Star Trek: Discovery - spoilery thoughts?

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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Dînadan »

Random thought on Sarek and why neither he or Spock ever mentioned Burnham when this is supposed to be in the main timeline; do we know that this is the Sarek? How do we know it's not another Sarek, and 'Sarek' is like the Vulcan equivalent of Bob or John Smith or other such unbiquitous names?
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by technobabbler »

--Random thought on Sarek and why neither he or Spock ever mentioned Burnham when this is supposed to be in the main timeline---

From the pilot it's obvious----after given a second chance, Burnham was diagnosed as a bipolar schizio and sent to a Federation mental institution. And given private Spock didn't talk about his ambassador dad, of course Spock wouldn't talk about his mutinous, illogical, blood-on-her-hands, crazy adopted sister :) /half-sarc
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Fixer »

Of course Sarek also fathered Sybok who went off to create his own religious cult. He adopted Burnham who's upbringing seems to have left her emotionally unstable. His half human son Spock went off to Star Fleet to become the most Vulcan, Vulcan ever and he never speaks of his siblings.

It think it's possible Sarek might just be a terrible father.

Edit: Unrelated, apparently a lot of future problems could have been averted if only the captain had read the books on her shelf.

So many Redshirts could have been saved.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Dobberman »

When the injured crewman wandered into the Brig and said "why are we fighting? we're explorers" I was really reminded of Chucks "I just wanted to be a botanist!" bit ha
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Wild_Kraken »

I genuinely enjoyed discovery, though I cannot get over how different the Klingons look, even compared to the Abramsverse ones from Into Darkness. It was really great that all their dialogue with each other was actually in Klingon.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Winter »

Dînadan wrote:
Fixer wrote:
Captain Archer's personal feelings about the Vulcans, no wait wait the Klingons this time, leading her into unprofessional conduct, disrespecting the chain of command and undermining her Captain's authority.
Add into this the whole 'Vulcan hello' thing mirrors the Enterprise Vulcan mentality regarding Klang rather closely, so she seems to be adding into the mix the negative qualities of them as well.
Well at least her reasons for hating the Klingon's is better then Archer's, they killed her family she likely wants revenge. Doesn't justify bad decisions that helped contribute to a already bad situation but still better then insisting a war and alienating one of Earths few allies just to stick it to the Vulcan's or letting a entire species die out because "Nature" says so.

Time will tell what effect this will have on her character but for me personally I do like that she was punished and excepted said punishment. It actually ties nicely to the Wrath of Khan, Berman's desire for revenge caused her to overlook key details that cost her the life of her captain, several of her fellow crew mates, her ship and her rank.

When Archer sparked a war between the Vulcan's and the Andorians the show presented him as the ultimate hero, even when we saw what his stupid decisions cost people, as far as the show was concern Archer could not only do no wrong but has never done anything wrong. Burman at least had to see a Ensign and her captain die right in front of her and was left knowing that it was in part her fault.

Again, I'm not defending her very poor choices as it did lead to a lot of problems but, in my humble opinion, between these two episodes Burman has had more character development then Archer and Janeway combined over the course of all of Voyager and Enterprise. Is she one of my new favorites, no but for me she's at least on the right path and could join the ranks of my favorite Trek characters.

Or she could get progressively worse as the series progresses and be someone that makes you beg for Archer's sound, level headed, and decisive decision making.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Yerushalmi »

SlackerinDeNile wrote: Don't you mean Insurrection?
I did, indeed, mean Insurrection, and feel quite stupid about it.
technobabbler wrote:But as the season teaser said....8,100+ died in the first two days of the war. arguably all because of Burnham.
I keep seeing this, and I honestly don't get it. The Klingons violated Federation space and attacked Federation equipment, then attacked Burnham personally, with the explicitly stated intention that they wanted to start a war. How is that in any way Burnham's fault?
Dobberman wrote:When the injured crewman wandered into the Brig and said "why are we fighting? we're explorers" I was really reminded of Chucks "I just wanted to be a botanist!" bit ha
I did too! I've been laughing about it intermittently since then.
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Yerushalmi wrote:
SlackerinDeNile wrote: Don't you mean Insurrection?
I did, indeed, mean Insurrection, and feel quite stupid about it.
Don't be, that movie was more forgettable than NCIS. :P
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by Yaku »

I think as a an old-timer that grew up watching TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT as they aired the first time in TV (And has them all on VHS (Just TNG), DVD and Blue-Ray :oops:), it looks like I just have been too set in my "Star Trek" Ways. If I read Star Trek, I want my Tropes that I have had since the early TNG Days.

I watched the two Episodes on Netflix (for free, my Brother has an account he can share with me). It was decent SciFi. But it just wasn't the Star Trek I'm used to. It is not bad, or boring.... just not griping and entertaining for an old Trekie like me.

Maybe I'll get a Box Set on a Sale after the Series is done, just to put it next to my other boxes. And watch it one time to justify spending so much ;-). I am quite sad that I can't enjoy the new Series, I have been waiting oh so long for some new Trek. Looks like I never will get any new Trek in the spirit of the TNG/DS9/VOY-Era, Paramount seems to have moved on.

No Franchise lives forever. :|
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Re: Star Trek: Discovery - thoughts?

Post by technobabbler »

--I keep seeing this, and I honestly don't get it. How is that in any way Burnham's fault?

Burnham has been written as bipolar and/or with ADHD and/or PTSD and/or too loose with the chain of command. An unsympathetic protaganist. And Burnham gave Tkuvma the evidence needed to persuade the High Council that Humans were a bigger threat than the other houses. Tkuvma gave the Humans enough rope to hang themselves. arguably in my opinion.

1. Captain explicitly said "just a fly by" to investigate that artifact. Burham replies, "just a fly by." If Burnham followed orders and gave the artifact a wide berth she would not have killed the Torchbearer. (arguably)

2. Admiral says in his conference call to the Captain and Burnham, "do nothing" until Europa and the fleet arrives.

Burnham mutinies orders "target phasers." so the Klingon vessel knows it's lit up while Michelle Yeoh is knocked out w/the nerve pinch. (arguably the order might not have been carried out---but there was no dialogue to be definitive)

3. Burnham: Captain we can't kill Tkuvma, it would make him a martyr. Let's board to kidnap him to make Tkuvma look weak. Away team boards the ship, but instead of stunning Tkuvma, Burnham shoots him in the back and kills him out of rage. What about the plan?

(sidebar: in ep. #1 Burnham would've made Tkvuma a martyr had Michelle Yeoh pre-emptively opened fire like Burnham argued)
Last edited by technobabbler on Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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