(DS9) Penumbra

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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Wargriffin »

Ezri's problem is... She's A New character last season, They don't want her to be Jadzia 2.0 'fair enough' and they keep giving her really really poor laspes in judgement... though yeah it does come off as Ezri is just a stand in to deal with Jadzia's unfinished arcs

The whole sporting nonsense is especially stupid cause its from that I touched a dolphin I'm now one with nature BS unless Ezri thinks Food Rations form from the ground like Mana... she probably does

NATURE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU! NATURE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE! The whole notion that Nature is in some harmonious state that we humans disrupt with our progress is... well stupid. Nature is chaotic, vicious, and unforgiving.

Worf making a weapon isn't him being 'unsporting' He's being smarter unless Ezri is saying that Worf can kill something as long as he is fair... being fair leads to a greater chance of injury on Worf's part 'yeah yeah he's a Klingon but still'
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by ScreamingDoom »

Wargriffin wrote: The whole sporting nonsense is especially stupid cause its from that I touched a dolphin I'm now one with nature BS unless Ezri thinks Food Rations form from the ground like Mana... she probably does
Field Rations are probably replicated. So, yeah... they do kind of spring from the ground like mana.
NATURE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU! NATURE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE! The whole notion that Nature is in some harmonious state that we humans disrupt with our progress is... well stupid. Nature is chaotic, vicious, and unforgiving.
This is true. Mother Nature is a tough bitch. She is not kind or caring. She gleefully supports parasitism and exploitation on a massive scale. Fully half of all known species are some sort of parasite.
Worf making a weapon isn't him being 'unsporting' He's being smarter unless Ezri is saying that Worf can kill something as long as he is fair... being fair leads to a greater chance of injury on Worf's part 'yeah yeah he's a Klingon but still'
Using a stick instead of a phaser does make Worf really stupid, though. He should be attempting to kill things as efficiently as possible, not to satisfy pride or honor.

Then again, phasers and other energy weapons are apparently a lot less dangerous than melee weapons, so maybe Worf had the right idea. Maybe a sharpened stick really is a better weapon than a phaser. Or, hell, even a line about how Word would've used a phaser, but was worried the Jem'Hadar might still be scanning the planet for energy readings would work.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Wargriffin »

I would say that if worf has phaser why he'd need a stick... but then again Phaser have two settings ineffective and complete atomization

which defeats the whole point of hunting something... I guess if you want to be technical use the phaser to knock the prey out and use the spear to kill it while its out cold... but Ezri would think thats really unsporting
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by SFDebris »

Apparently there's some confusion over what Kasidy said, it was "My mother would prefer for her daughter to be married by a minister. But an Admiral's the next best thing."

Transcript is here: http://chakoteya.net/DS9/567.htm

Also, Chakoteya is a very helpful site. Made things a lot easier for me over the years.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Mercury01 »

Wargriffin wrote:NATURE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU! NATURE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE! The whole notion that Nature is in some harmonious state that we humans disrupt with our progress is... well stupid. Nature is chaotic, vicious, and unforgiving.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by TerranceMonster »

Ezri clearly knows nothing of the great outdoors, because anyone who thinks all the animals of the forest are "defenseless" has never encountered any of the following:

1) Bears
2) Wild Boars
3) Bobcats
4) Wolves
5) Venomous Snakes
Terrance The Tentacle Monster
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by GandALF »

Mercury01 wrote:
Wargriffin wrote:NATURE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU! NATURE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE! The whole notion that Nature is in some harmonious state that we humans disrupt with our progress is... well stupid. Nature is chaotic, vicious, and unforgiving.
"Don't kid yourself, Jimmy. If a cow ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you cared about!"
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Archanubis »

ScreamingDoom wrote:Using a stick instead of a phaser does make Worf really stupid, though. He should be attempting to kill things as efficiently as possible, not to satisfy pride or honor.
Even in Star Trek, energy weapons have a finite battery life, and so are utterly useless once whatever powers them... well, runs out of power (outside of use as a club). Worf probably had the right idea: sharpen a stick to use for hunting and save phaser power for if/when they run into a Jem'Hadar patrol (it's just too bad the Breen essentially ambushed them - because neither he nor Ezri were smart enough to stay up to keep watch).

As for Ezri herself, it was always my opinion that she should have stuck around just long enough to establish what happened to the Dax symbiote before leaving for her own adventure after realizing DS9 wasn't her home and, as another said, what most people wanted from her (except maybe Worf) was Jadzia 2.0 - something she could never be. I understand why the writers kept her around - mostly because they didn't want Kira to be the token main female character on the show - but honesty, IMHO, Ezri never really fit in to the dynamic of the show (and, again, honestly, I got really, really tired of Worf's angsting and Quark and Bashir's attempts to have their "second chance" with Jadzia - which Ezri should have realized.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by bronnt »

ScreamingDoom wrote:Using a stick instead of a phaser does make Worf really stupid, though. He should be attempting to kill things as efficiently as possible, not to satisfy pride or honor.

Then again, phasers and other energy weapons are apparently a lot less dangerous than melee weapons, so maybe Worf had the right idea. Maybe a sharpened stick really is a better weapon than a phaser. Or, hell, even a line about how Word would've used a phaser, but was worried the Jem'Hadar might still be scanning the planet for energy readings would work.
Perhaps he was just thinking about the long term, and considering the possibility that his phaser's battery pack won't last forever. He used a method that saved ammunition for critical situations, like if the Jem'hadar showed up. Conserving resources is important.
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Re: (DS9) Penumbra

Post by Meushell »

Archanubis wrote:As for Ezri herself, it was always my opinion that she should have stuck around just long enough to establish what happened to the Dax symbiote before leaving for her own adventure after realizing DS9 wasn't her home and, as another said, what most people wanted from her (except maybe Worf) was Jadzia 2.0 - something she could never be. I understand why the writers kept her around - mostly because they didn't want Kira to be the token main female character on the show - but honesty, IMHO, Ezri never really fit in to the dynamic of the show (and, again, honestly, I got really, really tired of Worf's angsting and Quark and Bashir's attempts to have their "second chance" with Jadzia - which Ezri should have realized.
Personally, I would have been really disappointed if she left after a short bit. I enjoyed Ezri, and honestly, as much as I like Jadzia, Ezri really made me see how weak Jadzia was. Jadzia was basically Curzon 2.0. That's not an insult to Curzon. He had a large overbearing personality. Sisko mentioned it himself. We also see it Facets with Odo/Curzon. We see Odo in there, but it felt like mostly Curzon. It seems like the same thing happened with the Dax symbiote itself, at least with Jadzia as the next host. (I always felt bad about the "send Jadzia to sto-vo-kor plot, like, "Guys, er, you do realize that Dax and Jadzia are two different people, right?")

Ezri definitely had her issues, but in the end, I get the impression we see mostly see Ezri herself. I don't think that was intentional in writing. They wanted Ezri to be different, but they had already made Jadzia too much like Curzon.

As for Ezri romances... I didn't mind her with Bashir, but it does seem fast and kind of creepy.

Oddly enough, I kind of liked the relationship with Jake. They interacted well together. I would have enjoyed seeing a continued friendship there. Ezri really seemed to fit in well with the Sisko family as a whole, like she was just one of them. I can picture a few hundred years down later, Dax still being on good terms with some Siskos (who would probably be mostly Bajoran by then if Jake's dates are any indication).
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