MAGA rioters storm the Senate

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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Draco Dracul wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:59 am You literally said mostly peaceful in your post.
Guess you don't know that meme. :lol:
You also have an absolutely terrible read on me as I'm a very pro-gun leftist.
Only for the revolutionaries, no doubt. ;) Doesn't change the fact the majority of leftists will generally respond to anything involving them with comments that perpetuate toxic masculinity and gender stereotypes.
The media basically handed Trump the republican primary by handing him 2 billion dollars worth of free advertising, Twitter let him violate their terms of service freely for years, and Facebook let him buy ads for half the price of Biden.
The media gave him plenty of free press while freaking out about him, that was for sure. It's also why when his COVID briefings started becoming more popular than their own reports that they started using a different tactic by doing everything they could to censor him.

Don't get me started on how laughable Twitter's terms of service are or how unevenly they're enforced. :roll:
Are you actually going to explain any of those or are you just planning to Gish gallop? For a specific one how have they been violating the Constitution on election laws.
Several states broke their own constitutions by changing election laws without involving their state legislatures in order to allow the mass mail-in voting, and to selectively enforce the various checks (such as signature checks or ID checks) along wit ha few other things, but only in Democratic districts. At least, that was the case in Pennsylvania. Apparently 200,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified in Wisconsin over breaking state election law, which is a pretty big deal considering the margin was a lot smaller than that. Also laws regarding observers and the distance they're supposed to be allowed to observe from. Again, just off the top of my head. I know in Philadelphia the Republican observers got a court order to allow them in only to have the election officials there just straight up ignore it, even as it was held up right in front of them.

As for the other things, they really kind of speak for themselves. Most of them are related to the various lockdowns and the Democrats running various states and cities acting like little dictators (all while ignoring their own orders, naturally). The governor granting themselves emergency power in flagrant violation of the state constitution was in Michigan, with the state supreme court ruling rather alarmingly down partisan lines on an issue that is cut and dry. As you might guess, the governor reacted very poorly to this check on her power.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Draco Dracul »

Admiral X wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:24 am
You also have an absolutely terrible read on me as I'm a very pro-gun leftist.
Only for the revolutionaries, no doubt. ;) Doesn't change the fact the majority of leftists will generally respond to anything involving them with comments that perpetuate toxic masculinity and gender stereotypes.
I'm a strong believe that the "revolution" should ultimately be achieved either through legally enacting the changes by popular vote, or by setting up a parallel system to capitalism that leaves the capitalists with no workers.
The media basically handed Trump the republican primary by handing him 2 billion dollars worth of free advertising, Twitter let him violate their terms of service freely for years, and Facebook let him buy ads for half the price of Biden.
The media gave him plenty of free press while freaking out about him, that was for sure. It's also why when his COVID briefings started becoming more popular than their own reports that they started using a different tactic by doing everything they could to censor him.

Don't get me started on how laughable Twitter's terms of service are or how unevenly they're enforced. :roll:
They only started cutting away from his COVID breifings after months of dangerous misinformation from the Trump administration.
Are you actually going to explain any of those or are you just planning to Gish gallop? For a specific one how have they been violating the Constitution on election laws.
Several states broke their own constitutions by changing election laws without involving their state legislatures in order to allow the mass mail-in voting, and to selectively enforce the various checks (such as signature checks or ID checks) along wit ha few other things, but only in Democratic districts. At least, that was the case in Pennsylvania.
Really because the only thing in Pennsylvania was a push to allow ballots mailed by, but not received by election day to be counted, a battle that the Republicans won, but was ultimately moot because they lost anyway.
Apparently 200,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified in Wisconsin over breaking state election law, which is a pretty big deal considering the margin was a lot smaller than that.
Considering how mail-in ballots broke accross the country, largely due to Trump trying to discredit mail in voting and the blase attitude towards Covid he's encouraged in his followers, those ballots would have almost certainly increased Biden's margin of victory in Wisconsin.
Also laws regarding observers and the distance they're supposed to be allowed to observe from. Again, just off the top of my head. I know in Philadelphia the Republican observers got a court order to allow them in only to have the election officials there just straight up ignore it, even as it was held up right in front of them.
That didn't actually happen, the republican election officials were allowed to observe and the people being kept out weren't even election officials.
As for the other things, they really kind of speak for themselves. Most of them are related to the various lockdowns and the Democrats running various states and cities acting like little dictators (all while ignoring their own orders, naturally). The governor granting themselves emergency power in flagrant violation of the state constitution was in Michigan, with the state supreme court ruling rather alarmingly down partisan lines on an issue that is cut and dry. As you might guess, the governor reacted very poorly to this check on her power.
When you big example of an abuse of power is trying to change a primary date to reduce transmission of a plague, it doesn't really make the democrats sound that bad.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by CmdrKing »

