The Abortion Debate

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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

LittleRaven wrote:
Madner Kami wrote:You do realize, that an abortion is, generally, about avoiding having a child to begin with?
That may be how some people treat it, but that not what the ethics of abortion are about.

Virtually nobody thinks parents should be able to kill their children whenever they get tired of them.
These Ethics of Abortion are, largely, a smokescreen.

It's about power. It's about control. It's about making sure women are punished for having the sex that they are also pressured by society into having.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by LittleRaven »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:These Ethics of Abortion are, largely, a smokescreen.
I don't think so. Sure, some people will use it that way, but there is always a subset of the population that will abuse anything and everything. That doesn't mean that having a consistent ethical framework isn't important. Quite the contrary, actually.

Besides, the great thing about our supposed future of artificial wombs is that women won't have to have children they don't want to have. Or at least, they won't have to give birth to babies they don't want to give birth to. They may still find themselves with children they don't want, but that's true for men today, and it works out ok.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by Antiboyscout »

LittleRaven wrote:
Madner Kami wrote:You do realize, that an abortion is, generally, about avoiding having a child to begin with?
That may be how some people treat it, but that not what the ethics of abortion are about.

Virtually nobody thinks parents should be able to kill their children whenever they get tired of them.
Not according to the Journal of Medical "Ethics"
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by LittleRaven »

Antiboyscout wrote:Not according to the Journal of Medical "Ethics"
That's an article arguing for a certain position...not the official position of the Journal.

We should not be surprised or appalled by articles in ethics journals making the case for extreme views. That's literally what ethical journals are for. But it remains an extreme position. It is not embraced by any state in the modern world, nor are there any substantial political movements pushing for it. (unlike, say, euthanasia)

Abortion is embraced because many people believe that the state should not control what a woman does with her own internal organs, not because many people believe it's cool to kill babies.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by Yaku »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:
LittleRaven wrote:
Madner Kami wrote:You do realize, that an abortion is, generally, about avoiding having a child to begin with?
That may be how some people treat it, but that not what the ethics of abortion are about.

Virtually nobody thinks parents should be able to kill their children whenever they get tired of them.
These Ethics of Abortion are, largely, a smokescreen.

It's about power. It's about control. It's about making sure women are punished for having the sex that they are also pressured by society into having.
I don't agree. Even most unprotected sexual encounters don't end in pregnancy. A day before ovulation, the time when women are most fertile, the risk of pregnancy is about 30%. Three days before ovulation, it is just 15%. On Ovulation day itself, it's about 12%. Rest of the time research, clinical trials and real world experience have shown that the risk is about 5-6%. Heck, sometimes it feels even lower, for the second one we had to try really, really often ^_^.

Getting pregnant is not that easy, even if you are young and healthy. Therefore I think it is a bit of a stretch to state that abortion is about regulating sex - from my own experience I would even argue the opposite: There are hardly any constraints at all anymore, in today's society, for better or worse, who knows ;-). Also, there we have so many forms of contraceptives at our disposal (feel really sorry for you blokes, since you really only have 3 ones that work), that no women should become pregnant if she doesn't want to. Even if you don't count the hormonal ones, which I strongly advice against, they are causing so many problems. And there is always the morning after pill if you "forgot" it in the heat of the moment.

As for the Abortion-Debate itself... It is a really heated debate, and emotions are clashing with ideologies and principles from all sides, women and men alike. I have a rather liberal stance myself: If another woman thinks she must let that procedure be done to her, I think she has every right to get it done so. But she should be informed about what's going on, and how many women do have problems with the abortion, even years later. But I never would have been able to do it myself. Children change you, and I think they do so for the better. I can't imagine a life without mine. But that's a personal choice every women should be free to make on her own.
LittleRaven wrote:
Antiboyscout wrote:Not according to the Journal of Medical "Ethics"
That's an article arguing for a certain position...not the official position of the Journal.

We should not be surprised or appalled by articles in ethics journals making the case for extreme views. That's literally what ethical journals are for. But it remains an extreme position. It is not embraced by any state in the modern world, nor are there any substantial political movements pushing for it. (unlike, say, euthanasia)

Abortion is embraced because many people believe that the state should not control what a woman does with her own internal organs, not because many people believe it's cool to kill babies.
I also think that the statement "A woman should be free to do what she wants with her own body." to be a bit misleading. Without a trained physician, a staff and a clinic, there is not really much the woman can do on her own accords. But it is always better than the ghastly methods that have been used for unwanted pregnancies in the past. Oh god, it is so much better, just thinking about makes gives me shivers :?
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

I was really scared to click on this, but I'm glad that this thread has been very civil and intelligent, so far! I hope I didn't just jinx it
LittleRaven wrote: But abortion becomes a very, VERY different topic in the far future.

