JK Rowling Backlash

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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by AlucardNoir »

CmdrKing wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:37 pm My question to you there is this: in what way does denying trans people access to legal documents, medical care, and basic human rights solve those problems?
"Basic human rights" means whatever politicians want it to mean. Acces to legal documents? you mean the right to alter their legal documents to fit whatever biological sex they identify with, right? As for medical care, now that's one thorny issue. Just because they get plastic surgery and transition doesn't mean they're any less the biological sex they are. Should a transsexual that's biologically male go have a "her" breasts scanned for cancer? What about a transsexual biological female? should "she" go get a pap smear? or should "she" have her prostate checked is she still has it?

You put forth very convincing arguments, at leas on an intelectual level. But at the end of the day this is a matter of biology.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

Wow, you’ve managed to know less than I was crediting you for, great job.

So since we’re talking about people who are transitioning, and not the diversity of the human experience “in nature”, here’s the thing.

Trans people who medically transition just set their endocrine system to manual. And putting your testosterone and estrogen levels into ranges typical for a cis person will change the body in that direction with no surgical intervention necessary.

Trans women on hormone replacement will grow breasts.

While they may also seek surgical augmentation if they don’t feel they have *enough* growth, that growth happens. And correspondingly the risk for breast cancer increases and requires checkups.
Certainly estrogen doesn’t turn penises into vaginas, and testosterone doesn’t turn clitorises into penises. On the other hand it also causes the existing structures to take on characteristics of their counterparts: enlarged clitorises that spontaneously erect far more often, penises with much clearer, less thick ejaculate, so on.

Like most aspects of nature, biology is something humans can and do manipulate with use of the proper tools.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by Yukaphile »

Funny, I'd just brought this up in another thread.

Human rights issues are as varied as anything else, and we sadly have such a penchant for being insensitive to one another it's a common staple of our race now. I've gone on record in saying that if flawlessly transitioning between genders was possible, I'd do so. I'm curious. And maybe go a bit farther than most (like take a lover in such a state, if possible; that'd be interesting). And yet, I'd still wanna go back to male at the end of the day. However, what I would object to is the people who judge me for that. People who sneer at me, if it were possible. Tolerance is just so DAMNED hard for us as a race, it seems... and it's never gonna come anytime soon.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by Yukaphile »

Those are the people you gotta stand up to, and passionately. Or there is no hope for us as a species.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by AlucardNoir »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:28 am Wow, you’ve managed to know less than I was crediting you for, great job.

So since we’re talking about people who are transitioning, and not the diversity of the human experience “in nature”, here’s the thing.

Trans people who medically transition just set their endocrine system to manual. And putting your testosterone and estrogen levels into ranges typical for a cis person will change the body in that direction with no surgical intervention necessary.

Trans women on hormone replacement will grow breasts.

While they may also seek surgical augmentation if they don’t feel they have *enough* growth, that growth happens. And correspondingly the risk for breast cancer increases and requires checkups.
Certainly estrogen doesn’t turn penises into vaginas, and testosterone doesn’t turn clitorises into penises. On the other hand it also causes the existing structures to take on characteristics of their counterparts: enlarged clitorises that spontaneously erect far more often, penises with much clearer, less thick ejaculate, so on.

Like most aspects of nature, biology is something humans can and do manipulate with use of the proper tools.
I'm not ignorant you dolt, gender reassignment surgery is regarded as plastic surgery. It was developed in no small part by plastic surgeons and is practiced in no small part by plastic surgeons. That's why I used the phrase "plastic surgery and transition", because just one alone isn't considered enough to treat gender dysphoria. But if your idea of plastic surgery only goes as far as breast implants... Then again, I did word my comment in a manner designed to be offensive, I just didn't think you'd actually hark on the one thing that wasn't meant to be insulting.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

Nah, it was just the easiest entry to the fact you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.

