Star Trek: Lower Decks

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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by chaos42 »

here is the thing this show could work if they do it right. i actually had an idea like this years ago, based on hollow pursuit, riker wanting to transfer him off the ship, where do those people go who do have that happen to them. plus the fact that the federation has a habit of not scrapping ships that are out of date like the oberth i figured what would happen if a crew as assigned the dullest work in the fleet noncritical missions, and had a ship that was run down and poorly maintained because they are on the bottom of the list for the quarter master to send them replacement parts. The crew is made up of people who have skills but also issue like barclay having social issues, have them all have issue that make them be 3 dimensional people. i think thats the biggest issue with lower decks right now.

so far we haven't seen enough of each character so we have these little bits and we don't know enough to make a real judgment and we are a bit stigmatized by the discovery seasons that we are a little quick on the hate, i think we need to wait and see.

personally i think this could be good if they play it also a little like that novel red shirts, were the lower deck crew were figuring out what was going on, the ship was being effected by a show in the past and they even id the tropes and knew why things were happening like during as space battle the lower deck character knew which decks would take damage because those are the decks they have stock footage of being damaged. -the show was cheap.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by ProfessorDetective »

chaos42 wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:52 pm here is the thing this show could work if they do it right. i actually had an idea like this years ago, based on hollow pursuit, riker wanting to transfer him off the ship, where do those people go who do have that happen to them. plus the fact that the federation has a habit of not scrapping ships that are out of date like the oberth i figured what would happen if a crew as assigned the dullest work in the fleet noncritical missions, and had a ship that was run down and poorly maintained because they are on the bottom of the list for the quarter master to send them replacement parts. The crew is made up of people who have skills but also issue like barclay having social issues, have them all have issue that make them be 3 dimensional people. i think thats the biggest issue with lower decks right now.

so far we haven't seen enough of each character so we have these little bits and we don't know enough to make a real judgment and we are a bit stigmatized by the discovery seasons that we are a little quick on the hate, i think we need to wait and see.

personally i think this could be good if they play it also a little like that novel red shirts, were the lower deck crew were figuring out what was going on, the ship was being effected by a show in the past and they even id the tropes and knew why things were happening like during as space battle the lower deck character knew which decks would take damage because those are the decks they have stock footage of being damaged. -the show was cheap.
Yeah, Team Misfit Screw-Ups of USS Timbuktu. I hope this is what this show ends up being.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by chaos42 »

one idea i had was that they should have an officer do the old make one trade to get something to get something else, but have them doing it all the time. And hes one of the only reasons the ship has any parts at all, like they complain why they don't have any of x and they ask him and he says he traded what they had 2 weeks ago to get the replacement coolant units they need then because thats whats keeping the warp core from exploding. a requisition officer trading everything he can get his hands on -even some illegal stuff like romulan ale because the ship is under supplied.

another idea i had was if it was an older model ship that some parts of the ship were never refitted and its running on an older operating system like the original series movies os, because someone didn't check the orders and this section never got done and no one normally comes here because all the lcars systems don't know this part of the ship even exists so the officers who know about it use it as a place to do stuff they normally shouldn't -nothing bad but not what their normally allowed to do
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by Link8909 »

ProfessorDetective wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:00 pm Yeah, Team Misfit Screw-Ups of USS Timbuktu. I hope this is what this show ends up being.
Indeed, from the interviews I'm seen this is pretty much what Star Trek Lower Decks is going to be, and I'm pretty hyped myself, this is a concept that has rarely been touch upon in other Star Trek series, and one that I have always wanted to see more of, so not only having a Star Trek series about those nameless crewmembers in the background and their daily lives, but also setting it on the least important ship in the fleet and it being a comedy is basically a dream come true for me, if I was ask to pitch a new Star Trek series, this would be the series I'd pitch.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by chaos42 »

like i said it depends how they do it. the thing is that there are 5 types of situation i could see in the trailer first is them doing crap work -the holodeck waste removal, second is them dealing with the ship falling apart because its old and that happens to older ships, them dealing with the system of rank and promotions, them causing something and keeping it hidden from the main characters, and then there is the ones were they will intersect a main plot like they are the red shirts on an away mission while stuff is happening. the problem is that im worried it will be the last one all the time. and that they are either bumbling crew or they are the ones who actually solve the problem but get no credit and you can't do that for everything. plus there is that bit were that officer tells the orian girl to keep moving lower decks as a kind of insult so what about statues and discrimination by rank, something we don't see in star trek. im just wondering if we can see some more internal conflict.

