I think Ive made my feelings on TDST clear at this point and while I feel there are stories such as She-Ra and the Princesses of Power that Highlight the shortcomings of that Trilogy with the rumors that Disney and Lucas Film is A) Building up to an Adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy and B) Is also rumored to be planning a in universe reboot of Star Wars to basically erase TDST or have it were their set in an alternate universe what does that means for Disney's Trilogy?
The the most notable argument against Disney and Lucas Film not rebooting TDST is that TDST was a financially successful set of films and it has it's fans. My counter argument is that this, why bother with having stories set BEFORE TDST? Keep in mind that The Clone Wars animated series, a show that was set between the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, was released 3 years after the Prequel Trilogy had ended AND was being hyped up by Lucas Film. In fact I think it was in 2006 that Lucas himself was dropping hints as to the then upcoming show and there was a LOT of talk about the Clone Wars.
By contrast, as stated in the whole Star Wars Merchandising post with the exception of the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special there has been NOTHING post TDST announced or even hinted at in the last year. Even the Big Climatic Story Event hinted towards the end of 2020 was that something that The Mandalorian and its spin-offs are building towards which is believed to be the rumored TTT Adaptation. And in regards to TDST the only thing tied into that plot point was a hint that Grogu's blood was being used to try and create Snoke.
Add to that the Robert Downey Jr. and Karen Gillan are rumored to be casts as Grand Admiral Thrawn and Mara Jade which further supports the idea TTT Adaptation rumors and the aforementioned lack of attention TDST is getting what does this all mean for TDST moving forward.
Let's say for a moment that the rumors about the reboot are completely false that Disney is going to stay the course BUT that the rumors about a TTT Adaptation are true and that's the big story event that Disney and Lucas Film are building up to. If successful, if this possible adaptation is able to recapture what made TTT such a success which, please note, made TTT one of the most popular and influential stories in all of Star Wars what would that mean for TDST?
One thing to remember is that TDST has one notable disadvantage in this situation. Rise of Skywalker is a part of that Trilogy and ROS... is not exactly well liked among fans of the series. As Honest Trailers stated ROS did the impossible by uniting fans who loved The Last Jedi and fans who Hated TLJ by pleasing NONE of Them. Add to the TLJ's STILL mixed reception and The Force Awakens becoming more and more unpopular and TDST is already going into this situation with a deck stacked against it.
If TTT is made and is a hit with critics and viewers alike then odds are good that TDST might get retconned out completely due in large part to how TTT notable avoided all the issues most people had with TDST. The story is pretty much nothing like The Original Trilogy, the Original Trio is put to good use and the ending of TTT was so well received that it ended up creating the Original Expanded Universe of Star Wars.
TDST has a Lego Holiday Special that spends most of it's time in either the Prequel Era or the Original Trilogy Era. One that drew attention to the fact that time travel is, in fact, a thing in Star Wars.
What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
- Captain
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
If it helps, I personally think that's what Mr. Favreau and Mr. Filoni are going to try for TM. I'm just not a fan of that. Most likely since Mr. Filoni is going to shove Ahsoka into a more prominent role and we're just not in the era of smart and fun book to TV or movie adaptations anymore.
- Officer
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
I'd be fine going full multiverse with the Thrawn Trilogy being an alternate timeline post ROTJ, but that has its own baggage and risk anyway.
- Captain
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
Yeah, but that's not how it is. It was part of the C Canon timeline for the EU, and in the DSWC, what you're going to have is that it leads to the DSWST. Especially since the TT is like the only EU Mr. Filoni has ever read. I mean, they're not going to be retconned. There is no way that Disney is going to allow a $2,000,000,000 movie with a female protagonist manned under a female executive to be erased, not in today's entertainment landscape. And Mr. Favreau is most definitely an employee that toes the company line. He's said before he doesn't think Disney is a monopoly, which is just a joke.MerelyAFan wrote: ↑Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:51 am I'd be fine going full multiverse with the Thrawn Trilogy being an alternate timeline post ROTJ, but that has its own baggage and risk anyway.
