Joe Biden defense thread

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Captain Crimson
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Captain Crimson »

I find it amusing how the leftist Biden supporters here repeat the same right-wing talking points, chief among them being "that's not consistent!" Human beings are not rigidly logical creatures, not even close to it, so despite the pressures in our society to expect consistency, you're not going to get it. Especially for some as grossly perverse and life-shattering as crimes like these are wont to be.
Darth Wedgius
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Darth Wedgius »

I can't speak for those who will vote for Biden. He's running into trouble with some of the "believe women" crowd.

Some will say "believe women" doesn't mean "believe women." For some people, though, "believe women" really means "believe women," and I guess Biden is losing some of these people. But even for some of those who said due process for a supreme court nominee doesn't matter because "it's not a trial, it's a job interview," will condemn Kavanaugh and support Biden because reasons.

At least one woman has said she believes Tara Reade and is still going to vote for Biden because she thinks he's better than Trump.

Keeping in mind that for some of the "orange man bad" crowd, Trump's "you can grab 'em by the pussy" remark was taken as admission of sexual assault, so for them a vote for Biden is a vote for the lesser sexual assaulter.
Draco Dracul
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Draco Dracul »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:18 pm Keeping in mind that for some of the "orange man bad" crowd, Trump's "you can grab 'em by the pussy" remark was taken as admission of sexual assault, so for them a vote for Biden is a vote for the lesser sexual assaulter.
It's not just that, Trump had had multiple accusations of sexual assault from sources with far fewer contradictions than Reade.
Captain Crimson
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Captain Crimson »

This is so glad why I'm apolitical, and I'm seriously contemplating how far helping my mom's health is worthwhile in the long term if it means sacrificing my principles, when from all accounts, Mr. Biden is destined to lose, and on the slim chance he pulls through I honestly feel like putting in him charge won't solve enough problems than the new ones it creates in the process I got some hard thinking to do, as we all do, it appears.

Though I suppose it's easy for the democratic or leftist lizard brain, no different than anyone else's really, to just imagine this is the GOP attempting to divide them rather than the fact it could be true. It's the same with all our cognitive biases, really. Though I'll say again, this is why Mr. Biden choosing a female VP doesn't help his case, since it will be assumed it's to blow off those allegations and deflect. It's how it strikes me. That promises to backfire among feminist-minded voters, at least IMO.
Draco Dracul
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Draco Dracul »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:56 pm This is so glad why I'm apolitical, and I'm seriously contemplating how far helping my mom's health is worthwhile in the long term if it means sacrificing my principles, when from all accounts, Mr. Biden is destined to lose, and on the slim chance he pulls through I honestly feel like putting in him charge won't solve enough problems than the new ones it creates in the process I got some hard thinking to do, as we all do, it appears.
I find there to be something deeply ironic about someone claiming both to be apolitical and doing something for their principles because apolitical is code for I don't pay attention to the world around me at best and moral cowardice at worse. Additionally it's not Biden or nothing, it's Biden or Trump and trump has spent 4 years actively undermining out institutions and has handled the first crisis of his administration that he didn't directly cause with the deft hands of a walrus.
Though I suppose it's easy for the democratic or leftist lizard brain, no different than anyone else's really, to just imagine this is the GOP attempting to divide them rather than the fact it could be true. It's the same with all our cognitive biases, really. Though I'll say again, this is why Mr. Biden choosing a female VP doesn't help his case, since it will be assumed it's to blow off those allegations and deflect. It's how it strikes me. That promises to backfire among feminist-minded voters, at least IMO.
He promised a female VP, with a heavy lean towards a non white woman before the Reade allegations.
Captain Crimson
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Captain Crimson »

Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 8:33 pm I find there to be something deeply ironic about someone claiming both to be apolitical and doing something for their principles because apolitical is code for moral cowardice. Additionally it's not Biden or nothing, it's Biden or Trump and trump has spent 4 years actively undermining out institutions and has handled the first crisis of his administration that he didn't directly cause with the deft hands of a walrus.
No, it is not moral cowardice if substantially, nothing has changed in a thousand years if you remove all our great technological expansion from the equation. This country with all its bloated excesses has been surely but gradually embracing the reality-show mentality for quite a while now, especially with the rise of anti-government conspiracies such as the FES. Even researching the logic and philosophical debates of ancient times proves they knew far more than most people today like to pretend they did. We're still operating out of the lower reptilian brain that limits our potential, with all of its cognitive biases, especially when prey to the entrenched institutions who are manipulating us. This notion that I am somehow responsible for upholding a rotten system is the flimsiest strawman leftists put forward to shame centrists. It was always this way. When will we get this supposed utopia they and millions of others dream about? Slightly better is not better. I want a post-scarcity society. When are we going to get it? Centuries? Why should I support one step along the way if I am not going to live to see it?

