Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

clearspira wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:40 am
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:42 am You act like you're doing black people a favor by ignoring their blackness, as if it was a character flaw. And if you have to ignore blackness to humanize people...
Nope, he is saying we treat black people like we treat white people: as universally capable of doing any role. That is what it means to ignore race. The end point of people like you is Zoe Saldana apologising because she was ''too light skinned'' to play a ''dark skinned'' role.
This wasn't constricted to optics concerning skin tone. A facet of blackness within the community is that darker people are typically more marginalized, specifically in Hollywood. Saldana's parents in particular are Puerto Rican and Dominican, so it's a bit removed.

I mean you make it out to be another case of graveling to sjws on the internet like an outsider would, but the members within minority collectives can hold themselves accountable by the conduct of their own community.

I guess you could say it's pretty meta but proportional and consistent nonetheless as far as systems of privilege being recognized.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

clearspira wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:04 am Meh. Woke is one of those words that doesn't actually mean anything. I bet I could survey a hundred people and get a hundred descriptions.

And I have to say, the Prequels were hardly masterpieces. If you love them, great, and I mean that sincerely, but the fandom seems to have gone from ''Lucas ruined Star Wars'' to ''Lucas is the saviour of Star Wars'' in quite a swift amount of time. Personally, what I think would save Star Wars is actually getting some new blood on board with some genuinely fresh ideas and writing talent.
It might means "WOKE" = Rebels.
"SJW" = Rebel scum.

I feel Lucas is a very talented person, but he at his best when he has someone in his corner with the personality to call him on a mistake.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Captain Crimson »

It's been a few months later, I'd like to touch up on this.

Disney is never going to ditch woke politics because it's made for marketing. Since they're catering to racists and sexists in other countries, my takeaway is that they're throwing in PC themes for their audiences back here in the states hoping that offsets it, they don't want older fans (Ms. Kennedy's offhand comments demonstrate this), but a younger, "more diverse, liberal" crowd, and frankly, that offends me as much as any Millennial, Gen X, or Boomer. Why do you care about pleasing the racists over in China than the ones here?

The problem with DSW's woke politics is they're stealing from the past, ripping off the people who did the actual hard work (perhaps literally if Mr. Foster is to be believed), and acting like they invented it for a cheap buck with the least effort. RO, one of the most highly regarded of the DSWC movies is still part of the woke agenda, yet people who love it won't admit that. If you think it's the best movie ever, that's great! Really. But it's still part of the woke agenda problem.

It's woke because it's creatively ripping off DF and having Jan Ors steal Kyle Katarn's story, and they never mention the EU after they threw it out and began plundering the corpse like grave robbers, they insist there's no source material a month before the butchered Disney iteration of DE hits the screens, they don't let willing authors contribute to SWL, and likely the refusal to mention where they got the source material is so their pants are not sued off, but at the same time, it's also a shield so newcomers, kids, and casuals as well as foreign audiences don't learn that is IS about woke politics.

RO is a gender swap, shoving the man to the side, and having the woman step up in place of that. Same with the DSWST, as Rey is just a hybridized grafting of Luke, Jaina Solo, and the whole "relative of Palpatine" thing from '90s YA series JP. That's woke as you get, and I don't mind having new female leads, but when you're stacking woke alongside pointless rehashes like this and so brazenly propping up women where in place of older lore it was once a man in that same position, you cannot deny you have an agenda, that is about the contents of your pants and not what's in your heart.

The problem with criticizing woke and pop culture decline is you need to be honest with your double standards. Take the FM. The menacers literally cannot handle a little criticism on Mr. Filoni, the whole movement is quite flimsy if pointing out the flaws of a blatant b*********r has it collapsing into civil war. :lol: Example being the people who gush endlessly on TCW, and invoke Ms. Lucas as a holy name to shut down criticism, and yet you can easily point to Mr. Filoni's own words where he himself treats Mr. Lucas and his management as an afterthought to do what he wanted to do.

Challenging woke will require two things.

1) Critical thought, which is beyond most casual consumers as much as nuance is past less informed voters, the bulk of the population.
2) Seizing the power we have as consumers and acting on it, that is, if you don't like something, don't support it. I have the EU as an alternative, so I literally don't need the DSW if symbolically I wanted to boycott for quality control.

These two requirements are why woke won't go away, at least for the foreseeable future. I'd also avoid Overlord DVD. He doesn't know what he's talking about when he says they're going to just rebrand the ST as SWL, which is marketing suicide.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Makeshift Python »


If ALIEN had come out today it would be lambasted by you morons for pushing a woke agenda.

“Ugh, I hate how they made the male captain a total cuck and that it’s the lower ranking woman that acts completely competent! Disney trying to shove a woke agenda down our throats. WE WILL NOT TAKE IT!!!”

