MAGA rioters storm the Senate

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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

That actually a good point.
Dragon Ball Fan
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:40 pm You're simplifying matters into left and right far too conveniently. The extremists aren't "on our side" ever.
Okay, that was wrong of me, it's just I think the left, intentionally or not, is contributing to it based on the information I have. But I am sorry if I offended you, I always considered you a friend here.
Captain Crimson
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Don't have COVID! :)

Upon reflection, I wanna say this. I've 180'd my viewpoint here. I want to say, I think taking away Mr. Trump's twitter is a mistake, for the reason that it emboldens his fringe voters. I just hate how the DNC is playing the same old game they always have without refusing to see the game has changed. They are too terrified of normalizing his conduct to see that treating him as a convenient bogeyman doesn't address the root cause, likely most entirely because they contribute to it and know they do and don't care to change that. And you just know he's going to be future political fodder for the DNC. He didn't divide us, he just made the divide worse. Be honest. I mean, wow...

He LOST. He will be gone. You want to cut off any potential momentum he has in 2024 so he doesn't Groveland Cleveland the country, then stop blasting him. That's not going to work! It may be one of the hardest things possible, but don't we ask more from our elected leaders? Most people can see and don't like the double standard in how the protests and riots last year never got s*** on this much, but that was political fodder to use against him, same with MeToo and this here. The system has decayed so badly, he has mass appeal that they've underestimated. If I was more weak-willed, I'd be right wing. And America's always been conservative. The MSM needs to stop giving him press, it denies him the attention he wants anyway, even and especially IF he's actually mocking them on twitter. And the DNC needs to, if not low-key praise him, at least don't low-key trash him.

I know Mr. Trump's language and foul views turn too many people off, I get it, I sympathize, but at this stage, only more harm than good come from cutting him off. The DNC has learned NOTHING. I predict #Trump2024 victory at this stage, because remember, the man's studied Hitler. He no doubt has studied historical patterns this way, so to treat him as mentally deranged, insane, or illiterate is just the wrong move, he has never been those things past a rich, self-serving troll. My only hope is Mr. Biden takes this approach once he gets in office, despite how harshly he railed on him in the debates, since we all know Mr. Biden ran on lies and empty campaign promises, and is more amiable to the right than left. But that needs to be reflective in the language used, because his policies are too reconciliatory to the GOP.

On the language game, Mr. Trump always comes out ahead. THIS NEEDS TO END. Or we really will devolve into totalitarianism.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

I think making sure he doesn't have a platform is a good step. I think he needs to be lock up at the very least, or have him have every last access frozen see how loyal those dogs are when their false messiah has no real power left.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:12 am I think making sure he doesn't have a platform is a good step. I think he needs to be lock up at the very least, or have him have every last access frozen see how loyal those dogs are when their false messiah has no real power left.
My friend, that won't work. He's rich enough he could start his own cable news network, and if they take away his twitter, he'll do just that. Mr. Limbaugh on steroids. And I hold no hope to a second impeachment. I think the GOP is just doing this for good press. But nothing more.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Except who would used his cable network, most older people don't know how to go to new stations, and rural people probably wouldn't either and that most of his viewers base.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

... what? Older people still watch everything from Fox News to CNN to MSNBC. :lol:

My own grandmother is an MSNBC junkie, and she's in her nineties.
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Would they really watch a new one, although I do think the best hope we have is the IRS coming down on Trump like a mob boss
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Dragon Ball Fan wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:30 pm
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:40 pm You're simplifying matters into left and right far too conveniently. The extremists aren't "on our side" ever.
Okay, that was wrong of me, it's just I think the left, intentionally or not, is contributing to it based on the information I have. But I am sorry if I offended you, I always considered you a friend here.
Well I mean we do like data.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: MAGA rioters storm the Senate

Post by Captain Crimson »

It's a stereotype his support is only older, white men or women. It's mostly the non-college educated, because education system is in the toilet. Look at me as an example. Never went to college.

He appeal among Democrats, or voters from Mr. Obama would never have flocked over.
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