space, and their different circumstances would be much more likely to press one to peruse medical transition and the other not.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:20 am
AlucardNoir wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:06 am Completely off topic.
Then why it posted??
Alright. Well I'll be watching you.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by LittleRaven »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:42 amSelf-ID is the only ethical public policy. The possibility of abuse beyond the scope of things that are already illegal anyway are both remote and not worth the trade-off of making it possible to exclude the majority of trans people from accessing transition.
I....struggle....with the notion that you're perfectly ok feeding vulnerable women to predators like Karen White in the name of ideological purity. I mean, sure...I guess if you want to be 100% certain that nobody ever feels excluded for any reason, then that's the only logical stance to take....but I suspect very few people will follow you that far out on the limb. Even most transactivists are willing to admit that the state was wrong in that case. The UK is trying to make sure that never happens again by creating separate prison facilities for trans-prisoners, which most people applaud, but I suppose it does other those prisoners to an extent. After all, are they not real women?

Likewise, I suppose if that's really your stance, then you're one of the few allies that Jessica Yaniv has...but most people are ok with the courts shutting her down. She was literally bullying poor immigrant women out of business....what possible good comes from allowing her to continue?
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by Yukaphile »

I mean, I've seen hard leftists sneer at assault victims for not conforming to their ideological purity.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by Worffan101 »

LittleRaven wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:17 pm
CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:42 amSelf-ID is the only ethical public policy. The possibility of abuse beyond the scope of things that are already illegal anyway are both remote and not worth the trade-off of making it possible to exclude the majority of trans people from accessing transition.
I....struggle....with the notion that you're perfectly ok feeding vulnerable women to predators like Karen White in the name of ideological purity. I mean, sure...I guess if you want to be 100% certain that nobody ever feels excluded for any reason, then that's the only logical stance to take....but I suspect very few people will follow you that far out on the limb. Even most transactivists are willing to admit that the state was wrong in that case. The UK is trying to make sure that never happens again by creating separate prison facilities for trans-prisoners, which most people applaud, but I suppose it does other those prisoners to an extent. After all, are they not real women?

Likewise, I suppose if that's really your stance, then you're one of the few allies that Jessica Yaniv has...but most people are ok with the courts shutting her down. She was literally bullying poor immigrant women out of business....what possible good comes from allowing her to continue?
I would rather protect the vast majority of trans people who, like cis people, are decent folks, from societal discrimination than continue the discrimination to "protect" cis people from the tiny number of trans people who are, like a similarly small percentage of cis people, assholes.

I mean, some black people are rapists and murderers (as are some white people). We still got rid of Jim Crow laws, despite the wailing and teeth-gnashing by racists about how doing so would let the rapists and murderers act with impunity (which...it didn't). You're essentially buying into a false dilemma here.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by LittleRaven »

Worffan101 wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:45 pmI would rather protect the vast majority of trans people who, like cis people, are decent folks, from societal discrimination than continue the discrimination to "protect" cis people from the tiny number of trans people who are, like a similarly small percentage of cis people, assholes.
But surely we can do that without literally locking up women with known sexual abusers.
We still got rid of Jim Crow laws, despite the wailing and teeth-gnashing by racists about how doing so would let the rapists and murderers act with impunity (which...it didn't).
Jim Crow laws were a blatant affront to justice. What affront to justice do you see in the cases of Karen White or Jessica Yaniv? How is society discriminating against them? The Canadian court told Jessica to stop asking women to wax her penis. (and to pay their legal fees for the lawsuits she leveled against them) The British decided that putting Karen White in a female prison was a bad idea. Are these things so terrible that we must seek to reverse them, even if women suffer? Or can we not acknowledge that sometimes, people are bad actors, regardless of whether they are CIS or trans, and must be dealt with accordingly?
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

My question to you there is this: in what way does denying trans people access to legal documents, medical care, and basic human rights solve those problems?

If we insist on those troll examples...What is done with cis woman rapists in women's prisons, and why are those measures inadequate for Karen White?