Multiply that five times if Ripley was a black chick.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Makeshift Python wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 am Christ.

If ALIEN had come out today it would be lambasted by you morons for pushing a woke agenda.

“Ugh, I hate how they made the male captain a total cuck and that it’s the lower ranking woman that acts completely competent! Disney trying to shove a woke agenda down our throats. WE WILL NOT TAKE IT!!!”

Multiply that five times if Ripley was a black chick.
Figure I'd make the rounds before bed.

I notice you didn't dispute my observation on the gender swap and the malice embedded within it.

The irony I see here is that Ripley is not woke enough for SJW wing nuts, in that she's the second officer on the Nostromo ("she deserves to be captain!" they say), she has a warm and nurturing relationship with the cat and Newt, so that... these SJW types hate women in classical feminine roles, as a mother figure, since that's "patriarchy!" And so forth. I've seen statements like this before on tumblr and Twitter. They exist.

I love Alien. It's a bit slow-paced, sure, but it's a dang near flawless film, conceptually, at least. And Alien was also original and fresh and new, even the sequel by Mr. Cameron wisely chose not to give us the same old, same old, which cannot be said for most of modern Hollywood. In summation, false analogy.

Woke seems a bit subjective, but I think it applies in the Disney sense of what they're doing since they're deflecting to RL tragedies they help perpetuate (like running sweatshops in China) to try and distract people from real criticism, like the lies that went into building the DSWC. Because it's easier for greedy, soulless, unoriginal corporate types to just steal where they can and remake it as if they own it. It's where you get "firsties" declared when hey, the EU already had a Wookiee Jedi (HR won't be first), a gay couple (Roan Lands and Ferus Olin), plus realistic, non-forced diversity, from the mandates of a dreamer in the classical age of liberalism who really did hope for a better, more egalitarian world.

There are no great dreamers left, insofar as I can see, no one who hopes for a better future, everyone is disappointed and depressed by the actual future, and cynicism has poisoned the entertainment well.

The intent behind wanting more female leads isn't malicious, as often times the criticism of past entertainment is valid, IMO, it's how they execute that intent which makes it malicious. If I'd wanted new female leads, I'd have honestly set the sequels 600 years after the OT, where it's more about modern-day myths, Rey discovering she's a Palpatine and the Force ghost of Luke mentoring her. And I would love a black female lead in that context. But I think it's blatantly misunderstanding the lore when they think Leia is nothing without being a Jedi. That's not what her character journey was ever meant to be. Leia was best suited for politics. And being the HoS in lore wasn't enough for these woke types. If they want new female leads, stop watering down older ones to do so! And don't lie about the past!

To me, Rey is woke because she's not fresh or original, she's stolen from the lore they disrespect at all turns to mass-market to brainless theater audiences. I've seen this before. Jyn Erso is standing in the shadow of the far superior DF games and graphic novels. It's stale. Identity politics is all they have left to cover up their shoddy business management practices. Rey isn't Rey, she's just a far inferior Jaina Solo.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Makeshift Python »

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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

He's basically saying that all people who like to promote feminism and diversity are a bunch of unsatisfiable man babies who would hate Alien because Ripley is not a special-special princess. You know, the usual bullshit.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Riedquat »

Makeshift Python wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 am Christ.

If ALIEN had come out today it would be lambasted by you morons for pushing a woke agenda..
The morons are the "woke" idiots who have made it so people would indeed question that. There was an oh so brief period where peope got cast just because they were the right person for the job - prior to that too tainted by one sort of prejudice, and today it's been tainted by a different prejudice. Not that things were ever perfect but nowdays we seem to have one bunch of bigots having a backlash at a different bunch of bigots, and anyone with half a brain who's unimpressed by either set can't help wondering if either of them is contaminating every choice with their pathetic bile.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Riedquat »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:42 am You act like you're doing black people a favor by ignoring their blackness, as if it was a character flaw. And if you have to ignore blackness to humanize people...
You sound like someone who reacts to someone based on their skin colour. There's a word for people who do that.
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Re: Is Disney finally ditching WOKE politics?

Post by Beelzquill »

Riedquat wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:49 pm
Makeshift Python wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 8:20 am Christ.

If ALIEN had come out today it would be lambasted by you morons for pushing a woke agenda..
The morons are the "woke" idiots who have made it so people would indeed question that. There was an oh so brief period where peope got cast just because they were the right person for the job - prior to that too tainted by one sort of prejudice, and today it's been tainted by a different prejudice. Not that things were ever perfect but nowdays we seem to have one bunch of bigots having a backlash at a different bunch of bigots, and anyone with half a brain who's unimpressed by either set can't help wondering if either of them is contaminating every choice with their pathetic bile.
couldn't agree more
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