Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Winter »

Wargriffin wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:32 am People over state the "The Vong proved the Empire Right" angle which is dismissed in Story... Palpy was gonna conqueror and oppress the galaxy regardless if Alien invaders were coming. Its just the angle the fandom that favors the villains latched onto
I agree, nothing about the Yuuzhan Vong really "Prove The Villains Right". If the Empire was in control of everything then our little corner of the galaxy might have been better prepared, but by that same argument if the Old Republic was never turned into the Galactic Empire then the Vong would have likely had just as many problems attacking.

On a side note I've never liked the retcon that Thrawn was aware of the Vong and was trying to prepare the Galaxy for an coming invasion. Thrawn had a low opinion of the Rebels and the Republic but with a threat as big as the Vong I think he would be willing to put his ego aside to tell them that such a threat was coming and they would need to call a truce and prepare for said invasion.

Again, I haven't read much of the YV War arc but I think the Vong were defeated by the Republic and Empire teaming up because this was a threat that was so powerful the only way to win was teaming up. In the end the reason the Vong came so close to winning was because both side had been greatly weakened in the war and had they made a truce or alliance sooner they might have stood a better chance again the Vong.
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Rodan56 »

Regardless of whether or not the story itself is arguing in favor of the Empire, it doesn't matter. That's the take away fans ran with and continue to run with even now. A story and its author can mean one thing and people can decide it means another. That's not exactly fair, I know, but no one bothered to counter the argument for so long and it has stuck. In my opinion, the Vong became a focal point to justify the Empire, make them the heroes of Star Wars and then years later we have people claiming the Rebels should've negotiated with the fascists set on murdering billions with shity youtube theory videos.

That's why I'm glad they're gone. They were stupid, lame space orks who had the ability to negate the Force because they weren't from around here. The stupidest thing I've heard in ever since the Force is in ALL things. You can't just escape it because you're not from around these here parts, it's stupid and it's a very lame bit of bullshit to essentially neuter the Jedi and force the New Republic to play nice with the Empire so it can be legitimized, allowed to exist and persist throughout future stories despite the simple fact it should be dead!

I don't care what people claim in Robot Chicken sketches, the Empire cannot survive this long without a proper figurehead. The idea that it can and somehow rally itself in order to maintain control over a large portion of the galaxy is stupid. Nazi Germany did not continue to exist for THIRTY YEARS after Hitler got killed.

Say what you will about the First Order seeming samey, at least as an adversary they make a semblance of sense. A bunch of dickhead alt-right extremists longing for the glory days and emulating a government they feel is better suited to their ideology. They're Skinheads, a rogue state, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, a Terrorist State. They're not the Empire, they're Empire Apologists... so fine, I guess that's why I like them as antagonists. They represent everything about the Star Wars Fandom I hate.

I can admit to my bias.

The point is I don't like the Vong because they are a generic enemy built to force the fantastical elements of the Franchise to recede into the ether so Star Wars can become a traditional sci-fi story about Marines and Pulse Rifles and Spaceship Combat. I have Halo! If I want that stuff I'll play Halo, I don't need it in my Star Wars! The Vong suck the life out of what makes Star Wars unique. They're dumb, good riddance that they're gone and if they ever come back it will be too soon.
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Wargriffin »

The Vong are immune to the force 'though not really since Force lightning works on them and by the end the only thing the Vong have kept is the fact they can't be sensed but the Jedi have adapted by just using the force to enhance their physical senses.' Because the Force Cut them off for their perverse barbarity, They are basically the notion of Imbalance made manifest, They are extreme Darksiders.

The Vong added a much needed dose of Variety cause the Empire and its knock offs had gotten stale. They are more akin to the Tyranids then the Orks with a unhealthy Dose of Dark Eldar and Eldar due to their religious motivations and their bio tech / engineering of taking normal things in the SW galaxy and mutanting them into insane killing machines is an aspect I wish they had explored more similar to the Reapers and their Husks of various races... a Vong enhanced Sarlacc!

The Imperial Remnant by the Time of the Vong war is also a whole hell of alot different, The Fel Empire isn't The Empire 2.0 its actually a rather optimistic message that the people turned the faction around.

Well till Legacy happened
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Rodan56 »

That hardly changes my opinion, it's mostly semantics. It's still "We made the fascists good guys" and "We shoved in a very stupid bunch of space orks with Force Immune powers so we could have Stormtroopers be super cool and badass." My point stands, they made them to turn Star Wars into Starship Troopers.

I've always found them boring, overpowered, dull aliens. I'm glad they're gone and nothing said here convinces me they were worth keeping around.
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Wargriffin »

Honestly the Vong war hit its stride the moment it turned into a game of Religious exploitation

Lando designing Assault droids made to utter Blasphemous dialogue just to drive the Vong into homicidal rage is the the type of out of the box thinking it needed after the Vong hit them with the Vorknsrs

Really the GA was created to make up for the diminished manpower, The NR effectively had turned the tide but needed the Remnant, Hapan, Chiss and whoever else they could get to have the numbers to make that final push
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by McAvoy »

The Vong were interesting to me only because they were so different from the past threats. Most of which comes from Sith, the Empire or old elements from the past of the Old Republic.

Execution on the whole of the book series wasn't that great but thd concept I understood.
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Re: Yuuzhan Vong War Discussion

Post by Gekired »

While the series went on a bit too long and constantly seeing Billions day on a daily basis got old fast.

I thought the Vong were pretty cool and seeing how Alien their tech was compared to the main SW universe was interesting. It had some good moments through out and ya

Also them being cut off from the Force seemed cool. It takes away one of the Jedi's greatest assets being able to sense everything through the force.
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