As ever, it turns out the right-wing definition of “election rigging” is changes entered into law months in advance, being barred from intimidating vote counters like it’s the 1880’s, their own voters claiming to be suppressed due to an unwillingness to follow ballot corrections they implemented, and other standard operating procedures.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Steve »

Admiral X wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:55 am I often wonder if that's the case with regressive leftists, too, or if they really do believe all the crazy things they say.
Authoritarian leftists have yet to assault the US Capitol in an attempt to interfere in the constitutionally-mandated election process. The "unarmed woman" you're wringing your hands about about was part of an attempted self-coup by an incompetent manchild whose bruised ego led him to supporting sedition instead of accepting a peaceful transition of power, and who will hopefully be impeached and forbidden from ever again holding office in the Republic that he has undermined and attacked the very foundations of. I lament the loss of life, but the shooters who put Ashli Babbit down were protecting the United States Congress from a mob that included people out to take prisoners (hence the zip-ties) and who were clearly trying to prevent the constitutionally-mandated transfer of power. Nor does a relative lack of firearms do much to address the fact that said mob posed a very clear and present danger to the lives of Congress and the Vice President, and who in fact caused the death of at least one officer of the Capitol Police who resisted their sacking of the Capitol.

Whether or not the news media have been unfair to Trump, whether or not their coverage of the rioting this summer was skewed by political ideology or plain stupidity.... bleh, our country has survived that kind of thing for centuries. Just ask Horace Greeley and Duff Green how they treated their political enemies in print. But you know what our Republic simply cannot survive? Sitting Presidents setting their fanatical followers on Congress to defy their electoral defeat!
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Again, given how hard the media narrative has been that "Trump is da worst thing evah," when you could easily point to other past presidents and eras (imagine if the internet had been around in the time of Mr. Nixon), I'm skeptical a lot of these leftists would just accept it. Why would they? Given how polarized our country has become.

In my mind, there is fundamentally no difference between seizing a police precinct and trying to seize the heart of the government. And only radical freaks would support either one, which hey, I do not. I don't see anyone else like Admiral X supporting it either, more so just exasperated by the rationalizations and double standards always on display.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Draco Dracul »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:04 pm Again, given how hard the media narrative has been that "Trump is da worst thing evah," when you could easily point to other past presidents and eras (imagine if the internet had been around in the time of Mr. Nixon), I'm skeptical a lot of these leftists would just accept it. Why would they? Given how polarized our country has become.
Trump and his supporters are currently trying to subvert American democracy and launch a coup against the United States. Basically the only president close to the same level is James Buchanan, the man whose inaction lead directly to the Civil War.
Captain Crimson wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:04 pm In my mind, there is fundamentally no difference between seizing a police precinct and trying to seize the heart of the government. And only radical freaks would support either one, which hey, I do not. I don't see anyone else like Admiral X supporting it either, more so just exasperated by the rationalizations and double standards always on display.
That displays an utter lack of prospective on you part.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Captain Crimson wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:04 pm Again, given how hard the media narrative has been that "Trump is da worst thing evah," when you could easily point to other past presidents and eras (imagine if the internet had been around in the time of Mr. Nixon), I'm skeptical a lot of these leftists would just accept it. Why would they? Given how polarized our country has become.
Has it occured to you that it is not a media narrative?
That he really is the worst president?
That determinations about this have been done by various people who have put a lot of thought into the hows and whys?
I know we all can't list our qualifications on here, because no one would believe us and even if they did I can hear the words, "well, that is just your opinion" ringing in my ears, but I am actually super well read on this subject matter and definately qualified to write one of those asinine books that ranks presidents based on various criteria. I am no Kevin Kruse, but I am capable of making a well informed determination.
If Trump is not the worst President, then he is one of the worst.
This is not based on a "media narrative" because I am not getting my opinion from the op-ed page, I am getting it from observation of current events, research of past events, and careful consideration. Trump is the worst, right up there with Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson.
In my mind, there is fundamentally no difference between seizing a police precinct and trying to seize the heart of the government. And only radical freaks would support either one, which hey, I do not. I don't see anyone else like Admiral X supporting it either, more so just exasperated by the rationalizations and double standards always on display.
I understand that you don't see the fundamental differences. You seem to have no grasp of how motivations, justifications, and intentions shape the moral dimensions of actions, and that is weird.
Rationalizations are not bad, you have to be able to rationalize your actions, especially if those actions run counter to the law or social order.
These are not double standards, different groups are doing different things, in different places, at different times, for different reasons, and with different goals. They are different.
There are important differences to the events you are juxtaposing and your inability or unwillingness to see those dimensions to the conversation is frustrating to me, and makes your insanely long and numerous comments come off as intensely hollow and without merit.