Let me also clarify, I'm not pretending compromise is a dirty word like most leftists who supported Mr. Sanders are. I do agree it at some point it crosses a moral line, however, that you have to take a stand on. Are we there yet? I can't honestly agree Mr. 45 is such a turning point when put into context as to what he has done in the course of four years when compared to a larger historical contrast you could postulate, even you threw on four more years. Mr. 45 hasn't ended the world yet. And I doubt he will by 2024. That's why a lot of leftists at this point, as I see it, are turning the conversation into climate change. It's something to be concerned over, and to implement proper environmental policy, but at the same time, it's alarmist language which seems designed to scare centrists into supporting them when the planet we live on is a self-correcting system.
Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 8:33 pm He promised a female VP, with a heavy lean towards a non white woman before the Reade allegations.
And could that be that he knew he was guilty in the first place, just rationalizing it to himself, so that he was determined to blow off criticism beforehand? Mmmm... you can't say, can you? The arguments you make to blow off the allegations by Ms. Reade can be equally applied to accusations against right-wing republicans. Do you see how easily that could be abused? What makes this different? This is why I'm a centrist, and proud of it. Though I never bought into Mr. 45, I can easily see why his message as to how we need a change in the system, even if it wasn't true, resonated among so many people they were willing to overlook his flaws. This has nothing to do with SJW purity politics. It is human nature to operate this way. And I believe painting him as some kind of mastermind bogeyman looking to ruin America just because he says offensive things and makes everyone feel uncomfortable is a disservice to addressing the actual systemic flaws plaguing American society.
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

This thread is miss-titled.
I don't even like Joe Biden and I think this is dumb.
Shame on you all.
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Captain Crimson
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Captain Crimson »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 9:25 pm This thread is miss-titled.
I don't even like Joe Biden and I think this is dumb.
Shame on you all.
I see what you're talking about. Perhaps it should be renamed "Joe Biden Allegations Defense Thread."
Draco Dracul
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Draco Dracul »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 8:53 pm
Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 8:33 pm I find there to be something deeply ironic about someone claiming both to be apolitical and doing something for their principles because apolitical is code for moral cowardice. Additionally it's not Biden or nothing, it's Biden or Trump and trump has spent 4 years actively undermining out institutions and has handled the first crisis of his administration that he didn't directly cause with the deft hands of a walrus.
No, it is not moral cowardice if substantially, nothing has changed in a thousand years if you remove all our great technological expansion from the equation. This country with all its bloated excesses has been surely but gradually embracing the reality-show mentality for quite a while now, especially with the rise of anti-government conspiracies such as the FES. Even researching the logic and philosophical debates of ancient times proves they knew far more than most people today like to pretend they did. We're still operating out of the lower reptilian brain that limits our potential, with all of its cognitive biases, especially when prey to the entrenched institutions who are manipulating us. This notion that I am somehow responsible for upholding a rotten system is the flimsiest strawman leftists put forward to shame centrists. It was always this way. When will we get this supposed utopia they and millions of others dream about? Slightly better is not better. I want a post-scarcity society. When are we going to get it? Centuries? Why should I support one step along the way if I am not going to live to see it?
It's not going to benefit me directly so I'm not going to lift a figure to make anything better or even to stop things from getting worse is exactly the kind of moral cowardice I'm talking about. You say you do it for your principlce while standing for nothing but your own benefit. You're DJ from The Last Jedi.
Let me also clarify, I'm not pretending compromise is a dirty word like most leftists who supported Mr. Sanders are. I do agree it at some point it crosses a moral line, however, that you have to take a stand on. Are we there yet? I can't honestly agree Mr. 45 is such a turning point when put into context as to what he has done in the course of four years when compared to a larger historical contrast you could postulate, even you threw on four more years. Mr. 45 hasn't ended the world yet. And I doubt he will by 2024.
Four more years of Trump means no progressive legislation for an entire generation because it will mean a 6-3 court. It will mean more disasters like the one we are living through now. It will mean more and more of the state apparatus warped to sole attack the enemies of Trump and by extension the Republican party. You're justifying your apathy by making a standard so high for action that all of histories greatest monsters combined would not reach it.
That's why a lot of leftists at this point, as I see it, are turning the conversation into climate change. It's something to be concerned over, and to implement proper environmental policy, but at the same time, it's alarmist language which seems designed to scare centrists into supporting them when the planet we live on is a self-correcting system.
The system is only self correcting on a geological time scale. The changes we've made in 2 centuries will linger for millions of years. The major negative effects are already being felt, climate change is responsible for the drought that was a major sparking point for the Syrian civil war.
Captain Crimson
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Re: Joe Biden defense thread