something interesting would be if one of them is being held back not because he isn't suited but because what he is doing is something they depend on them and only they can do and if they promote him no one can do it as well as they do so they keep that person in that post - ive had that problem, id do a job so well that they don't want to promote me because it makes them look good that im producing results and if im promoted i won't be doing that job. some mixing of those kinds of situation would be good to bring light to those social issues.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by Madner Kami »

Link8909 wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:39 pmGoing on the trailer, Star Trek Lower Decks has really got me excited, it definitely is doing a lot of good things that I personally like in a comedy, the fact that each of the crew members have their own personalists means that the comedy is character based and comes from them interacting with each other and their environment, much like Red vs. Blue, Archer and My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic to name a few of my favorites.
I'd like my Star Trek to be serious Sci-Fi. It may occasionally poke fun at itself (Mirror Universe, Ferengi Episodes, what ST Online occasionally does et cetera), but if it's base concept is comedy or it's non-stop gaging, then it's not Star Trek. Yet another nail in the coffin of the franchise. If you want to watch Archer, Red v Blue and MLP, then watch those shows, not Star Trek.

Also, I vaguely recall you not liking The Orville. The Orville is almost exactly what this show appears to be at this point in time. So why like one, but not the other?

Also, USS Cerritos being a crappy old ship? NCC-75667. In 2380. Voyager was launched in 2371. NCC-74656. Now we know that a difference of 1,011 places doesn't mean, that 1,011 ships have been built in between, but Cerritos is clearly newer than Voyager, despite the design. Maybe an older design, but newer built or built at around the same time. That leaves the ship at an age of 9 years. That is not a ship being close to scrapheap.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by Link8909 »

Madner Kami wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:04 am I'd like my Star Trek to be serious Sci-Fi. It may occasionally poke fun at itself (Mirror Universe, Ferengi Episodes, what ST Online occasionally does et cetera), but if it's base concept is comedy or it's non-stop gaging, then it's not Star Trek. Yet another nail in the coffin of the franchise. If you want to watch Archer, Red v Blue and MLP, then watch those shows, not Star Trek.
Personally, I used those show merely as an example for personality driven humor that seems to be the case with Star Trek Lower Decks, with Red vs. Blue, Archer and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, those show are not only very different settings but their characters are also very different when it comes to personality’s, thus their reactions and interactions to different situations and environments are completely different from one another, and thus each character can be funny in their own unique way, and their interactions with one another is also completely different, leading to even more unique comedic scenarios, you could even have these 3 show crossover with one another and each of their respective characters would still be funny based on this principle.

An example of this being done poorly is Teen Titans Go compared to Teen Titans, in the original Teen Titans, the character are all unique and would react in different ways to what is going on in the episodes, in Teen Titans Go however all the character react the same way, loud and annoying with only the most superficial of character traits, and usually in an episode its one of the characters being the voice of reason with the rest being written dumb for the sake of the story regardless of who it is, with Teen Titans, Red vs. Blue, Archer and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, the humor comes from the characters interacting with each other and their environments and even the story itself can be influence by those characters, with Teen Titans Go, the character are just there to tell jokes and be silly regardless of their personality’s, consistency be damned.

An it looks like most of the humor in Star Trek Lower Decks is going to be personality driven, it won’t just be the situation itself that will be funny, it will be the characters themselves reacting the situation, and that seems to have been the case from the beginning since the first bit of information we got about Star Trek Lower Decks was the main characters and their personality’s.

And clearly they are very different people, and the setting itself is very unique not just for Star Trek, but from those other shows that I’ve mention, which is why I feel that Star Trek Lower Decks can be its own thing and not something that I can get from another show like you said, honestly I’m even more invested in Star Trek Lower Decks because it’s set in the Star Trek universe and can poke fun of itself and its own tropes, had this been another parody of Star Trek I’d personally probably not have given it a second thought,

Also as you’ve said Star Trek has had its far share of comedy episodes, and over the last 50 plus years Star Trek has also been adventurous, serious, lighthearted, dark, campy, realistic, and everything in-between, for me personally Star Trek doesn’t have to stick to one style or formula, it is a vast universe of possibilities and has to potential to tell so many stories in so many ways, and from the direction things are going for Star Trek that’s what is going to happen, we can have a serious and even dark series like Star Trek Picard, we can also get an adventurous series soon with Star Trek Strange New World, we also have a campy series that can also be serious and even dark with The Original Series, and of course we now can have a comedy series with Star Trek Lower Decks.
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by chaos42 »

also im not sure the ships number means exactly the same because it could be the ship was recommissioned, it happens a lot in star trek during the dominion war they pulled a ton of ships like mirandas out of moth balls to use to fill the fleets out, so the cerritos might not have originally been the cerritos and it could have been refitted a bunch of times, or decommissioned and recommissioned to fill in since while the dominion war was going on they need every ship they could. also consider that its design elements seem to put it before the galaxy class possibly one of the test bed ships -which is what i think the class is , look at the deflector dish its based on the saem as the galaxy class but the warp nacels are older designs nto the sleeker ones from tng onward so im guess the cerretos is a pre tng ship thats been heavily refitted and its in need of a big overhaul
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by Link8909 »

