Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

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Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Winter »

I'll be honest, I haven't read anything from The High Republic yet and the reason for that is simple, the marketing didn't make it seem all that interesting. Now please note I didn't say I don't like it I'm just commenting that for all the hype Disney was putting around this project which will take up several years and cover novels, comics, magazines and maybe even more media crossover to come and it just looked average.

And it seems that I'm not the only one who thinks this as the series doesn't seem to be doing so well right now as just about every site that is covering it always seems rather lackluster on actual information. Wookieepedia and TV Tropes which usually are filled with information left by fans for whatever series is being covered have almost nothing in them. Keep in mind that the First episode of the Mandalorian and Rise of Skywalker were PACKED with information on both stories when they were released and in terms of popularity these two seemed to be on complete opposite sides of the board with The Mandalorian being almost universally loved by fans whole ROS was seen as a Massive disappointment by everyone. But hours after both were released they WERE being talked about by a LOT of people.

But with THR no one seems to be talking about it despite the fact that it has been out for over a week. So, honest question, has anyone actually Read the series yet because this is something that Disney was clearly putting a lot into and yet it seems no one is really that interested about it.
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Thought LOTJ was good. Not to the old EU peaks, but way above average for DSW. Solid 6 to 7. I also appreciated Mr. Scott's professionalism when nitpicked by fans. Too often they just devolve into screaming. I will accept his explanation for the lightsaber gaffe as headcanon. Especially since it's like TCW S7 anyway. I would recommend LOTJ and HR #1.

Though keep in mind, the books and comics never were going to gain as much mainstream attention as something like TROS, or the finale to S2 of TM. I also don't buy all these rumors the management is upset that the S2 finale took away their spotlight. I think they were using the spotlight for TM S2 finale to shove out the HR, because remember, Mr. Zahn's book was pushed up.

I think they're going to call it a win even though the sales will wind up being mediocre.

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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

What is the High republic about anyway?
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Winter »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:16 am What is the High republic about anyway?
I'm honestly not really sure, I've yet to read any of it and like I said the marketing didn't make it seem all that super interesting. I think it's suppose to be a sorta Knights of the Old Republic-ish series but follows characters along in a time of peace before everything goes to Hell but that's about it. Honestly I don't think Disney did the best job at advertising it.
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:16 am What is the High republic about anyway?
It's set in 200 BBY. They're mapping the major hyperlanes, which is what TOTJ did, yet that took place thousands and thousands of years prior to ANH. But, you could make up an excuse, that shifting star patterns in the galaxy mean you might need to update them. DSWC is by no means beholden to SWL.

There's this Great Disaster that has the Jedi intervene, a ship traveling at hyperspace explodes and affects the whole galaxy. The ship that crashes? The Legacy Run. That's a little bit of a subtle winking at the camera there. Ms. Headland is manning one of the TV shows meant for this era. It's also showing the DSWC's continuity. We got connections to the San Tekka, in fact, HR was mentioned in the NEU long before the announcement. And Avar Kriss appeared in Mr. Soule's TROKR comic series before being made a HR protag.

Personally, I think their sales could be a lot better if they just let Del Rey and Marvel continue SWL. I've said that before, but lemme give my reasons. Mecha82, IIRC, once said boycotts don't accomplish much. In the larger movie base, that's true. But since SW books and comics have always been more niche, then yeah, protests can do things at this level. I'd say a lot of older SWL loyalist die-hards boycotting impacts the sales. We're not asking for much, and they can't give us that. Taking comics as an example, what we see each and every time is a lot of units shipped, some people check 'em out, mostly the sales bomb, and the line goes under.

Which is why I've mostly pirated the HR stuff. I wanna devote more time to the TSF now that the ST has wrapped up. The SWL we loved never came from LF, but their subsidiaries. That's where the push for more SWL should come from. Anyone who supports the cause, boycott, let your reasons be known, and get it secondhand!
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by TGLS »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:16 am What is the High republic about anyway?
From the font of all human knowledge:
Star Wars: The High Republic, initially promoted as Project Luminous, is a subseries of the Star Wars media franchise set during the "High Republic" sub-era of the Age of Republic, set 200 years before the events of the Skywalker saga and 800 years after the fall of the "Old Republic". In-universe, the initiating event of the subfranchise is "The Great Disaster" involving the antagonistic "space Vikings" known as the Nihil and the subsequent intervention of the Jedi that defeat the king.
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Hmm okay, I would loce to see more of star wars umiberse that doesn't revolved around the skywalkers and their close group.
Captain Crimson
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Captain Crimson »

I'd recommend Jedi Apprentice if that's something you're looking for, the Darth Bane Trilogy, the Knight Errant series, and Dawn of the Jedi book and comics. Dark Forces as well.
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Thanks because the star wars universe seems so small in the movies.
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Re: Star Wars: High Republic: Has Anyone Read it Yet?

Post by Captain Crimson »

Jedi Apprentice explores the early Padawanship of Obi-Wan to Qui-Gon.

Darth Bane Trilogy connects to KOTOR, if you love those games. And honestly, KOTOR was just building off the Tales of the Jedi comics.

Knight Errant is also set in the Darth Bane era, and focuses on Kerra Holt.

And Dark Forces... if you loved Rogue One, you'll love this. The original "steal the Death Star plans" story, featuring Kyle Katarn. I'd recommend the three weird graphic novel things Dark Horse put out to bypass Bantam's publishing license.

Soldier for the Empire, Rebel Agent, and Jedi Knight. Dark Forces also bookends the Bane trilogy.
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