Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Yukaphile »

So you literally just came out and said "men are better." Thank you for confirming you're the dick we all knew you were because you think dicks aren't that bad, nihilists are.
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Karha of Honor
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Karha of Honor »

Yukaphile wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:50 am So you literally just came out and said "men are better." Thank you for confirming you're the dick we all knew you were because you think dicks aren't that bad, nihilists are.
In sports, yes. If it was not true you could come with tons of examples of females being better at mainstream and popular sports.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by G-Man »

LittleRaven wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:59 am What people are saying is that women's bodies are physically different from men's in measurable, quantifiable ways that make them, on average, weaker than men.
And honestly, it isn't the average that is the issue here. It's the 3-4 standard deviations (or more, depending on what level of sport you are talking about) above average, where differences are even more pronounced.
Yukaphile wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:04 am By a degree that's not insurmountable is what I'm saying. Take a random mugger who sees a pretty lady on the street, follows her, tries to rape her, and that lady, if she has enough fighting spirit, might knock the knife out of his hands, kick his arm, and pin him to the wall, and then beat on his stomach. Again, that's why I tend to think strength, training, the tools? Is nothing. The will matters most. Other than that, it's a billion random factors that could fuck over any man or woman.
But we are not talking random people. We are talking about the best athletes, all of whom have a lot of training.
Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:54 am You know what? This is where it leads. ... ampionship

Trans boy wants to wrestle. They said "no you are a girl you have to wrestle with the girls!" So then they tried to ban him from the girl's wrestling league because he takes testosterone.

Everyone saying trans women shouldn't be in women's sports, look me in the fucking eye and tell me you give a damn about fairness in women's sports. Tell me that's an actual, legitimate concern for you, and the impetus for your decisions on this. Tell me you've talked to a woman, any woman, about how she feels on this subject.

It's just an excuse you skinless wieners.
I don't have a problem with trans "men" competing against men. We will let exceptional females compete in male sports, but not males compete in female sports, and really the same principle applies here.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Karha of Honor »

G-Man wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:13 am
I don't have a problem with trans "men" competing against men. We will let exceptional females compete in male sports, but not males compete in female sports, and really the same principle applies here.
In which ones and which leagues? There are some dirty ass leagues out there that would allow molesting someone's sister or best friend on the field / court lead to a fight and the ejection of a valuable player or players.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Slash Gallagher wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:45 am
Isn't the WNBA the NBA's gift to women while countries like Russia have actual profitable female bball teams?
I think the WNBA has always been planned to be profitable, "real soon now." Russian basketball is waaaay past my sports knowledge. I don't even know which of our basketball teams won the last superbowl. ;)
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:54 amEveryone saying trans women shouldn't be in women's sports, look me in the fucking eye and tell me you give a damn about fairness in women's sports. Tell me that's an actual, legitimate concern for you, and the impetus for your decisions on this. Tell me you've talked to a woman, any woman, about how she feels on this subject.
I feel I care more about trans issues than the common detractor in this thread, and I do feel it's unfair in women's sports.

I don't think that how a woman feels is really pertinent to the matter, and I've found a publicated instance where they were resentful.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Madner Kami »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:18 am dude! I didn't know you talked to celebrities! =o
Martina Navratilova publically spoke out about that issue. Other women in sports did as well. We don't have to talk to them personally to have their opinion being valid. Stop changing your goal-posts to impossible-to-reach places in order to somehow maintain your rather weak line of arguementation and calling people names tells more about you, than it does about them.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by G-Man »

It's very interesting here how much Yukaphile, Worffan101, and Fuzzy Necromancer are basing their arguments on the desire for physical equality between the sexes rather than on reality. Fuzzy resorts to name-calling, and Yukaphile to point-and-splutter accusations of bigotry.

Really, we are in a new age of religious fundamentalism - egalitarian fundamentalism, where equality is not simply an issue of equality before the law, but an implacable denial of any biological differences between human beings. A demand for the slate to be entirely blank, and for any differences to be entirely due to "social constructs" divorced from biology.

It seems to me that this attitude is a far greater threat to science than creationism.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by Yukaphile »

Because I don't underestimate women. Never have, never will.

And you think your method is any better? I hate to employ a slippery slope argument, but that could all too easily lead to eugenics of the kind Hitler was fond of. Real science is a very slow process that takes time, and perhaps one day it could give us some great, universal answer to all the problems in our society, but as it stands, in terms of physical strength, any difference between men and women is not that great as to be insurmountable given that body shapes across both genders and all those in between are as diverse as our ethnic backgrounds can be. I also reject generalizations for very large groups for that reason, which is why I don't call Trump voters monsters. You can't do that with something as infinitely complex as a human being. It's just one more way of thinking of women as inferior that's a holdover from our patriarchy days thousands of years ago, and I hope someday we can smash that to the ground.

Calling me a religious fanatic just because I don't think of men and women as being fundamentally any different, except by cultural indoctrination? Well, science doesn't always agree on everything, and it's not the be-all, end-all answer to everything either. And as I said, it's being conducted by people. People make mistakes. They could be wrong. Science is trying to understand the laws of our universe. It does little in helping us interrelate with other human beings, so you could start out with a flawed premise in your methodology. As I said, we're people. People make mistakes. THEY COULD BE WRONG.
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Re: Trans "women" athletes have advantages over cis women

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

G-Man wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:11 am It's very interesting here how much Yukaphile, Worffan101, and Fuzzy Necromancer are basing their arguments on the desire for physical equality between the sexes rather than on reality. Fuzzy resorts to name-calling, and Yukaphile to point-and-splutter accusations of bigotry.
Really... I would expect this from Slash Gallagher, but not these three.
..What mirror universe?
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