At this point, your suppositions are so off base that I don't know how to talk to you in a manner that would be informative or convincing, I don't know how to ask you questions via socratic method to lead you down a productive line of thinking.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

Draco Dracul wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:42 am I'm a strong believe that the "revolution" should ultimately be achieved either through legally enacting the changes by popular vote, or by setting up a parallel system to capitalism that leaves the capitalists with no workers.
Which kind of shows that you live in a fantasy world, honestly. Communism inevitably will lead to an authoritarian system with some dictator in charge.
They only started cutting away from his COVID breifings after months of dangerous misinformation from the Trump administration.
Nothing he said was inaccurate - it truly was just an act of pettiness because his popularity started to go up again.
Really because the only thing in Pennsylvania was a push to allow ballots mailed by, but not received by election day to be counted, a battle that the Republicans won, but was ultimately moot because they lost anyway.
No, it wasn't the only thing, and yes, it did break the state constitution.
Considering how mail-in ballots broke accross the country, largely due to Trump trying to discredit mail in voting and the blase attitude towards Covid he's encouraged in his followers, those ballots would have almost certainly increased Biden's margin of victory in Wisconsin.
Trump was frankly proven correct. Not only were multiple ballots sent out to the same people, they were sent to people who were no longer living at those residences, no longer in the state, etc. Some were even sent to those who were no longer living. A lot of that was from not waiting for ballots to be requested. And considering the blase attitude toward spreading the virus during the summer, and following the initial election results, the reasons given for even doing the mail-in voting was entirely baseless.
That didn't actually happen, the republican election officials were allowed to observe and the people being kept out weren't even election officials.
Yes, it did. Poll watchers were kicked out of stations all over the country, or sent out under false pretenses. In Detroit it was all on camera.
When you big example of an abuse of power is trying to change a primary date to reduce transmission of a plague, it doesn't really make the democrats sound that bad.
My "big example" was in answer to a specific question you had. This really does show the way leftists will try to twist things around, though, not to mention how you completely ignored the example of the various governors and mayors (all Democrats) acting like dictators, including one who just declared herself to have emergency powers.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Admiral X »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:57 am As ever, it turns out the right-wing definition of “election rigging” is changes entered into law months in advance,
Which was all still in violation of state constitutions as this required legislative action rather than simple declarations from governors, secretaries of state, or some other state officials.
being barred from intimidating vote counters like it’s the 1880’s,
Being barred from observing the counting, you mean. ;) Often just completely coincidentally before the election started going for Biden there.
their own voters claiming to be suppressed due to an unwillingness to follow ballot corrections they implemented, and other standard operating procedures.
I'm sure you have some specific examples of this you can cite.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

I worked the election and I encountered intimidating behavior from a Republican protestor exploiting observation rules.
..What mirror universe?
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