See, You clear have been told that hormones are an aspect of medical transition but show know understanding of why or what impact that has on the body. And because of this, you have a cascading lack of understanding for how surgical interventions are done and how they interact with hormones.

You keep demonstrating a fervent faith in “biology” without demonstrating any understanding of how bodies work or what their internal mechanisms are.

Like should we go back to something simpler? For example, a famous plot point in Jurassic Park is that they manipulated all the dinosaurs to be born female by “denying them an enzyme”.
So that’s actual science and more or less true of any vertebrate. In egg-laying animals how those enzymes activate is based on environment, while in mammals it’s essentially a hormone bath in utero.
But what that means is, any human body can shift between the binary gender norms if the right hormones are present, and the different organs and other structures that change substantially have clear counterparts which will shift towards their opposite number in response. Breasts grow and the glans and prostate shrinks with estrogen, say. Takes about five years to see maximum effect (like puberty! Because the phrase “second puberty” is fairly literal!) but it’s an automated biological response.

See, transphobes like to think of this as some sort of glamour, surgical trickery, but dig down and the science turns out to be on trans folks’ side.

(This of course applies specifically to people seeking some level of medical transition, where essentially you’re causing sex to match gender.)
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by LittleRaven »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:50 am They are troll examples in that TERFs and other transphobes have seized upon these specific examples of bad actors as weapons to demonize literally all trans people. Bringing them up is about the same as asking if we should lock up all white men because Jeff Epstein had so many clients.
Maybe TERFS have, but I haven't. I'm not saying all transpeople are bad, or that these particular transpeople are somehow indicative of how most of them will behave. I am pointing to them as real, concrete examples of where your proposed government policy breaks down. So far, you only response to this has been to say "TRANSPHOBES! TROLLS! TERFS! WHY DO YOU WANT TO DENY PEOPLE BASIC RIGHTS?"

This is not particularly convincing on your part. And what's strange is that I know you can do better. You routinely provide thoughtful, erudite commentaries on works of fiction. You literally write them for a living. (or at least, I hope you get paid for them) And yet you're reduced to this when dealing with an issue that is clearly near and dear to your heart.

I am not your enemy here.
You missed the question with a Karen White. What are the procedures for dealing with women who assault *other prisoners* in women’s prison and why are *those* inadequate?
I didn't miss it. I can't answer it. The British government, ostensibly under the guise of protecting Karen's victims, has been VERY circumspect about what went down inside that prison. All they are saying is that mistakes were made, women were violated, and they will make sure it never happens again. They seem committed to too...at least for now - they've literally opened a prison wing for all of three prisoners, which is a super expensive thing to do.
Beyond that, think about what you’re suggesting and the logistics involved in claiming different genders on a daily basis to gain different benefits.
Well, that depends, doesn't it...on just how hard it is to "transition." If self-identification is literally the only thing that matters....then it's really, REALLY easy. It's pretty much as simple as going down to the DMV and getting a new ID with your preferred gender on it. Yeah, that would get tedious to do EVERY day, but doing it one day to make sure you qualify for a HUD grant? That's a no-brainer.
How many of those couldn’t be achieved by someone of lacking morals without that, and of the remainder how long would they have to maintain a false gender to get that benefit.
I think it's safe to say that many, MANY male prisoners lack morals. But only Karen White managed to get herself put into a women's prison, not because she ESPECIALLY lacked morals, but because she was able to abuse a (now-rescinded) policy that prisoners were to be treated as the gender they identified with. There are lots and lots of grifters out there, but Jessica was the pioneer when it came to using the female Brazilian as a club to bully women with. Because the problem here isn't really the people - as far as I can tell, transpeople are just like any other population. Most of them are great. Some of them are sketchy. A few of them are broken. It's the policy.
Every common example is one of those two.
That's...not very meaningful. VERY few people around the world live under a government that even accepts the PREMISE that you can transition, and most of the ones that do expect you to jump through rather a lot of hoops before they consider you to have transitioned. And even in places that DO meet those requirements...there just aren't very many transpeople. So the fact that we already have two bad actors is indicative of just HOW quickly we're going to run into problems unless we get appropriate policies in place.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by AlucardNoir »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:19 pm Nah, it was just the easiest entry to the fact you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.

