Yukaphile wrote: ↑Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:47 am
I do hope space exploration will help us come together as a species and learn to get along. The Star Trek ideal.
It won't. I see nothing in humanity's past or present that convinces me that the Battlestar Galactica reboot isn't far more likely. I'm not talking the whole cylon thing, i'm talking having huge ass space battleships full of fighters and guns fighting other huge ass space battleships full of fighters and guns because we took all of our problems with us into space. Ask yourself this: when we finally reach the other planets, how do you think we will divide up the land and mineral rights? Through negotiation or through bullets? Because sorry to say this, but the latter outweighs the former throughout history a 1000 to 1.
And as for space exploration itself, I find the real world extremely boring because I find our solar system extremely boring. If there is life its a just bit of bacteria somewhere. Everything else is just barren rock and ice. Just think: somewhere out there in the universe, most likely an untold billion light years away, there is someone getting their first proper look at the stars and realising that there is life on their nearest planet. They are about to immerse themselves in a literally completely alien culture, about to learn about their history, their culture, their different ways of doing things, whatever technology they may or may not have, how they avoided problems that the other didn't and vice versa... whereas we have some bacteria and some rocks.
We have been born into the watching paint dry end of space, my friends.