Another day, another police beating in America

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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

GreyICE wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:43 pm Image

I'm happy to say it. Donald Trump is officially irrelevant. These aren't getting reactions, because they're just tweets from a crazy uncle. They're not provocative, or edgy, or "pwning the libs". It's just tired.

Trump ain't part of the solution, and I am so happy to say it's irrelevant.

The Republican response is even sadder. Too spineless and cowardly to speak up against Trump's rhetoric because they fear his base will turn on them and thus lose votes. A bunch of sell out cowards who put the party above all else.

GOP senators ducking on Trump’s deranged tweet about elderly Buffalo man, to my colleague

Rubio: “I didn't see it. you're telling me about it. I don't read Twitter. I only write on it."

Cornyn: “You know, a lot of this stuff just goes over my head."
Darth Wedgius
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Darth Wedgius »

GreyICE wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:26 am
Darth Wedgius wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:33 pmUm... citation needed? On any of that?
Little late to the thread, my dude. Might want to read up before you start posting.
GreyICE wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:34 am We had peaceful protests when they shot:
  • Philandro Castile for the crime of being a gun owner.
  • A man who was laying on his belly in a hallway crying and begging for his life
  • A man laying on his back with his arms in the air, pleading with them not to shoot his autistic patient who wouldn't put down a toy truck
  • A man awkwardly fleeing from the cops (and then planted a taser on his body)
  • An EMT in her own home
  • A babysitter who was caring for children, through an open window
  • A man who was evading the cigarette tax
  • A 12 year old kid
  • A man holding his hands in the air at a traffic stop
  • A teenager who was running away (apparently afraid for his life)
This list is truncated not because I ran out of incidents, but because I made my point. Peaceful protests followed all of these. No changes. In addition, it has become increasingly apparent that many "justified uses of violence" were nothing of the sort. The police in America are engaged in a large scale coverup of their murders and excessive uses of force.
  • The Baltimore police were carrying toy guns to plant on dead suspects, to justify shootings
  • Terence Crutcher was said to be 'reaching for a gun' when he was shot. Dashcam footage showed his hands in the air
  • Walter Scott had the officer's taser planted on his body. The officer claimed Scott seized his weapon. Video showed Scott fleeing the cop, and dying.
  • A former cop and his son in Florida ran down and shot a man who was jogging. The prosecutor declined to file charges for two months, and swept it under the rugs until a video emerged
  • A minimum of 16 cops in Chicago were proven to be involved in the coverup of a police shooting.
    None were charged or fired.
  • 14 cops in Massachusetts were involved in a coverup of systemic beatings of black suspects in custody
  • So many body camera failures during shootings that it's just worth linking to a damn [url=]google search[/url]
  • Derek Chauvin, the cop who murdered George Flynn, had previously murdered three other suspects. He had numerous use of force complaints against him. This is typical.
What does happen to the "good apples"? They get fired, arrested, and criminalized.
  • Cariol Horne stopped a fellow officer who was choking a man. She was fired, sued for libel, charged with assault, and when she showed up at the courthouse for her assault trial, arrested for tresspassing. She is currently homeless
  • Stephen Mader, an army veteran and former cop, was fired for not shooting a suicidal man.
    Two other cops arrived and shot him, while Mader was talking him down. Mader tried to prevent the shooting
  • Adrian Schoolcraft blew the whistle on quotas and wrongful arrests in the NYPD. He had taped evidence. Police broke into his home, claimed he was suicidal, and had him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.
  • Shannon Spalding and Daniel Echeverria investigated and proved cops were planting drugs on suspects and shaking them down for money. After the perpetrators were arrested, other cops told them "they'd be going home in a pine box" and other death threats. They were driven out of the force, with legitimate fear for their life.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy
You take a lot of cases and then claim those are universal? Or the rule?

So David Dorn was murdered and TVs have been stolen. By your "logic", protesters are violent, greedy psychopaths.

Some day I might figure out whether you're really that stupid or if you just fake it.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by GreyICE »

Trump is irrelevant, my friend. Let him sit behind his George Floyd memorial wall and tweet angry deranged messages. A better future doesn't start by tearing down one man. It starts by reaching a hand of help to your neighbor.

