Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Thebestoftherest »

McAvoy wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:36 am
Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:56 am Yeah, I think JJ is a fine director but he loves his mystery box so much it gets in the way of the plot.
He is big nostalgic things in movies too. JJ to me is just a different flavor director to Michael Bay.

Rian Johnson and JJ have one thing in common IMO. They do better without a established universe to draw from (or not to draw from).

Rian Johnson might do better if he had his own trilogy or even just a stand alone movie. Provided all his Star Wars characters are entirely new and don't interact with anything or anyone established. Last thing I want to see is him subverting expectations by saying Chewie is actually female or R2D2 is actually a mech with a mini alien driving him or Mon Mothma is the sister to Palpatine. Or whatever subverting expectations crap can be thought upm
Umm, funny thing about that the original r2 d2 was driven by a little person so that could be meta.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by McAvoy »

Thebestoftherest wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:38 am
McAvoy wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:36 am
Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:56 am Yeah, I think JJ is a fine director but he loves his mystery box so much it gets in the way of the plot.
He is big nostalgic things in movies too. JJ to me is just a different flavor director to Michael Bay.

Rian Johnson and JJ have one thing in common IMO. They do better without a established universe to draw from (or not to draw from).

Rian Johnson might do better if he had his own trilogy or even just a stand alone movie. Provided all his Star Wars characters are entirely new and don't interact with anything or anyone established. Last thing I want to see is him subverting expectations by saying Chewie is actually female or R2D2 is actually a mech with a mini alien driving him or Mon Mothma is the sister to Palpatine. Or whatever subverting expectations crap can be thought upm
Umm, funny thing about that the original r2 d2 was driven by a little person so that could be meta.
I know which is why I said it. In fact I will keep it going. Droids are not Droids at all, they are an enslaved mini alien race being forced to drive these mechs to suit their regular sized masters.

Just a joke though.
I got nothing to say here.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Thebestoftherest »

Yeah, not a fan of the new green droid.
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Makeshift Python »

It wouldn't surprise me. Rian Johnson was one of the few filmmakers to get along very well with LucasFilm, and given how successful TLJ was they likely want to keep in touch with him.

Also willing to bet there isn't a rush on this trilogy because it may be Episodes X-XII, and they don't really want to kick that off until a decade has passed. So in the meantime, might as well cook up a few treatments of the next trilogy over the years so that there's actually a solid foundation unlike with the ST.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Captain Crimson »

clearspira wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:11 am
Draco Dracul wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:33 pm I mean why not give another movie to guy that made the best Star Wars film in the last 40 years?
Y'know, objectively speaking, the ''best Star Wars film in 40 years'' should be almost universally beloved instead of splitting the fanbase straight down the middle, yes? And what amuses me is that if you go by both revenue and the general review score, the ''best Star Wars film in 40 years'' is actually TFA, proving that Star Wars fans were actually open to the Sequels before TLJ came along.
Yeah, but that doesn't hold up when adjusting it for inflation.

I kinda can't help but think fans wanted something like what we got in the EU, with Luke training a whole new generation of Jedi Knights. Is there some dark times? Sure. It's called Star Wars, after all, but at end of the day, they emerged through their challenges and were made stronger for it, never falling to the darkness or giving up.

In fact, you could easily slot TFA into where the EU left off. Though I think LOTF handled Jacen's fall better. Fans even got to choose his Sith name, as I'd said elsewhere. While Mr. Abrams took the name "Kybo Ren" from Droids and tweaked it a bit.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by clearspira »

Makeshift Python wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:51 pm It wouldn't surprise me. Rian Johnson was one of the few filmmakers to get along very well with LucasFilm, and given how successful TLJ was they likely want to keep in touch with him.

Also willing to bet there isn't a rush on this trilogy because it may be Episodes X-XII, and they don't really want to kick that off until a decade has passed. So in the meantime, might as well cook up a few treatments of the next trilogy over the years so that there's actually a solid foundation unlike with the ST.
I really cannot see any more mainline numbered Star wars films. From what I have heard from Daisy Ridley, Oscar Issac and especially John Boyega, they have very little good to say about Star Wars nowadays. You would have to offer these three a lot to come back and face the Fandom Menace firestorm again.

What definition of success are we going with for TLJ anyway? Let me give you the lowdown: TFA was successful by every objective measure. Money, reviews, merchandise. Which automatically meant that TLJ was going to be successful because audiences were looking forward to it. And what they found split the fanbase in two. Do you realise how many Youtubers have built a lasting career upon trashing this film?
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Captain Crimson »

Disney is probably upset with him, yet since he has no sacred cows and canon means nothing anymore, I say let Mr. Johnson return. Why not. He at least has a central creative vision, of any director we've had since DSW began. The real problem is either he's lying, or communication within LF and with the fanbase is just broken completely.

That said, if you want to debunk Mr. Johnson, claiming TFA made a lot of money can be done, yet it needs more honesty. Don't talk about all the money it made, when adjusted for inflation, many of the OT still come out stronger. What is noteworthy is that TFA made more than Avengers: Endgame domestically. That's the bar of succession you want to remark on. Yet the numbers weren't kind to them from that point on.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Makeshift Python »

clearspira wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:13 pm
Makeshift Python wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:51 pm It wouldn't surprise me. Rian Johnson was one of the few filmmakers to get along very well with LucasFilm, and given how successful TLJ was they likely want to keep in touch with him.

Also willing to bet there isn't a rush on this trilogy because it may be Episodes X-XII, and they don't really want to kick that off until a decade has passed. So in the meantime, might as well cook up a few treatments of the next trilogy over the years so that there's actually a solid foundation unlike with the ST.
I really cannot see any more mainline numbered Star wars films. From what I have heard from Daisy Ridley, Oscar Issac and especially John Boyega, they have very little good to say about Star Wars nowadays. You would have to offer these three a lot to come back and face the Fandom Menace firestorm again.

What definition of success are we going with for TLJ anyway? Let me give you the lowdown: TFA was successful by every objective measure. Money, reviews, merchandise. Which automatically meant that TLJ was going to be successful because audiences were looking forward to it. And what they found split the fanbase in two. Do you realise how many Youtubers have built a lasting career upon trashing this film?
Loudmouth YouTubers isn't really indicative, but you bought into that narrative, so I can never reason with you. After all, those same loser YouTubers claimed DISCOVERY was cancelled before it even premiered, and now it's on its fourth season.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Captain Crimson »

Just remember with changing technology, we're all splintering off into our little subcultures, and it may not be a failure now, but someday inertia will finish the job, IMO.
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Re: Big SW news/RJ Trilogy Still Happening/LF is a mess

Post by Makeshift Python »

HA! People said the same thing of TNG as a way of undermining its own success.

"If this were on one of the three big networks it would have failed hard!"

And of course they're technically correct, because TNG was too expensive for a network to depend on, so syndication was basically a free for all!
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