Which is fine. I've said all along, I want to see how the sequels came about, not just pretend they never happened. The early Bantam era was plagued by that and it was a bad move. There are literally two timelines for the SWU at this point, and they are Legends and Disney.
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
That not going to happen.
- Captain
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
Yeah, that would mean they'd have to acknowledge jettisoning the EU was a mistake, not necessarily rebranding, just discontinuing it as potential SWL alongside the NEU. They won't do that. I think, despite the clear indicators that sales for the HR comics and novels are about to tank, they'll consider it a victory, riding in off TM's viewership and spike of online activity to push their SJW agenda on people via the NEU.
I think it's the exact opposite to many rumors we hear now, that they're furious for Mr. Favreau in TM ruining the HR's launch. I think they'd probably blame Mr. Hidalgo's words more, or SWT for "starting" the mess. And the TT is like the only EU Mr. Filoni's ever read, but Mr. Favreau? Like, why would you want a TT adaptation in DSWC that just leads to TLJ? Since you're not a fan of that.
I think it's the exact opposite to many rumors we hear now, that they're furious for Mr. Favreau in TM ruining the HR's launch. I think they'd probably blame Mr. Hidalgo's words more, or SWT for "starting" the mess. And the TT is like the only EU Mr. Filoni's ever read, but Mr. Favreau? Like, why would you want a TT adaptation in DSWC that just leads to TLJ? Since you're not a fan of that.
Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
Okay, I'm going to say this as simply as I can in the hopes you'll actually listen. Ahsoka ISN'T a Creators Pet. While she is well liked by fans and creators Filoni uses her the most mainly due to how popular she is with Fans. Plo Koon is Filoni's favorite character as noted by George Lucas and SEVERAL other writers on The Clone Wars. To quote Lucas directly, "Plo Koon is Dave's favorite character. He's constantly trying to push him into the series. If it were up to him, Plo Koon would appear in every episode."Captain Crimson wrote: ↑Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:45 am If it helps, I personally think that's what Mr. Favreau and Mr. Filoni are going to try for TM. I'm just not a fan of that. Most likely since Mr. Filoni is going to shove Ahsoka into a more prominent role and we're just not in the era of smart and fun book to TV or movie adaptations anymore.
Speaking of Lucas the Clone Wars is a create example of his need to want to make a story he wanted to tell and one that he wanted to share with everyone. Before it came out NO ONE Wanted a Clone Wars TV series mainly because the 2D Series was so well received and many didn't like the idea that the 3D series was more the creation of Lucas himself who's reputation with the fans was on VERY shaky ground. Lucas even stated that even if the ratings for TCW dropped he would continue to keep it on the air for all five seasons (yeah season 5 was suppose to be the ending of the series before Lucas and the show runners decided to make a few more seasons which was also the result of how popular the show had gotten before Disney cancelled the show).
I bring that point up because while Filoni has often talked about Ahsoka he spends more time talking about Star Wars as a whole and many of the Easter Eggs from the Original EU in Season 2 of the Mandalorian was supposedly his idea, (key word supposedly I don't put all my stock in rumors I read online even if the source is "reliable") and given how much old EU Lore was put into Season 2 (some of which was from stories even I never heard of) it's a safe bet that SOMEONE high up is a big fan of Legends and knew how to use it.
While Ahsoka is being utilized a lot and is even getting her own show that's again mainly due to how well liked she is among fans and Disney doing anything and everything to get the fans back on their side. As of this writing I can't think of any story, at least that has been shown on screen, where Ahsoka was forced into the narrative. She had a major role in Season 2 of Rebels and was brought back at the end of Season 4 which introduced the time travel Deus Ex Machina known as the World Between Worlds but the former was done mainly to resolve the then unresolved Anakin and Ahsoka plot thread left by Clone Wars being cancelled and the later was mainly do to wrapping up the series and bring her back due to demands by fans.