Here's a news article about free Capitol Hill:

Maybe the future of Star Trek simply comes when everyone realizes that all most people want is to be happy. That maybe we're not trapped in a nightmare, we're trapped in a crab pot, and all we have to do is help each other out.

Seattle has a proposal to defund the police by 50% and replace them with more community-oriented, helping measures. Will that be it? Who knows? Right now, we have an area of the city that the cops aren't trying to control. No police, no departments, no more organized violence.

Maybe Star Trek really did see the future. Sisko, DS9, a huge protest, a brutal police crackdown, and a better future comes from it? Hey, here we are, right?
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Video shows Maryland cops REPEATEDLY pepper spray 15-year-old honor roll student.

5 ft 105 lbs girl, whose name has not been officially released yet, was brutalized by Hagerstown police after she on her bike was hit by a car, but refused medical assistance.

Her family’s attorney says that when police arrived, they grabbed the little girl, lifted her hands above her head and slammed her face into a wall.
“They slammed her against a wall, arrested her for refusing treatment, maced her 4 times in the police car while handcuffed, and took her to the police station instead of the hospital.”

She was put in the car, which is when a bystander began filming the incident. The video shows the 15-year-old with her hands handcuffed behind her back kicking at the police car door and later a cop is heard saying: “Put your feet in, or you’re going to get sprayed!” Officer proceeds to pepper spray her a few times.
The girl can be heard screaming: “I can’t breathe!”

The girl was only taken to hospital when she was released to her parents.
Three hours after being pepper sprayed she was finally able to wash her eyes.

She is now charged with disorderly conduct, two counts of second-degree assault, possession of marijuana and failure to obey a traffic device.
Here's the video

And of course, somebody will say "not ALL cops are like that!" or "antifa does bad things!" and somebody will say "very sad that people are violent. All morality is grey. Police, protestors, everyone does bad things. :( What a shame that this random violent thing happened without any connection to existing power structures."
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:18 pm
Video shows Maryland cops REPEATEDLY pepper spray 15-year-old honor roll student.

5 ft 105 lbs girl, whose name has not been officially released yet, was brutalized by Hagerstown police after she on her bike was hit by a car, but refused medical assistance.

Her family’s attorney says that when police arrived, they grabbed the little girl, lifted her hands above her head and slammed her face into a wall.
“They slammed her against a wall, arrested her for refusing treatment, maced her 4 times in the police car while handcuffed, and took her to the police station instead of the hospital.”

She was put in the car, which is when a bystander began filming the incident. The video shows the 15-year-old with her hands handcuffed behind her back kicking at the police car door and later a cop is heard saying: “Put your feet in, or you’re going to get sprayed!” Officer proceeds to pepper spray her a few times.
The girl can be heard screaming: “I can’t breathe!”

The girl was only taken to hospital when she was released to her parents.
Three hours after being pepper sprayed she was finally able to wash her eyes.

She is now charged with disorderly conduct, two counts of second-degree assault, possession of marijuana and failure to obey a traffic device.
Here's the video

And of course, somebody will say "not ALL cops are like that!" or "antifa does bad things!" and somebody will say "very sad that people are violent. All morality is grey. Police, protestors, everyone does bad things. :( What a shame that this random violent thing happened without any connection to existing power structures."
I don't get why you guys get hung up on such symentical battles. I think you can extend the culpability circumstantially though I don't think it will come down to smoking out the entire department to weed out the more particular acts. If they do actually do that then kudos to you.

I mean, yes, it's clear that there is a problem and I'm at least glad that everyone left/right seems to be agreeing on that at this point even if it's just placation but double sided placation. But when you see nacab you should probably just consider the person ignorant and not knowing what they're talking about rather than go on a bent to rationalize firing the whole department.
Khaless would rather die than live under Molor's tyranny.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by GreyICE »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:51 pmI don't get why you guys get hung up on such symentical battles. I think you can extend the culpability circumstantially though I don't think it will come down to smoking out the entire department to weed out the more particular acts. If they do actually do that then kudos to you.