Right now, abortion ethics require us to balance the rights of the mother to control her own body vs the rights of the fetus to, well, stay alive. We cannot separate these two, because we cannot currently recreate a womb.

But in the future, it seems likely that we WILL be able to separate the two. At which point the equation changes, rather drastically. If we can keep a fetus alive WITHOUT forcing a woman to provide her womb as a living space, then the case for abortion becomes much, much weaker - why not simply remove the fetus, place it in an artificial womb, and then give it to the parents when it's ready to live in the open air? Everyone wins, and we don't have to unreasonably violate anyone's bodily autonomy to accomplish it.
This is onto something, I think.

We're much closer than most people think to being able to do this - artificial wombs are being developed, for now in the interests of saving or improving the lives of premature babies, but it's not unreasonable to think that at some point they could be used much earlier in the pregnancy because the mother doesn't want to or can't carry the pregnancy to term. It would remove a lot of the bodily autonomy aspect from the debate (but not eliminate it entirely since some manner of procedure would still be required), but not do much to address the issues related to adoption - are there enough adoptive parents to take these children, are the biological mothers willing to know they have a biological child somewhere out there, and will the children be happy with their adoptive families (judging by today, most are, but some end up in bad homes or feel disconnected from their heritage)? I am really supportive of adoption, but these are not trivial considerations. Of course, if paying for a fetus to be grown in an artificial womb or transplantation to your own womb is cheaper than fertility treatments (which of course will also improve over time), then infertile couples for whom it is really important to experience the pregnancy and/or bonding with the child from birth might be more open to adoption rather than continuing with fertility treatments, which might mean there are more adoptive families out there. But I doubt that we'd be talking about a huge increase.

Also, hopefully birth control continues to improve and society becomes more willing to provide it and information on how to use it properly, so that there are fewer unwanted pregnancies in the first place. I really think that's the best outcome, whether you're pro-choice or pro-life.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by The Romulan Republic »

FakeGeekGirl wrote:I was really scared to click on this, but I'm glad that this thread has been very civil and intelligent, so far! I hope I didn't just jinx it



There. Now its a proper abortion thread. ;)
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by Admiral X »

I actually see both sides of the argument. I do see this as ending a human life, and I find it disturbing the people feel the need to dehumanize fetuses. I see it more as an example of where individual rights interfere with each other, and have to be weighed against one another, and I come down in favor of the person who is pregnant. The idea that someone be forced to carry a child against their will, particularly as some kind of karmic punishment for having sex is really disturbing, too. Those arguing "adoption not abortion" seem not to consider what happens after the fact, and I've yet to see any propose that they put their money where their mouth is. There's a political cartoon that dates back to Bush I that illustrates the mentality perfectly.


Personally I'd rather make most of the argument moot by providing better sex education and ready access to birth control.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by Robovski »

I have little time for those who would withhold birth control and sexual education, especially when I have seen my sisters become teen mothers and their daughters become teen mothers. They are literally damaging the quality of life of both the mother and the child and because of their goddamned beliefs. You want to be religious and not partake of your birth control options? Go for it. I'd rather there were planned and expected babies than a bunch of ''bundles from heaven''. Plentiful birth control is in our public interest AND it alleviates a lot of the demand for abortion and yet it is withheld due to political wankery.
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Re: The Abortion Debate

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

Robovski wrote:I have little time for those who would withhold birth control and sexual education, especially when I have seen my sisters become teen mothers and their daughters become teen mothers. They are literally damaging the quality of life of both the mother and the child and because of their goddamned beliefs. You want to be religious and not partake of your birth control options? Go for it. I'd rather there were planned and expected babies than a bunch of ''bundles from heaven''. Plentiful birth control is in our public interest AND it alleviates a lot of the demand for abortion and yet it is withheld due to political wankery.
I have friends with this viewpoint who make me want to tear my hair out. Like ... okay I get it, you believe sex should be reserved for marriage. That's fine, but the sexual revolution happened. That bell can't be unrung. And honestly people were probably having more illegitimate hanky panky back in the "good ole days" than we like to think. So no matter how much birth control you withhold, people are still going to have sex. So your choice in terms of taxpayer money, to say nothing of the human cost or related issues like STIs, is to pay for birth control or abortions and/or unwanted babies too. I know which one I'd rather pay for.
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