Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

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The Romulan Republic
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Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice Congressman Steve Cohen (D-Tennessee) has decided to file articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, on the basis of Obstruction of Justice and the Emoluments Clause, while also referring to his handling of Charlottesville. ... peachment/

Now, he's not the first to have done so, apparently, so who knows if anything will come of it. But perhaps their will be more support following Trump's handling of Charlottesville. If enough momentum builds...
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I would also urge all of you who are Americans, weather Left or Right, who believe in a government accountable to the rule of law to write or call your Congressmember and ask them to support this. Not because Trump is a Republican or conservative, or because he's an asshole, but because their is an increasing body of evidence that he has violated the law, and is unfit for his office.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by Karha of Honor »

The Romulan Republic wrote:I would also urge all of you who are Americans, weather Left or Right, who believe in a government accountable to the rule of law to write or call your Congressmember and ask them to support this. Not because Trump is a Republican or conservative, or because he's an asshole, but because their is an increasing body of evidence that he has violated the law, and is unfit for his office.
I am down if we can jail some other currenly alive former presidents.
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by LittleRaven »

This is a silly publicity stunt. Presidents usually fail their first crisis, although admittedly few manage to do as magnificently as Trump did. But unseating a President takes more than this.
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by Naldiin »

Too early. Trump's approval ratings are not yet low enough for impeachment to succeed.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by Karha of Honor »

Naldiin wrote:Too early. Trump's approval ratings are not yet low enough for impeachment to succeed.
Also his numbers can be very deceptive. Plenty of people with moral objections might side with him despite not approving. These polls are very reductive.
The Romulan Republic
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Agent Vinod wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:I would also urge all of you who are Americans, weather Left or Right, who believe in a government accountable to the rule of law to write or call your Congressmember and ask them to support this. Not because Trump is a Republican or conservative, or because he's an asshole, but because their is an increasing body of evidence that he has violated the law, and is unfit for his office.
I am down if we can jail some other currenly alive former presidents.
The one should not be contingent upon the other. You do not let a criminal go free because another one did.

I'm all for imprisoning anyone, regardless of rank or party, if you can find sufficient grounds to do so. But Trump is in any case a more pressing concern, because he has more power to do harm than any former President.
LittleRaven wrote:This is a silly publicity stunt. Presidents usually fail their first crisis, although admittedly few manage to do as magnificently as Trump did. But unseating a President takes more than this.
Not his first failure, not by a long shot. His "administration" has basically been nothing but crises from the start.

Also, did you miss the part where it wasn't simply over Charlottsville, but over charges of Obstruction of Justice and the Emoluments Clause?

Now, I agree that impeachment is unlikely to pass right now. But the momentum is building, and I think its important that the public keep the pressure up, on both Republicans (who are reluctant to impeach out of partisanship, complicity, or fear of being primaried) and Democrats (the party leadership has a lamentable lack of spine at times).

So we should all find time to write or call our representatives in Congress to urge Trump's removal, either by impeachment or under the 25th. Amendment on the grounds that he is mentally unfit.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by LittleRaven »

Not his first failure, not by a long shot. His "administration" has basically been nothing but crises from the start.
Well, I'll agree with you on the latter part. His base gives him credit for Gorsuch, though I personally think that 'victory' goes to McConnell. But Charlottesville was his first crisis, and boy oh boy did he blow it. This would worry me if I were a Republican. It will not be his last.
Also, did you miss the part where it wasn't simply over Charlottsville, but over charges of Obstruction of Justice and the Emoluments Clause?
No. And for what it's worth, I suspect that if Trump gets impeached, it will be over his business dealings running afoul of the Emoluments Clause. But we're simply not there yet. Maybe Mueller can get us what we need, but it's likely to be a while before that turns anything up.

I'm of two minds on Trump impeachment. On the one hand, he's undeniably awful....but it's not like we suddenly get someone good if Trump goes. Pence would certainly be less embarrassing, but I'm afraid he might actually be more effective. Trump has managed to bring the entire Republican legislative agenda to a halt, even as they own both the House and Senate. That's....actually really impressive. As someone who opposes the bulk of what the Republicans want to accomplish, and who really, REALLY opposes what Pence tried to do in Indiana, should I encourage them to remove the anchor from around their neck, and replace it with a politician who might actually accomplish something? I dunno.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Articles of impeachment to be filed against Trump.

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Regarding Pence, well, there is this.
First, if Drumpf DOES get impeached, then Pence knows that there is a line in the sand he cannot cross. He will be tempered by the knowledge he can only get away with so much bullshit, whereas 45 continues to act in the belief that consequences and rule of law are things that happen to other people.
Second, Pence is not viscerally OBSESSED with the nuke button. Once the threat of Nuclear Holocaust Because Somebody Mocked Him On Twitter is off the table, I'll be able to unclench a little.
Third, people like Pence operate best in the shadows. He can already get a lot of horrible things done with 45 as his rodeo clown. Once the political satirists have time to catch their breath, massage out the writer's cramp, and get a solid five hours of sleep in between crisises, a lot more public scrutiny will fall on Pence's shoulders.
Fourth, Pence is in with 45 up to his armpits, so he'll already have spent a great deal of resources and political capital just trying to shore up the sinking ship and defend the disaster.
Fifth...well, government under Pence is less likely to outright collapse. We've got ejected diplomats, diplomatic sections unfilled, important disaster relief positions with nobody to run them, that kinda stuff.
And my Sixth point is, well, what John Criton said to Scorpious about the balance of power in the galaxy. "One evil at a time."
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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