What measures exists for businesses to fight off frivolous suits against serial plaintiffs, and are those inadequate for bad-faith anti-discrimination suits?
(To expand on that: Yaniv is essentially asking for a specialty service that these places don't offer, because it exists in the narrow area where yes, waxing a trans woman's bikini zone actually is sufficiently different from waxing a cis woman's bikini zone that it's a different skill and thus a different service. If you want to draw attention to the fact nobody offers those services, neat, but suing them over it tips your hand that it's just a grift.)

Beyond that, it's nothing to do with ideological purity, it's a pragmatic measure to ensure that it's not possible for the majority of trans people to be excluded from basic things like proper ID, medical care (not trans medical care. Medical care.) and housing.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by LittleRaven »

CmdrKing wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:37 pmMy question to you there is this: in what way does denying trans people access to legal documents, medical care, and basic human rights solve those problems?
With the caveat that I have no idea what you mean by "basic human rights" - it doesn't, and if I've ever argued that we should be doing these things, then I'd appreciate you pointing it out to me, because that was unintentional on my part.

Like I said, "believe people when they tell you how they experience gender" is fine as a personal philosophy. Admirable, even. But as government policy, it's going to create problems, because people have no problem abusing systems when they perceive an advantage from doing so.
If we insist on those troll examples...What is done with cis woman rapists in women's prisons, and why are those measures inadequate for Karen White?
I wish these were troll examples. Troll examples are things people make up for the sake of argument. "What if a person identifies as an attack helicopter and wants to bomb Iran?" These are real people that have victimized real women under the pretense of "I am whatever gender I decide to be today" and while I suspect this is unintentional on your part, they are the people you are proposing we empower under a self-identification policy.

As to your question....generally, no special treatment is given to CIS women rapists in a woman's prison, just as no special treatment is given to male rapists in male prisons. They are in gen-pop unless they do something extraordinary, because there's no other practical way to handle it. That was insufficient for Karen White because unlike most female prisoners, Karen White has a fully functional penis and the body and frame of a man. I realize it's fashionable these days to say that there is no difference between the sexes, but in a wrestling match that's just not true - as some of Karen's fellow prisoners discovered.

But, you say, some women are larger and stronger than others. Even without testosterone, a woman can sexually abuse another woman. You are absolutely correct about that - heck, I'm sure it happens with depressing regularity in prison. But most people, and especially most women, see a very large difference between a woman being attacked by another woman and woman being attacked by a man, especially when that man is a serial rapist who made no secret about the fact that he was identifying as a woman in order to be put in a population of people he considered vulnerable.
What measures exists for businesses to fight off frivolous suits against serial plaintiffs, and are those inadequate for bad-faith anti-discrimination suits?
That depends on the country, but in Canada, where Yaniv lives, the penalty is that you have to pay the other person's court costs if you lose. But here's the thing....under your proposed policy, Yaniv was right. She identifies as a woman, these women advertise services for women, and yet when she shows up they turn her away. If we accept self-identification as the sole ethical method for determining gender, then these women DESERVE to be sued. And of course, it helped that she specifically targeted poor immigrant women with minimal education and legal options....nothing like punching down, eh?

Now, obviously you recognize Yaniv's behavior for what it is. So did the courts. But by shutting Yaniv down, they are expressly recognizing that self-identification is NOT always enough. Sometimes you have to go deeper.

edit - accidentally misgendered Jessica Yaniv. Apologies.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

They are troll examples in that TERFs and other transphobes have seized upon these specific examples of bad actors as weapons to demonize literally all trans people. Bringing them up is about the same as asking if we should lock up all white men because Jeff Epstein had so many clients.

You missed the question with a Karen White. What are the procedures for dealing with women who assault *other prisoners* in women’s prison and why are *those* inadequate?

Beyond that, think about what you’re suggesting and the logistics involved in claiming different genders on a daily basis to gain different benefits. How many of those couldn’t be achieved by someone of lacking morals without that, and of the remainder how long would they have to maintain a false gender to get that benefit. Every common example is one of those two.
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