What I Want at the End of Wandavision (Spoilers)

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What I Want at the End of Wandavision (Spoilers)

Post by Winter »

While she may not be the villain all of this and while she hasn't intended any harm to anyone Wanda HAS caused harm to innocent people AND kept the situation going even when she had a chance to end it. The people who have been hurt or even killed by this situation is at least partly on her hands and I think that SHOULD be addressed. I want Wanda to face the consequences for her actions instead of the show just brushing it aside like it was no big deal.

But I don't want her to be punished as Wanda has frankly suffered enough and after everything she's gone through I don't want her to be hurt anymore. What I want is for her to get Help, professional help. To see someone who can help her through her trauma and get back to some level of normal.

In his review of Heroes in Crisis Linkara pointed out that those with mental disorders as a result of trauma or a disorder they were born with and psychiatrist who seek to help those people are often written in a bad light with the victims of these disorders being written as monsters who are so badly damaged that even DC's Trinity couldn't help them and those who seek to help them are written as incompetent or just as bad as those they seek to help.

One thing I like about Wandavision is that while Wanda is partly responsible for what's happening the show DOESN'T paint her as a monster or as someone who should be put down to save everyone but a victim of just like everyone else. And the ones who try to pin the blame on her are presented as the real villains while those who seek to help her do what they can to get her though what she's going through.

Wanda is someone who's gone through SEVERAL Traumatic Events and hasn't gone to seen anyone and those in her life tried to help her but either didn't know what to say because they themselves were hit with something just as bad or put her in situations were she would be further hurt. Not intentionally but it did happen and thus what happened in Wandavision was inevitable as when you keep pushing someone to the breaking point with no real rest or chance for peace they will break.

I want to see a character I've come to care about get the help she needs, to have someone go up to her and help her through what's happened. To say "I'm here to help you. You are not alone and you will get better." and MEAN IT!!!

One of the most notable impacts of The Legend of Korra was how it helped bring awareness of trauma and it's effects on characters with a realistic depiction of PTSD and how those who suffer from it aren't weak or stupid but victims of a traumatic event that need help and ends not with Korra overcoming her trauma but learning to be okay with it and because of that she's able to move on with her life.

More and more series have been tapping into this idea since with some being great stories while the bad ones are, Rightly, criticized for badly handling the subject they've been handed. And so far Wandavision seems to be in the latter camp and I hope it continues to do so.
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Re: What I Want at the End of Wandavision (Spoilers)

Post by Beelzquill »

well considering Wanda is going to be in the next Doctor Strange movie, you may get what you want. Then again Dr. Strange is a neurosurgeon not a Psychiatrist but I'm sure being a very powerful and wise sorcerer, he might be able to help this traumatized witch. She did still effectively take a town hostage, and while I am very sympathetic to her, realistically she should probably get some type of punishment, preferably community service since she really doesn't have complete control of her powers.
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