Post by Captain Crimson »

Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 10:33 pm It's not going to benefit me directly so I'm not going to lift a figure to make anything better or even to stop things from getting worse is exactly the kind of moral cowardice I'm talking about. You say you do it for your principlce while standing for nothing but your own benefit. You're DJ from The Last Jedi.
That's you putting words into my mouth, and I do NOT appreciate that. Political entrenchment is not something which can be fought overnight, and frankly the hypocrisy from the left turns me off if they are the ones to guide us into this apparent bright future they see on the horizon. It seems more you're collective shaming, which is a tried-and-true tactic to the left. Blame people for not getting involved, when it's so hard to get any kind of meaningful change done, when the rich get richer, the powerful seize more power, and the cruel become nastier, that it's all too easy to wonder what contribution you will make.

Well, I know what contribution I'll be making. You can be active in community in other ways past electoral voting on candidates I find to be wanting. Even if I couldn't help out all the time, I gave to charities to help out in relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy, the Flint, Michigan water crisis, and a few more. I volunteer at soup kitchens, when I am able to. Plus as I have noted before, when others were disregarding warnings and COVID-19 hit the beaches, I did not. I stayed at home, however tempting it might have been to do the same thing. I would do more if not for the fact the economy is taking a hit and I want to ride it out until we get to the other end. Gotta look after my family now.
Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 10:33 pm Four more years of Trump means no progressive legislation for an entire generation because it will mean a 6-3 court. It will mean more disasters like the one we are living through now. It will mean more and more of the state apparatus warped to sole attack the enemies of Trump and by extension the Republican party. You're justifying your apathy by making a standard so high for action that all of histories greatest monsters combined would not reach it.
Mr. 45 is not going to end the world in four years. He is merely doubling down on the way American culture has been moving for decades. Besides, Mr. 45 is the most heavily criticized president on cable news channels like CNN and MSNBC, so I really don't get what your point. I am not apathetic, as I have proven above. I just don't define an ability to forge change with the highest levels of power. I'd prefer to do that where people matter, not abstractions that I personally cannot influence because I'm just a single cog in the machine. I also do NOT defend history's greatest monsters, the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Attila the Hun, Mussolini, Genghis Khan, and others you could name past them. For however awful he is, Mr. 45 has nowhere near the body count those tyrants had. If you want to claim that's only because he is not able to do so, then that's a diversionary tactic, because the system puts limits on all leaders we have had, even the most highly regarded of the modern era with the benefit of hindsight.
Draco Dracul wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 10:33 pm The system is only self correcting on a geological time scale. The changes we've made in 2 centuries will linger for millions of years. The major negative effects are already being felt, climate change is responsible for the drought that was a major sparking point for the Syrian civil war.
Disasters like Chernobyl, yes, on that, I agree. But I also take severe umbrage by attempting to rally votes with terror tactics fundamentally no different than the GOP. Earth is such a complex system of counterbalanced forces, it would still take centuries to pull off irreparable damage, and by that time I feel as if all the social issues of today could possibly be worked out, with changing technology and a time to grow accustomed to them. Yeah, it's a bit of a Roddenberryist view of the future, but there it is.

I'm starting to feel at this point as if further conversation is pointless, as it was with SSJGodGoku.
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