See, You clear have been told that hormones are an aspect of medical transition but show know understanding of why or what impact that has on the body. And because of this, you have a cascading lack of understanding for how surgical interventions are done and how they interact with hormones.

You keep demonstrating a fervent faith in “biology” without demonstrating any understanding of how bodies work or what their internal mechanisms are.

Like should we go back to something simpler? For example, a famous plot point in Jurassic Park is that they manipulated all the dinosaurs to be born female by “denying them an enzyme”.
So that’s actual science and more or less true of any vertebrate. In egg-laying animals how those enzymes activate is based on environment, while in mammals it’s essentially a hormone bath in utero.
But what that means is, any human body can shift between the binary gender norms if the right hormones are present, and the different organs and other structures that change substantially have clear counterparts which will shift towards their opposite number in response. Breasts grow and the glans and prostate shrinks with estrogen, say. Takes about five years to see maximum effect (like puberty! Because the phrase “second puberty” is fairly literal!) but it’s an automated biological response.

See, transphobes like to think of this as some sort of glamour, surgical trickery, but dig down and the science turns out to be on trans folks’ side.

(This of course applies specifically to people seeking some level of medical transition, where essentially you’re causing sex to match gender.)
The easiest entry, that was wrongly interpreted by you and which you hide behind while making your accusation.

As for the part I bolded, I believe some King guy answer it in a previous post in this very thread:
CmdrKing wrote:Certainly estrogen doesn’t turn penises into vaginas, and testosterone doesn’t turn clitorises into penises. On the other hand it also causes the existing structures to take on characteristics of their counterparts: enlarged clitorises that spontaneously erect far more often, penises with much clearer, less thick ejaculate, so on.
What you're talking about would only work before the fetus actually gets a penis or a vagina in utero. It most definitely doesn't work for "any human body". That's why gender reassignment surgery exists.

Also, hormones don't act on tissue and organs, they act on the cells that make said tissue and organs, care to guess what dictates how they act on said cells? did you guess genetics and epigenetics? or did you just ignore the question like you've been doing for a few days now. The only person here that's been simplifying things are you mate. You keep ignoring the underlying basis of the body you keep claiming is influenced by hormones. You keep ignoring how the body is actually influenced by said hormones. Worse off is your earlier dismissal of intersex people as irelevant to this conversation when they are the literal example of what happens when certain gene mutations mete your oh so precious hormones.

But I've had enough of this conversation. My final two cents is that JK was right. Sex is real no matter what transsexuals and trans advocates like yourself would like to claim.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by CmdrKing »

@littleraven: ah, you misread me. It’s not about anger or fighting persecutors, but of exasperation.
Put another way, it’s really strange even on the internet that a rapist in the UK and a Canadian litigation troll are people two Americans know by name as inextricably linked to discussions of trans rights, isn’t it? So my response to seeing them at this point is a very long Kif sigh.

Will have more substantive arguments about them when I’m back at my computer.
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Re: JK Rowling Backlash

Post by LittleRaven »

CmdrKing wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:42 pmIt’s not about anger or fighting persecutors, but of exasperation.
Unless I misunderstand you, you're committed to trying to change the way an entire society has viewed gender for hundreds of years. That's a LONG fight.

Still, I can appreciate that everyone needs a break sometimes and if you've reached that point, by all means, take a break. I'm trying to learn from you, not win you over.
Put another way, it’s really strange even on the internet that a rapist in the UK and a Canadian litigation troll are people two Americans know by name as inextricably linked to discussions of trans rights, isn’t it?
Why would that be strange? What other countries have experimented with self-identification policies to the extent that the UK and Canada have? Where else would you expect someone looking for data to go? :?
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