I mean, yes, it's clear that there is a problem and I'm at least glad that everyone left/right seems to be agreeing on that at this point even if it's just placation but double sided placation. But when you see nacab you should probably just consider the person ignorant and not knowing what they're talking about rather than go on a bent to rationalize firing the whole department.
The problem is systemic. The recruiting is systemically corrupted. The training is systemically corrupted. This produces and shields behavior that is system

Dissolving the police doesn't mean they can't reapply for a position in the new department. They can go through training, and learn the procedures, surrounded by different people, in a different environment. Changing the environment can change the behavior.

This graphic is fascinating:

If you cut out a few officers from the clump, the clump will remain and re-spread. Dissolve the department, reorganize things (and DON'T readmit people with use of force complaints, or who have excessive use of force, glorify police violence, etc.) and form something new.

You have to break up the clumps, or they'll simply keep forming new clumps. It's suspiciously like cancer, isn't it? You can see little clumps of red stable, you can see clumps of red spreading, but everywhere the clumps join up.
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

What have the protests accomplished?
5/26 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd
5/27 Charges dropped for Kenneth Walker (Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, who police accused of killing her)
5/28 University of Minnesota cancels contract with police
5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protesters
5/28 Minneapolis transit union refuses to bring police officers to protests or transport arrested protesters
5/29 Activists commandeer Minneapolis hotel to provide shelter to homeless
5/29 Former officer Chauvin arrested and charged with murder
5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants
5/30 US Embassies across Africa condemn police murder of George Floyd
5/30 Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer
5/30 Transport Workers Union refuses to help NYPD transport arrests protesters
5/30 Maryland lawmakers forming work group on police reform, accountability
5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of their car and tasing them - Atlanta, GA
6/1 Minneapolis public schools end contract with police
6/1 Confederate monument removed after being toppled by protesters - Birmingham, AL
6/1 CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DAs from accepting police union money
6/1 Tulsa Mayor agrees to not renew Live PD contract
6/1 Louisville police chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee
6/1 Congress begins bipartisan push to cut off police access to military gear
6/1 Atlanta announces plans to create a task force and public database to track police brutality in metro Atlanta area
6/2 Minneapolis AFL-CIO calls for resignation of police union president Bob Kroll, a vocal white supremest
6/2 Pittsburgh transit union announces refusal to transport police officers or arrest protesters
6/2 Racist ex-mayor Frank Rizzo statue removed in Philadelphia
6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protesters - Atlanta, GA
6/2 Civil rights investigation of Minneapolis Police Dept launched
6/2 San Francisco resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct
6/2 Survey indicates that 64% of those polled are sympathetic to protesters, 47% disapprove of police handling of the protests, and 54% think the burning down of the Minneapolis police precinct was fully or partially justified
6/2 Trenton NJ announces policing reforms
6/2 Minneapolis City Council members consider disbanding the police
6/2 Confederate statue removed from Alexandria, VA
6/3 Officer fired for tweets promoting violence against protesters - Denver, CO
6/3 Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Institute of Art cut ties with the MPD
6/3 Chauvin charges upgraded to second degree murder, remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody
6/3 Richmond VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish “Marcus” alert for folks experiencing mental health crises, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implement racial equity study
6/3 County commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail
6/3 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board unanimously votes to sever ties with MPD
6/3 Seattle withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department
6/3 Breonna Taylor’s case reopened
6/3 Louisville police department (Breonna Taylor’s murderers) will now be under review from an outside agency, which will include review on training, bias-free policing and accountability
6/3 Colorado lawmakers introduce a police reform bill that includes body cam laws, repealing the “fleeing felon” statute, and banning chokeholds
6/3 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announces plans to reduce funding to police department by $150M and instead invest in minority communities
6/4 Virginia governor announces plans to remove Robert E. Lee statue from Richmond
6/4 Portland schools superintendent discontinues presence of armed police officers in schools
6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) board orders that buses wont transport police to protests, or protesters to police
6/4 King County Labor Federation issues ultimatum to police unions: admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed
6/5 City of Minneapolis bans all chokeholds by police
6/5 Racist ex-mayor Hubbard statue removed - Dearborn, MI
6/5 NFL condemns racism and admits it should have listened to players’ protests
6/5 California Governor Gavin Newsom calls for statewide use-of-force standard made along with community leaders and ban on carotid holds
6/5 2 Buffalo officers suspended within a day of pushing 75 year old protester to the ground, and lying about it
6/5 2 NYPD officers suspended after videos of violence to protesters
6/5 The US Marines bans display of the Confederate flag
6/5 Dallas adopts a “duty to intervene” rule that requires officers to stop other cops who are engaging in excessive use of force
6/5 Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax releases an 11-point action plan for immediate police reforms
6/6 Statue of Confederate general Williams Carter Wickham torn down - Richmond, VA
6/6 2 Buffalo officers charged with second-degree assault for shoving elderly man
6/6 San Francisco Mayor London Breed announces effort to defund police and redirect funds to Black community
6/7 Frank Rizzo mural removed, to be replaced with new artwork - Philadelphia, PA
6/7 Minneapolis City Council members announce intent to disband the police department, invest in proven community-led public safety
6/7 Protesters in Bristol topple statue of slave trader Edward Colston, throw it in the river
6/7 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio vows for the first time to cut funding for NYPD, redirect to social services
6/7 A Virginia police officer faces charges after using a stun gun on a black man
6/8 NY State Assembly passes the Eric Garner Anti-Chokehold Act
6/8 Democrats in Congress unveil a bill to rein in bias and excessive force in policing
6/8 Black lawmakers block a legislative session in Pennsylvania to demand action on police reform
6/8 France bans police use of chokeholds
6/8 Seattle council members join calls to defund police department
6/8 Boston reevaluates how it funds police department
6/8 Honolulu Police Commission nominees voice support for more transparency, reforms
6/8 Rights groups and Floyd’s family call for a UN inquiry into American policing and help with systemic police reform
6/8 Phoenix approves budget fully funding new police civilian oversight office. In 2018 Phoenix Police shot civilians on average every 8 days.

