Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by clearspira »

There are rumours (and that is all they are currently) that the test screenings for the Rise of Skywalker were terrible and that they have had to get Lucas in to brush them up. IF true, we may be looking at a delay on this film which is why they are holding the marketing.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by CmdrKing »

Mecha82 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:16 pm They will start marketing Rise of Skywalker with full force when time comes. Which is why they now focus on The Mandelorian so it does make sense.
I would add that Mandalorian isn't just advertising itself, it's pretty much the biggest new project on Disney+ for launch, meaning that any Disney+ advertising is also going to double as publicity for Mandalorian.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Rocketboy1313 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:30 am It is probably just you.
I feel like I've been exposed to them about the same. Tis the life.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by ChrisTheLovableJerk »

There's been talk about Rise of Skywalker being a disaster, with new rumors of the test screenings from half a year ago going very poorly. The first act was 65/100, second act was 12/100, the third act was a 4/100 and the overall score was a 29/100. The audiences reportedly burst out laughing when Rey 'kicked Palpatine's ass' with ease. Iger was said to be livid and ordered the film to be redone and brought in Lucas to consult and try and salvage this mess. This new version scored better with 65/100, but that wasn't good enough for Disney, so after taking some advice from Lucas (which apparently involved a new secret Skywalker) they redid it again and this version scored an 88/100.

Given the news that Iger has watched every episode of The Mandalorian 3 times each to give notes and feedback, yet we have heard no such thing of Kennedy doing that, I think it's safe to say she's done for and is nothing more than a figurehead, as they can't fire her without enticing the wrath of the hard-left and SJW's. I mean, why is Iger so involved yet we've heard next to nothing about Kennedy?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was like Transformers: The Last Knight, where there was a bunch of meddling from the studio that resulted in two different versions being released and reportedly 40 minutes being cut, with Mitch Pileggi from The X-Files having his role reduced to a minor cameo that is easily missed. It would also explain why the trailers for TROS are so vague and don't paint a clear picture of what the film is about.

I'm also reminded of the Disney film The Watcher in the Woods, which is a very good movie and a real hidden gem from the early 80's, but had one crowning example of studio idiocy in it. You see, Bette Davis was in it, and it happened to be the 50th anniversary of her career, so Disney rushed the film out into theaters to cash in on that...before the effects could be finished, so instead of seeing the main character be transported to this grand alien world towards the end, all the audience saw was the actress standing against a blue screen and as a result it got laughed out of the theater. Disney gave the director a chance to finish the effects, but still made him redo the ending twice because they thought something else must be wrong with it, and as a result the standard version of the film version never shows us what the Watcher looks like (but the DVD includes the original ending and the first alternate ending as a special feature, so it's all good).

I mean, this is Disney we're talking about. They're the company that scrapped an entire movie, Fraidy Cat, a movie about a cowardly house cat getting caught up in a Hitchcockian thriller, because, despite everyone else at the studio being very happy with it, just one executive said "Who wants to see a kids movie paying a tribute to some fat, dead director that no one even remembers anymore?", and they then cancelled it based on that one idiot's ridiculous statement.

Who knows? I won't see this film, but I look forward to the schadenfreude I'll probably get from the fallout.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by Mecha82 »

Well those are still unconfirmed rumors that some people are surely hoping to be true. I for one won't believe that until it's confirmed by reliable source.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by Actarus »

J.J. Abrams is very efficient at keeping secrets. With Star Trek: Into Darkness, we had to wait for the movie to actually know who the villain was. Speculations were running till the very last week.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

I feel like JJ Abrams movies try to run like most network television shows are structured. Each scene is played out with a certain amount of efficiency and feels unease at taking proper breaks or changing the pace. I thought Star Trek '09 worked well with it, but everything he takes over kinda gives it that boxed pace.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by TheStarWarsTrek »


Even for a post that's taking oddly specific rumors at face value, that whole Kathleen Kennedy thing you said is a huge assumption based on little evidence.
Mecha82 wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:08 am Well those are still unconfirmed rumors that some people are surely hoping to be true. I for one won't believe that until it's confirmed by reliable source.
He said it himself, he's looking forward to the "Shadenfraude". The whole attitude of hoping a movie is bad confuses me. I, for one, like movies to be good. Even if it's something like BvS where I have serious doubts going in, I hope that I'll be proven wrong and that I'll like it. But "some men just want to watch the world burn" and all that.
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Re: Is it just me or is there More Marketing for The Mandalorian than The Rise of Skywalker?

Post by Admiral X »

I'd say it's more along the lines of we have no realistic hope that this will be a good movie, and we hope those responsible are not rewarded for their poor decisions.
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