Seasons 1, 3 and the majority of 4 barely involve Ahsoka and her role in The Mandalorian was rather small and Bo Katan actually has MORE focus then Ahsoka with two episodes giving her a major role and setting up a conflict between her and Din. If Ahsoka was the creator's pet you believe her to be why not give Ahsoka more to do in all the series post Clone Wars? Again, she only plays a major role in Rebels for one season and that's it.
I'm writing a Tomb Raider series and part of the reason I'm doing that is to bring back my favorite character in the series Samantha Nishimura and in doing so I've given her a VERY notable increase in screen time and included a LOT of her character development from the comics AND have given her Magically Powers which she most certainly didn't have in the first game or the comics. The Story is still Lara's and she is the character who shapes events moving forward and she is still the one who gets the most screen time. However, her relationship with Sam is the main focus of the series with their relationship being the real driving force behind everything that's happening and their need to mend said relationship is at the heart of both women arcs.
And a big part of that is because I love Sam that much and want to see her treated right. THAT'S playing favorites even though I do my best to not turn this into the Sam Nishimura show featuring Lara Croft and work to make sure everything fits the narrative AND that I have people who are willing to be honest with me to make sure I'm not playing favorites.
Filoni is currently the creators in Star Wars with the most consistent hits in the Disney Era. Rebels, Season 7 of Clone Wars and the Mandalorian all involved him in someway AND have been well received by critics and fans alike. And once more, because I have to make sure you're listening, Ahsoka has BARELY BEEN INVOLVED IN MOST OF THESE PROJECTS AND ISN'T FILONI'S PERSONAL FAVORITE!!!
Again, Rebels only ONE Season made her a main character AND the focus of that season was still mostly focused on the Ghost Crew. The Mandalorian only gave her one episode in contrast with fellow CW character Bo Katan having two. The only real exception was the Clone Wars Season 7 where most of the episodes did focus mainly on Ahsoka with one being well received and one being less well received. However, the last four were always going to be mainly about Ahsoka, Rex and Maul so it makes sense that the four leading up to the finally would be about her time away from the Jedi which WAS always the plan based on all Evidence we have at this time.
If you don't like how Star Wars is turning out then don't WATCH IT and stop hitting me with the same 4 or 5 arguments you have as I'm getting more then a little annoyed by it. You keep hitting the same arguments and it's always the same song and dance. Filoni is a bad writer, stories aren't as good as they use to be, Star Wars should bring back Del Ray and somewhere in their will be a comment about how is the series keeps forcing Ahsoka in the show.
You're entitled to your opinion and entitled to share it but try SOMETHING NEW!!! Talk about the stories you do like, why you think they're better then the current shows. Elaborate on why you think that and use it to strength your argument instead of just saying "TV and Books aren't as smart of as fun as they use to be". Make a post about the stories you enjoy and see what conclusion others come to based on the information you present.
But please stop hitting my posts with the same few arguments unless you have something new to add that DOESN'T involve anything you're talked about before. Even I change up subjects and I have OCD.
- Captain
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Re: What Would a Thrawn Trilogy Adaptation Mean for The Disney Sequel Trilogy?
Wanted to drop by before bed, and know what? I'm sorry. I understand how you feel about rehashed arguments, and it's not my intention to be cruel, so I'll say this.
For some time now, I've been in the process of compiling research and adding citations, but the same old drumbeat is kinda irksome to me, as well. How about I hold off on these same old points until I can get it all written down to have the full range of my opinions and feelings on this matter? Especially since I can't give a coherent rundown when I'm also struggling with some other work-related material and can only jot down a bit and bob here and there.
You up to it?
For some time now, I've been in the process of compiling research and adding citations, but the same old drumbeat is kinda irksome to me, as well. How about I hold off on these same old points until I can get it all written down to have the full range of my opinions and feelings on this matter? Especially since I can't give a coherent rundown when I'm also struggling with some other work-related material and can only jot down a bit and bob here and there.
You up to it?