Madner Kami wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:04 am Also, I vaguely recall you not liking The Orville. The Orville is almost exactly what this show appears to be at this point in time. So why like one, but not the other?
Comedy is more art than science, and we all have are own tastes, so it’s easy to see that someone could laugh at a joke that someone else didn’t get, or they in turn didn’t laugh at a joke from something even though they enjoy the genre it’s from or that it’s similar to another joke they heard somewhere else, for me personally as much as I talked about personality driven humor like Red vs. Blue, Archer and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and how much I enjoy that type of comedy, I also find random humor absolutely hilarious, from the insanity of Airplane 2 The Sequel and Kung Pow! Enter the Fist, to random things like the best pirate I've ever seen memes, and yet from my deconstruction in the last post I don’t care much for Teen Titans Go, even though it’s also random humor.

So I had to really think about my feelings about The Orville, and for me personally it just didn’t click for me, the setting wasn’t that interesting for me, the characters weren’t that interesting for me, and while there was some good moments like Isaac’s prank on Malloy, overall I just didn’t find it that funny, as for Star Trek Lower Decks, the setting of it not only being in the Star Trek universe but on the least important ship in the fleet and having the main characters be young Ensigns at the start of their careers is something we haven’t seen in Star Trek before and has a lot of comedic potential, and going from the trailer I personally found the jokes to be very funny, there is a lot of energy to the humor and I enjoy the expressiveness of the characters because of the animation, as well as the opportunity for Star Trek to be able to poke fun of itself is going to be interesting.

However, and I want to emphasis is, this is just my own opinion, while I’m not interested in watching The Orville doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what it’s doing, there’s clearly a lot of hard work and talent put into making The Orville, and there are fans of the show who do enjoy it, and I think that’s brilliant, I hope The Orville does keep getting more seasons and pushes creatively on what stories it tells and goes out on its on terms, and considering multiverse theory is a thing in Star Trek I’d love to see a crossover between Star Trek and The Orville.

Which bring me to something else, I honesty don’t like it when a show gets cancelled because no one was interested in it, but I absolutely hate it we a show gets cancelled because either the people in charge personally didn’t like or care for the show like what happened with Star Trek The Original Series, Star Trek Enterprise or many other science fiction shows, or as seems to be the case as of late in fandoms, when the fans themselves hurl a never ending barrage of negative comments towards the creators or spread misinformation and negativity so that people end up not supporting the show and it end up getting cancelled before it is given the chance to prove itself, as much as I have problems with Star Trek Enterprise, I wish it had continued as not only was the series getting better but there were so many stories that could have been told in Star Trek Enterprise that we will never get to see, same with Star Trek The Original Series, I’d love to have seen more adventures of Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise, and I hope that The Orville doesn’t meet the same fate.

And personally, if those fans had their way the Star Trek franchise would still be off, and slowly over time people will stop caring about it, until finally Star Trek does in fact died, I’d rather have these new Star Trek series try, try to be different, try to tell new stories, try to push what Star Trek can do, sure sometimes it may not work and I’m sure even with me singing its praises Star Trek Lower Decks will have some rough patches, but I will be damned if any of these fans have their way and any of the new Star Trek series gets cancelled before they have a change to prove themselves or improve simple because those people didn’t like it from the start.
Last edited by Link8909 on Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I think, when one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable like…like old leather. And finally… it becomes so familiar that one can't remember feeling any other way."

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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Post by chaos42 »

i don't mind new stuff i feel its just we haven't been getting good stuff, the problem is with the exception of the last one the movies they made were not great and were rehashes of wrath of khan. the discovery series was ok not get but the first season was ok, second season was weaker and there was a lot of stuff i think was poorly done. this im willing to give it a try i just hope its going to have as you said more characters stuff in it. the problem is that older star treks will be what they are their not changing but for newer shows they have to be more character driven and less episodic and that means we have to re examine how we do star trek, i actually liked how picard was done, the ending was weak and should have been better but overall i liked how it was going. so the question is now what. it think this is a we will have to see moment
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