MAGA rioters storm the Senate

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Captain Crimson
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

And it's not like I support riots or seizing government property anyway.

This whole thing just has me shaking my head. We're all numb to it now. I know too many people in my close circles just can't care about this. Not happy, but we live in a culture of outrageous shock factor. Nothing surprises me now anymore.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Robovski wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:39 pm How dare they take their protest to the politicians and government buildings instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and small businesses. That's one big difference there, so yeah, not the same. Can't have those actually responsible for their anger being the target of the ire of the protestors, they should be just ruining their communities.
Where they are directing their anger is insane and unjustified.
They think there is either some mass conspiracy to steal the election (something they have no evidence for) or they think that the election results should be ignored because they wish to marginalize and suppress the votes of minorities.
Ergo, their actions are unjustified.

People are trying to frame this as an argument of methodology (or in the case of Captain Crimson, a rambling diatribe against a strawman "The Left" which wants chaos to reign and is myopic in how they look for information). While there are always problems with methodology, my personal big issue is that they are fascists who want to install a dictator because they are racist.

I don't know how they all realized that the Republican party does not have their interests in mind... maybe they started paying attention for 5 seconds? But I DEFINITELY do not understand why they think Trump does have their interests in mind... Unless their interests consist of being racist.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by CmdrKing »

Robovski wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:39 pm How dare they take their protest to the politicians and government buildings instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and small businesses. That's one big difference there, so yeah, not the same. Can't have those actually responsible for their anger being the target of the ire of the protestors, they should be just ruining their communities.
They marched on the capitol in order to subvert the outcome of an election at the behest of the sitting president who would retain his office from this action if successful.

That's a Coup.

Equating protests against police violence with A Literal Fucking Coup is a hell of a leap.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:32 pm Here is a lovely thing to point to.
:lol: All sound and fury, signifying nothing. Just another hypocrite. ;)
No, you can't "Easily say the same thing about...".
Indeed you could. Indeed I have. You can keep making excuses for the leftists, but the talking points being thrown around have been used by both.
Again, different people doing different things for different reasons... and getting treated differently.
To claim otherwise is bullshit.
Frankly, while I'm absolutely tickled by these people who lord over us getting bullied back, even just a little bit, I'm really suspicious of the fact these people met very little opposition, and were essentially allowed to just leave. And I'm not so short-sighted as to think it was because of race. Incidentally, I think that once the Democrats have secured themselves in power, BLM and antifa are going to find themselves thrown under the bus, too.
Where they are directing their anger is insane and unjustified.
They are angry at the government so they are directing that anger toward the government. Seems to make sense to me.
They think there is either some mass conspiracy to steal the election (something they have no evidence for) or they think that the election results should be ignored because they wish to marginalize and suppress the votes of minorities.
:lol: You malign them for being conspiracy theorists while you yourself spout off a conspiracy theory. And there is evidence of fraud, incidentally - the real question is whether it represents something that significantly changed the outcome. Sorry, but you can't look at footage of a poll worker running the same stack of ballots through a counting machine multiple times, after all observers and most of the other counters have been ushered out of the building on false pretenses, and claim there's no evidence of fraud. That's as straightforward as it gets. So if people think the election has been stolen, and it looks like everyone in any kind of authority is just ignoring it, how can you claim their anger is unjustified? Especially in light of the rhetoric you yourself have repeated? I wonder, if BLM or antifa had done exactly the same thing with exactly the same result, would you be railing against them? Or would you just continue to be a hypocrite and declare it to be different when they do it because "oppressed"?
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

I don't believe there was fraud on this level. Certainly not enough to sway the outcome. I know many libertarians despise the historic vote totals for Mr. Biden, that far surpass Mr. Obama, and I can sympathize, but I give six reasons to why that is.

1. The most (irresponsible) campaign spending in election history.
2. Hate-voting as a rising trend in modern American politics.
3. The corporate media shilling hard for Mr. Biden.
4. COVID, of course, it exposed Mr. Trump's flaws, that lead to the next and vital point:
5. Mr. Biden kept an extreme low profile so people wouldn't be reminded they hate him too. COVID was a good excuse.
6. The population increase. I see that argument thrown around, so sure, why not.

We never had a chance against a system stacked this much in favor of the old white male patriarchy they claim to hate. :roll:
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Not to mention he had a hand in exactly the kind of things they're complaining about when it comes to police accountability and the like.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:16 pm Not to mention he had a hand in exactly the kind of things they're complaining about when it comes to police accountability and the like.
Leftists settled for Mr. Biden, and then turn around and complain when he won. What comedy.

This is why I ain't voting again. My family are the same type who think Mr. Trump caused all this, but he didn't. His offensive language is what upsets them.

Seems most Americans just wanna go back to being f***** over with a smile. That's our home, folks!
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Admiral X wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:01 pm
Where they are directing their anger is insane and unjustified.
They are angry at the government so they are directing that anger toward the government. Seems to make sense to me.
Are you familiar with the idea of "Standing"?
It has been in the news recently in direct relation to the allegations of fraud in the election.
The idea is, that it is not enough to be mad at someone in order to sue them, they have to have actually done something to you.
You have to be a victim, you have to have Standing.

When a minority group protests against various systemic injustices they have moral standing, even if they do not have legal standing, because again, this is systemic, it is hard to have legal standing when the system is the thing oppressing you.
Oppression and harm against minority groups is not a conspiracy theory, it is historical, it is nakedly obvious, and it is so constant in society that to deny it is not an opinion it is just factually wrong to make such denials.

The groups that attacked the Capital do not have legal or moral standing. They are people of a privileged subclass in the united states. They are not directing anger against a system that is harming them, but one that is simply not advantaging them as much as it used to (and really, since Trump, the US is backsliding into advantaging white people more, rich white people especially).
They don't have standing. They can be mad at the government, but if their anger is generated or justified by mystifying nonsense like mass election fraud, then their actions are unjustified, they have no standing.

I keep seeing people try to compare protests that turned violent by oppressed groups as somehow equivalent to violent attacks by a privileged group. There is no comparison. This is not apologia, this is not hair splitting. One group took justified action, there were bad ramifications, and violent consequences. The other group took unjustified (and immediately harmful) actions and suffered few consequences.

It is at best, intellectually dishonest to claim these two things are the same, that one somehow excuses the other, or that there is some grander conspiracy by a vaguely defined "Leftist" movement.

Fascists gathered in the nation's capital to attempt a coup on behalf of a lame duck President.
This is gross, and you all need to stop treating it like anything other than bad, dangerous, and an undermining of the law and order the rioters claim that they love and desire.... At least when "Law and Order" is not just being used as coded speech for "White Power".
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Well, I look forward to seeing all the rationalizations when I get back from work tonight. :)

Edit: Oh, hey, speaking of. ;)
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Robovski »

CmdrKing wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:00 pm
Robovski wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:39 pm How dare they take their protest to the politicians and government buildings instead of burning down their own neighborhoods and small businesses. That's one big difference there, so yeah, not the same. Can't have those actually responsible for their anger being the target of the ire of the protestors, they should be just ruining their communities.
They marched on the capitol in order to subvert the outcome of an election at the behest of the sitting president who would retain his office from this action if successful.

That's a Coup.

Equating protests against police violence with A Literal Fucking Coup is a hell of a leap.
Uh-huh. You win this leap contest by a mile already.
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