Another day, another police beating in America

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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by GreyICE »

So today was AMAZING!

The most dangerous thing you could have faced is heat exhaustion, if you didn't keep properly hydrated. Great day. The police got violent near the end, but police getting violent is what we all expect.

If you're scared to come out because of violence, you might as well just say you're scared to come out because of police violence. Which could be true - it's what we're trying to change. Your number one fear when going to a peaceful protest to exercise your first amendment rights shouldn't be the people who theoretically should be there to protect and serve you.

The police are trying to shape a different narrative, but, well... see for yourself.


You can see how desperate they are. Unfortunately desperation doesn't increase your IQ, and lets just say these ain't America's best. They're down to flashbangs and some old "area pepper spray" canisters, but I doubt those will last much longer than their stock of tear gas did. The area pepper spray especially, that stuff must have been sitting in a closet somewhere for a while.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:58 am
To the people citing MLK Jr. as the barometer for “orderly protest” - Any version of his story that doesn’t include the firehoses, attack dogs, bombings, beatings, and lynchings is whitewashed - every step of his movement was disorderly, every action was against the law, and every time it was met with violent response disguised by a badge - discomfort, pain, and disorderly behavior are the catalyst for change - if you believe that we should just go along to get along, you are wrong - history is clear, there exists no neutral position - you are either actively against racism, or you are racist - remember what happened to MLK Jr., remember who did it, remember why they did it - what better place than here, what better time than now.
I would have thought it basic common knowledge that these people exhibited extraordinary tolerance in the face of things that would put private citizens in prison for years.

So the idea of someone saying "you guys did it before, now you should do it again," is of the most contemptible or inept things you can request upon people.

Obviously understandable if you're not aware of those conditions, but it's like night and day in terms of implication and intent.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Darth Wedgius »

CmdrKing wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:29 am
Darth Wedgius wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:54 am
(emphasis added)

Collective responsibility for some.

When some cops violently assault protesters and others stand by and watch, all of them committed a war crime. It's addressed collectively because all of them participated in the action.
I guess any cops that stayed home that day are excused from the war crimes. Ignoring that days off are cancelled and they're on 7 12s in some jurisdictions right now.
So cops that were patrolling elsewhere committed a war crime? Cops working for other cities committed a war crime? Cops in other states committed a war crime?

You're welcome to your opinion, of course.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Logic, GreyICE. Logic and evidence. You can claim that police faked improvised explosives, but did I see you show it?

Also, cops are not part of an organization. Cops are parts of a whole of of different organizations.

Also also, cops having "the best sex ever" doesn't mean that's why they killed someone.

It's like you're not even trying to think.

Another problem with Fuzzy's diseased thinking is cherry-picking. You have "some" protestors allegedly burning down a Target, and cops having collective responsibility for committing war crimes.

Which is almost technically accurate.

But you could also say:

Protestors: murdered man to rob a place.
Cops: some of us drove to work today.

Now, if you wanted to paint as one-sided a view as you could, you would phrase things that way. And if you're really, really sick in the head, that's the kind of world you actually think you live in.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

“not all cops”

I work in a non-restraint facility for special needs kids (21 and under) with extreme behavioral issues. I’m talking real violent stuff. Sixteen and twenty-one year old boys who can (and do) home-run swing desks at your head.

As a non-restraint facility, we are trained to respond to these outbursts in the most non-threatening, non-confrontational way possible, while still protecting both the bystanders and the person currently attacking us.

We are monitored every second of our shift to make sure the safety and dignity of our clients is maintained, especially–and just let me emphasize this–the safety and dignity of the person attempting to hurt us. Their right to be treated fairly and with empathy is not forfeit just because their brain chemistry fucked them up today.

We have to be calm, regardless.

We have to be gentle, regardless.

We can never respond with any kind of force, ever.

Those rules apply to all the staff, all the time, no matter what.

So when I hear bullshit about how somebody “reached for their waistband” or they were “resisting,” when I hear yet another police officer got off because the situation was “scary” or he “feared for his safety” or whatever the fuck, I lose my shit.

You wanna talk about how you were frightened for your safety, walking up to someone in the middle of a psychotic episode? Yeah, well, I’ve been there. Pretty regular–probably twice a week, at least–no gun, no taser, with guidelines that state I cannot even use my fucking thumb because that’s considered “grabbing” and therefore a “restraint.”

And you know what? I’ve walked away from every one of those. I haven’t died. I’ve never even been seriously injured. We defused the situation in ways that didn’t involving riddling the other participant with bullets and at the end of the day, everyone went home. Go fucking figure.

And yet–and fucking yet–I keep hearing “not all cops.”

“Not all cops” are bad. “Not all cops” shoot innocent people .3 seconds after rolling up on the scene. “Not all cops” are racist fuckbags, misusing power for a personal joyride. “Not all cops” rape people at gunpoint (and get off scott-fucking-free).

Yet, at my place of employment, somehow everyone is calm in a crisis. Somehow everyone responds to violence with non-violence. Somehow everyone is always able to act like a goddamn compassionate human-being in the middle of the worst kind of street fight–

but you’re telling me that cops, people paid to protect, can’t all do what I do?

You’re telling me that cops, trained to respond to crises, can’t all respond to the same crises, with the same skill, that I do?

And you’re telling me that cops have to stick together in the face of these “potentially false” accusations. That cops have to support each other, no matter what, because their job is dangerous or whatever. That yeah, some cops, but ~actually, sweetie, not all cops~

Fuck that noise. My job is dangerous, too. But you better believe that if anyone sees a member of our staff breaking regulation, their ass gets reported immediately. That person loses their clearances; they can no longer be hired in the field, anywhere. There’s no moving to another district. There’s no finding another location. We make it stop.

So until every cop is cleaning house, until every cop stops this strategically blind bullshit, until every cop refuses to stand by and watch the rampant abuse and corruption inherent in this system, until all the bad cops are weeded out and unemployable–

Until that moment, then yeah, all cops.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Madner Kami »

The author may voice the concern again, once one of the customers actively tried to kill her. Not by accident or in a fit of rage, but with actually malicious intent. Until then, this is a false equivalent.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by CmdrKing »

Darth Wedgius wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:04 pm
So cops that were patrolling elsewhere committed a war crime? Cops working for other cities committed a war crime? Cops in other states committed a war crime?

You're welcome to your opinion, of course.
Actually, I was wrong before, forgot an important element.
Do they belong to the FOP? Whose primary function nationwide is ensuring the worst of the worst stay on the force?

Nevermind of course, as already established, the police are assigned functions they cannot actually solve for purpose of brutalizing citizens. The system demands cops do unconscionable things, attracts those eager to do them, who both through common peer pressure and through formal means such as their union warp their more moral cohorts to condone and eventually engage in those same behaviors, and those cops who do make it through all that with a shred of humanity are ultimately driven off, sometimes by threat of death for their silence.
There are no good cops because the system will invariably remove them by one means or another. And similarly, all cops are directly or indirectly complicit in the ongoing war crimes going on right now.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Antiboyscout »
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Antiboyscout »


25% approval from blacks
4 more years baby
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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