The most dangerous thing you could have faced is heat exhaustion, if you didn't keep properly hydrated. Great day. The police got violent near the end, but police getting violent is what we all expect.
If you're scared to come out because of violence, you might as well just say you're scared to come out because of police violence. Which could be true - it's what we're trying to change. Your number one fear when going to a peaceful protest to exercise your first amendment rights shouldn't be the people who theoretically should be there to protect and serve you.
The police are trying to shape a different narrative, but, well... see for yourself.
You can see how desperate they are. Unfortunately desperation doesn't increase your IQ, and lets just say these ain't America's best. They're down to flashbangs and some old "area pepper spray" canisters, but I doubt those will last much longer than their stock of tear gas did. The area pepper spray especially, that stuff must have been sitting in a closet somewhere for a while.