What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
Captain Crimson
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What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by Captain Crimson »

So, yeah, I figured I'd put this question up here. Where do you think the site, and indeed, the show will head once Mr. Chuck has finished the reviews for all of classic ST? TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT? ST made the show what it is, yet people stayed for the reviewer himself.

I know we still got modern ST coming out, but what do you foresee taking place? How about if, when all is said and done and the modern ST shows wrap up, a vid is released on their placement in regard to the older shows? Do you see someone paying for that? Let me know down below, smash out a reply, and I'll talk to you guys again soon.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by Ixthos »

Chuck still has a few bio videos he can do, and he might also be able to do reviews of Star Trek novels, or do entire summaries of seasons and how they fit together or compare. And Chuck always could do Zeno's paradox on us, and start reviewing them more slowly, one every two months, one every three months. I hope that isn't what he does, but it is an option :-P

Star Trek is a great franchise, and I'm sure Chuck will be able to find more things to talk about it, from novels and series summaries, to biographies and behind the scenes, to speculation on certain technologies. That is a great question though!

... now I want to see Chuck do a Star Trek fan film. Not review one, but actually make one ... more Trek the way Chuck would do it.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by FlynnTaggart »

Chuck takes a very long drink of his choice of hard liquor and whispers, "Its finally over". Then he gets back to reviewing some strange anime he doesn't understand.

Yeah even while Trek is his bread and butter and no doubt why many here discovered him he's not a one trick pony, more like 3 or 4 tricks. Once he's burned through all of classic Trek there is no worries, he's branched out plenty with the entire Stargate franchise to deal with (I'm not even sure if he's touched Universe yet), classic and Neo Battlestar Galactic plus their spin-offs, and plenty of random other works.

Definitely going to be a milestone when he hits the last of the idiocy that is Voyager though.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by TGLS »

It's still kind of a far off concern. Let's say there's no more new Trek (there is), and he continued at his current rate forever. There's like 213 episodes left (probably less because of single counted two-parters). Let's call it a round 200, at 37 episodes a year, that's 5 years, 4 months to complete all the bones of Trek. Most of what's left is the forgettable stuff anyway.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by Enterprising »

Captain Crimson wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:17 am So, yeah, I figured I'd put this question up here. Where do you think the site, and indeed, the show will head once Mr. Chuck has finished the reviews for all of classic ST? TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT? ST made the show what it is, yet people stayed for the reviewer himself.
Maybe he could to try to elevate the writing of Discovery or Picard to be at least on par with the worst of Voyager or Enterprise. A lifelong project to be sure!
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by King Green »

You lot should have hard-copied his Trek vods, but nooo, most of you are too dependant on his comically serious reviews on other sci-fi and fantasy reviews.

The man's got so much to review on his lifetime before he could do Inuyasha or last season of classic Who. If most of you want an honest opinion of his reviews, just wait or read his old forum posts on Sufficient Velocity or StarDestroyer.net/bbs.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by pilight »

When Chuck saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more eps to mock
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

He will need a new video provider and have to do it all over again.
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by DoctorWTF »

I wonder if there are any more My Little Pony episodes he might be interested in reviewing?
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Re: What happens when there is no more ST/Mr. Chuck reviews all of classic ST?

Post by sayla0079 »

He's still got alot of Doctor who left between the two eras that will kill alot of time after he finishes Trek.
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