6/8: Arizona Secretary of State calls for Confederate soldiers memorial (erected in the 1960s) to be removed from the plaza in front of the state capitol.

No, it’s not enough, but this is only the beginning. Keep fighting!!

Partial source:
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

And now for the lighter side of anti-police brutality protests
What if the President is right and Antifa is breeding 75-year-old super soldiers who fall over on command?
Jun 8
It’s all “slavery was years ago, get over it, it’s history” till a statue of a slave owner goes in the river inni
True Crime podcast host: So the police bungled the investigation, never followed up, assumed stereotypes about the victim, and then it was unsolved for 20 years and then it turned out the killer was a former cop.
Also host: If you feel scared at all, please call the police!
"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

GreyICE wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:22 am
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:51 pmI don't get why you guys get hung up on such symentical battles. I think you can extend the culpability circumstantially though I don't think it will come down to smoking out the entire department to weed out the more particular acts. If they do actually do that then kudos to you.

I mean, yes, it's clear that there is a problem and I'm at least glad that everyone left/right seems to be agreeing on that at this point even if it's just placation but double sided placation. But when you see nacab you should probably just consider the person ignorant and not knowing what they're talking about rather than go on a bent to rationalize firing the whole department.
The problem is systemic. The recruiting is systemically corrupted. The training is systemically corrupted. This produces and shields behavior that is system

Dissolving the police doesn't mean they can't reapply for a position in the new department. They can go through training, and learn the procedures, surrounded by different people, in a different environment. Changing the environment can change the behavior.

This graphic is fascinating:

If you cut out a few officers from the clump, the clump will remain and re-spread. Dissolve the department, reorganize things (and DON'T readmit people with use of force complaints, or who have excessive use of force, glorify police violence, etc.) and form something new.

You have to break up the clumps, or they'll simply keep forming new clumps. It's suspiciously like cancer, isn't it? You can see little clumps of red stable, you can see clumps of red spreading, but everywhere the clumps join up.
Why'd you link it to the comments section? lol
Khaless would rather die than live under Molor's tyranny.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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