The Orville

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Re: The Orville

Post by LittleRaven »

Ok, so the general consensus among critics is that this show sucks.

I've only seen the first episode....but I think they're nuts. I genuinely enjoyed the pilot, and if Seth McFarlane can succeed in not getting sued for blatantly making "Star Trek: The Next Generation" with the serial numbers filed off...then I suspect I'm going to enjoy this show for as long as it lasts.

Now, there was plenty of pilot-weirdness on display, but frankly...that's pretty normal for any show and for sci-fi shows in particular. Orville hasn't quite figured out where it's going to fit in the grand spectrum of science fiction. It's on the lighter side, but contrary to my expectations...this is NOT a parody. They are actually playing it totally straight, albeit with a comedic touch.

Bravo. Can't wait for the next episode.
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Re: The Orville

Post by J!! »

Well, I'll give it this, the trailer was extremely accurate about what to expect from the show. Which is to say that I was exactly as unimpressed with the show as I expected to be.

The setting and characters were generic, the aesthetic was boring, and the comedy was unfunny. The wooden acting in particular stood out to me; it sounded more like a table-reading than an actual performance. But that said, I'm willing to be fair and acknowledge that this was a pilot episode, and those are usually weaker than the series proper.

The real problem was more fundamental: a lack of commitment to whatever it is the story is trying to be.

The setting and the aesthetic are so clearly apeing Star Trek that it can't help looking like a parody, but it's not one, so instead it comes across as a cheap knock off with no sense of unique identity. It was basically a high budget fan-film, and I feel like I could get the same experience by watching a bunch of guys futz around in their basement on YouTube. At least they'd hopefully be having enough fun to put some energy into their performances.

It wants to be an action/adventure with light comedy, but the characters act like they're in a cheap sitcom, even when they're supposed to be in mortal danger. This undermines any suspense or excitement there could've possibly been, and makes the whole thing feel rather limp.

Silly characters in a silly situation could've worked. Serious characters in a silly situation could've worked. But trying to do silly characters in a serious situation, well, that shit is difficult to make work. Pirates of the Caribbean is one example, having only one silly character, while everyone else was being serious. Ghostbusters is another, with the sillyness kept very low-key, and the comedy very, very dry. So it can be done, but I really don't think McFarland is the guy to do it.

It all might've worked if they'd committed to a straight up parody, or of they'd put in the actual work of creating something original, with it's own sense of identity. Hell, while it wouldn't have completely saved the show, just cutting the thing down to twenty or thirty minutes would've drastically improved the pace and timing. But as is, I doubt this thing's gonna last a full season, especially with an actual Star Trek show comeing out soon, a Galaxy Quest show in the works, not to mention the sci-fi comedy juggernaut that is Rick & Morty.

But like I said, this was a pilot, so I'm willing to be fair and give the show the benefit of the doubt. Maybe what I'll do is wait a while and check in when episode 5 airs; by then they'll hopefully have had a chance to get their feet under them. In the meantime, I think I'll go watch the pilot for Final Space a few dozen more times.
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Re: The Orville

Post by J!! »

heh, so i took a look at the wikipedia page, and it looks like ep5 is going to be directed by jonathan frakes, so that's nice.

buuuut, before that episode 3 is going to be done by our old buddy brannon braga, and it looks like he's gonna be tackling gender issues. so yeah, you kids have fun with that one.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Redem »

So that was a lot better than last week, I really liked it, not all the joke land, but everything else does

Took 7 season to be a in a situation where Crusher command the entreprise, the Orville did it by episode 2

Weird cliffhanger (it's not common that things remind me of Oglaf)
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Re: The Orville

Post by LittleRaven »

I was very pleased because my daughter made a point of asking if we could watch Orville tonight. (13, for reference)

She really liked this episode, but since the security chief is her favorite character that's perhaps not surprising.

I really like this episode. Sure, there's tons of silly stuff, but it's all very Trek-like silly stuff. Frankly, this is getting good far faster than most real Trek series.

Can't wait for the next one.
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Re: The Orville

Post by King of the owls »

Episode two was stronger than episode one by a lot. The jokes are still hit or miss though but it's still watchable.

Episode three does concern me given the subject matter but eh as long it's not excessively offensive I think I can live with it.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Karha of Honor »

[quote="Jbrannon braga, and it looks like he's gonna be tackling gender issues. so yeah, you kids have fun with that one.[/quote]

Which ones?
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Re: The Orville

Post by J!! »

According to a review I skimmed through, but can't be bothered to go looking for, the episode is about whether or not to preform a sex-change operation on an alien baby. The article was not kind.
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Re: The Orville

Post by Robovski »

The single sex alien isn't so single sexed.
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Re: The Orville

Post by LittleRaven »

J!! wrote:According to a review I skimmed through, but can't be bothered to go looking for, the episode is about whether or not to preform a sex-change operation on an alien baby. The article was not kind.
The articles have been almost universally unkind regarding Orville, and I have no idea why. I'm having great fun.

Guess I'm not sophisticated enough to be a television critic.
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