SG-1: Nightwalkers

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SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Mabus »

Yeah, this episode is filler and uninteresting, it feels like an average X-Files episode. At least they managed to connect it with a series B plot, so a plus for continuity I guess. Did Chuck mentioned the reason why O'Neill was missing this episode? I guess since he didn't reviewed Frozen (the SG1 episode that is, though both stories involve a frozen magical girl) he didn't want to overload the viewers with too much info, even though he's back the next episode.

While it's not mentioned, I think most of the ship was scrapped as parts for the Prometheus. Carter mentions in that episode they used a ship that crashed in Alaska in 1978 for the Prometheus' systems (which was never mentioned before or again in the show and felt weird), but since the ship built by the sleepwalking Goa'uld already has Earth-alien systems, I always assumed the Alaska reference was just a coverup, since last thing they'd want to tell a reporter is that genocidal aliens took over a town just a few months ago and were building spaceships and God knows what else. Not to mention Jonas asks Carter about it and Carter replies with "Better than Roswell".
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Zatman »

Chuck is spot-on. About the most interesting thing that happened is a Zat got fired.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

This is one of the first episodes of Stargate I ever saw.
It was a rerun on at 11pm on some random local affiliate.
The only thing I remembered about it was the "Hardened arteries" scene.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Ghilz »

Mabus wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:35 pm While it's not mentioned, I think most of the ship was scrapped as parts for the Prometheus. Carter mentions in that episode they used a ship that crashed in Alaska in 1978 for the Prometheus' systems (which was never mentioned before or again in the show and felt weird), but since the ship built by the sleepwalking Goa'uld already has Earth-alien systems, I always assumed the Alaska reference was just a coverup, since last thing they'd want to tell a reporter is that genocidal aliens took over a town just a few months ago and were building spaceships and God knows what else. Not to mention Jonas asks Carter about it and Carter replies with "Better than Roswell".
The ship in Alaska is the Ha'tak from the episode "Descent" which contained Thor's counciousness, and crashes in the water off Alaska. I dunno where you got the 1978 date from coz I don't remember that.
Zatman wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:56 pm Chuck is spot-on. About the most interesting thing that happened is a Zat got fired.

There's one scene I remember chuckling at, which is Jonas in the diner describing how everyone else is acting weird and being surprised no one else on the team has picked up on all the minutia he's spotted.
Last edited by Ghilz on Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by LiteYear »

I believe the comment Carter made in Prometheus was not supposed to be anything, as the plan was to just be plausible enough so that it wouldn't be questioned (as the Air Forces plan was to double-cross the reporter once they got the source). However, it is odd that the partially completed ship in this episode is just never mentioned again, either as help for the construction of the Prometheus, or as an alternate plan that necessitated the events that happened in that episode.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Ghilz »

LiteYear wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:15 pm I believe the comment Carter made in Prometheus was not supposed to be anything, as the plan was to just be plausible enough so that it wouldn't be questioned (as the Air Forces plan was to double-cross the reporter once they got the source). However, it is odd that the partially completed ship in this episode is just never mentioned again, either as help for the construction of the Prometheus, or as an alternate plan that necessitated the events that happened in that episode.
Possible. I don't remember where the context that came up at all.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

Yeah, hard to disagree with Chuck on this one. Not particularly bad, just not a lot to recommend. The comparison to The X-Files also seems apt. I did enjoy seeing a bit of what Jonas could bring to the team.

Some of the NID stuff in Stargate is pretty weak and comes across as being outside the show's range. When politicians pointed out the dangerous precedents set by the Stargate program, threatened to shut it down, or wanted to get involved, that stuff could be interesting seeing as it's a pretty justified position to hold. With the other secret organizations it felt like the show really had to strain to justify why their secrecy and operations outside their jurisdiction was arrogant, bad, and incompetent whilst the Stargate program was always in the right.

I can see the appeal in doing a small-town America thing, but you never really feel the stakes here.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by Ghilz »

ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:26 pm Some of the NID stuff in Stargate is pretty weak and comes across as being outside the show's range. When politicians pointed out the dangerous precedents set by the Stargate program, threatened to shut it down, or wanted to get involved, that stuff could be interesting seeing as it's a pretty justified position to hold. With the other secret organizations it felt like the show really had to strain to justify why their secrecy and operations outside their jurisdiction was arrogant, bad, and incompetent whilst the Stargate program was always in the right.
I think one of the issue is coz the NID never shows up for anything else. They only ever show up in plots like this where they are bad at their job, or with their introduction where they basically are retconned onto being what Maybourne worked on during his stint as antagonist. The only NID we're ever given some time with is Garret, one of Carter's nine billion romantic interest, and he's blander than paste and also never shown to be interesting or particularly competent.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by BlackoutCreature2 »

You know, I was gonna make a joke about how Dipper would be way too young to be in Gravity Falls at this time, but after doing some research on this ep, I discovered its original air date almost perfectly lines up with when Dipper and Mabel time traveled to Soos' 12th birthday in Blendin's Game. I mean, it adds nothing to story or the joke, I just found it a weird coincidence.

As for the episode itself, when you announced it I had to look it up on the Stargate Wiki, and even after reading its description I had no memory of it. It was only after I started watching this review and seeing some footage of it that it started coming back to me.
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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Post by PerrySimm »

I have no idea why I remember this, but in ancient times I think a cable network website, maybe or some such, had a little activity that asked site visitors to riff on a random screenshot taken off the network's programming over the last hour. No other context was provided, so often folks went on there with no idea what show it was from, and that was part of the fun anyway.

One such time, the screencap was Sam and Jonas walking around that car, basically what you see at about 1:18 in the SFDebris review, before Teal'c walks into frame. I think my riff had something to do with how Sam looked like an MIB agent with the dark clothes and sunglasses.
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