Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by TGLS »

Al-1701 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:06 pm The "Romulans Only" sign being in English struck me as an unwelcome mat to Terrans.
Yeah pretty much my view too. The fact that everyone stared at him when he came in and the waiter refused to serve him helped enforce it.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by Enterprising »

Al-1701 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:06 pm The "Romulans Only" sign being in English struck me as an unwelcome mat to Terrans.
Well they had to spend the resulting 14 years doing something, I'm glad at least one thing changed on the planet over that span of time.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by Al-1701 »

They also got the planetary defense grid fully built in that time as well. Though, stargazing on that planet must be a pain. And people are saying Starlink is bad.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by MrL1992 »

One of the elements that always made me fear the Borg was that body horror element. Even if it was mostly implied in show (though First Contact was able to go a bit deeper). This did get somewhat too sanitised for me when tbey introduced tbe nanites which made the whole assimilation process rather too PG.

The beginning of this episode though really reignited some of that fear though, its one of the things that does make feel that the unrestricted nature of the show's content was worth it.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by clearspira »

"Romulans Only".

Oh, fuck this show.

If there is a single example if how not Star Trek "Picard" is, it would be bringing back racial segregation. And let me remind you all of the story that Nichelle Nichols told where she wanted to quit Star Trek because she believed that she was the black token, only to have Martin Luther King tell her how important Star Trek's anti-segregation message is.

Also, "White on one side black on the other" anyone remember that? And how Kirk could not even comprehend the concept of racism?

Star Trek is dead and Stewart of all people has helped kill it.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by CMWaters »

The implication is less that they want to segregate Romulans away from what I gathered, but to keep humans out. These are a people that feel betrayed by the Federation, which despite the mix of races that are a part of it is primarily seen as a human led group. Picard tearing the sign down, walking on it, and going into that section anyway is him doing a sort-of civil rights movement.

At least that's how I interpreted it.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by Zargon »

I get the feeling that with all this soft building that there will be no pay off in a couple epsiodes when it's over. They are making a sandcastle, and a wave will wash it

Every Episode has hammered down the idea that the Federation and Starfleet have ''changed". In some vague way. As if change was bad. Though it's not really ''change" in general...just change that Picard and the writers ''don't like". Like there was a Fed Election and the guy who became president was disliked by, er, 40% of the Federation (but loved by the 60% who did vote for that guy).

And in just like three episodes with will get the bad guy non-answer: er, the whole of federation and starfeet changed because, er, Zork was elected...and, er, well end of the season/show.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by Mabus »

Ah, I see Rick Berman is already pulling a "Miss me yet, Star Trek fans?"

At least RLM doesn't dissapoint.
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by MrL1992 »

Sadly I'm sure there are some who who'd love him to come back just to keep the gays away...
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Re: Star Trek Picard and Trek Taking on Modern Politics

Post by Enterprising »

Mabus wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:59 pm Ah, I see Rick Berman is already pulling a "Miss me yet, Star Trek fans?"

At least RLM doesn't dissapoint.
On his worst day, anything he'd put out would out-do the current trash getting thrown at us. That said, I wouldn't take him back for simply producing better than garbage. Seth/Coto/Braga dream team for the way forward. Make it so Shari!
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