Another day, another police beating in America

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Madner Kami
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Madner Kami »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 11:56 pmMadner, I notice you haven't responded to any of my points. Was the Boston Tea Party wrong?
Ladies and gentlemen, here we have the wonderful specimen of an american who doesn't know nor understand his own history. Your question is stupid for a multitude of reasons. First, it happened almost 250 years ago, so it's applicability is questionable. It's 2020 after all, is it not? Second, if you had the slightest understanding of what the Tea Party was actually about, then you'd realize how you shot yourself in your fragile knee. You clearly don't and bothering with details has never been your forte, so I don't see why I should. Read a history book. Hint: It was about paying for a war that Britain got into, in large part because, in the interest and at the service of the colonies. Third: I vaguely recall people in mohawk-costumes doing the deed. No complaint about the cultural appropration? The blame-shifting to the native americans?
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Okay then, screw the tea party.

What's happening now is people in just about every city rioted because people protest them committing murder with impunity.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

GreyICE wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:10 am It's also not hard to see what caused the violence - the cops. 100% the cops. There's many places where violence didn't erupt, cities poor and well to do.

Flint Michigan, one of the poorest cities in America, where the police chief put down his baton, took off his helmet, and walked out to join the protesters:


Miami, Florida, where the cops took a knee in solidarity with the protesters and acknowledgment of how fucked up this is:


Compare to Seattle where the cops threw concussion bombs at protesters who had done no violence. Cops start the violence, it escalates. They know this, they know how to police not to cause violence -and because of that they know how to police to cause violence. This riots? They could be prevented. Cops chose not to prevent them. Everywhere they chose not to prevent them, ask yourself "why"?
Next you're going to tell me that they're kneeling at football games.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

GreyICE wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:10 am It's also not hard to see what caused the violence - the cops. 100% the cops. There's many places where violence didn't erupt, cities poor and well to do.
Honestly I am shocked, in a good way, to see there are ANY cities where the police aren't doing everything in their power to make things worse.

I have like...glimmers of hope and crumbs of comfort? Might need to make some religious offerings about this. o_o
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:56 pmI see it get reduced to protesting or anarchy or petulance or whatever, but I don't think it's supposed to be any type of communication or statement. It's just a reaction by people that feel threatened personally. At risk communities everywhere see the same conditions everywhere and it's been that way for a long time. They have a narrative that places them as targets of society, and to a lot of people that recognition has grown whether it's from this year or the last in terms of all the low points in American history. I wouldn't really call it a political reaction, but more tied to history and hinging on identity per se.
Bingo. Combine that with everything else that has been going on like political corruption and and how COVID-19 has been handled, of course people are going to react strongly. It's slowly been simmering for a decade and is now at boiling point. If folks like Madner Kami can't recognize that, that's purely their own issue. They can sit at their computer and wag their fingers all they like as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

"Believe me, there’s nothing so terrible that someone won’t support it."
— Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
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Makeshift Python
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Makeshift Python »

Only tone deaf idiots respond to #BlackLivesMatter with #AllLivesMatter.
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Madner Kami
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by Madner Kami »

Makeshift Python wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:07 amBingo. Combine that with everything else that has been going on like political corruption and and how COVID-19 has been handled, of course people are going to react strongly. It's slowly been simmering for a decade and is now at boiling point. If folks like Madner Kami can't recognize that, that's purely their own issue. They can sit at their computer and wag their fingers all they like as far as I'm concerned.
Peaceful protest is the way to go. I perfectly see the impossible place some of the protests were put into, thanks to US Police being the racist shitshow it is, but putting the torch to your own community and your very own neighbourhoods and neighbours only serves to deliver a further cheap excuse to crack down hard and not change a damned thing. Rage against the system all you want, but not the people who you depend upon and who depend on you.
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by GreyICE »

We had peaceful protests when they shot:
  • Philandro Castile for the crime of being a gun owner.
  • A man who was laying on his belly in a hallway crying and begging for his life
  • A man laying on his back with his arms in the air, pleading with them not to shoot his autistic patient who wouldn't put down a toy truck
  • A man awkwardly fleeing from the cops (and then planted a taser on his body)
  • An EMT in her own home
  • A babysitter who was caring for children, through an open window
  • A man who was evading the cigarette tax
  • A 12 year old kid
  • A man holding his hands in the air at a traffic stop
  • A teenager who was running away (apparently afraid for his life)
This list is truncated not because I ran out of incidents, but because I made my point. Peaceful protests followed all of these. No changes. In addition, it has become increasingly apparent that many "justified uses of violence" were nothing of the sort. The police in America are engaged in a large scale coverup of their murders and excessive uses of force.
  • The Baltimore police were carrying toy guns to plant on dead suspects, to justify shootings
  • Terence Crutcher was said to be 'reaching for a gun' when he was shot. Dashcam footage showed his hands in the air
  • Walter Scott had the officer's taser planted on his body. The officer claimed Scott seized his weapon. Video showed Scott fleeing the cop, and dying.
  • A former cop and his son in Florida ran down and shot a man who was jogging. The prosecutor declined to file charges for two months, and swept it under the rugs until a video emerged
  • A minimum of 16 cops in Chicago were proven to be involved in the coverup of a police shooting.
    None were charged or fired.
  • 14 cops in Massachusetts were involved in a coverup of systemic beatings of black suspects in custody
  • So many body camera failures during shootings that it's just worth linking to a damn [url=]google search[/url]
  • Derek Chauvin, the cop who murdered George Flynn, had previously murdered three other suspects. He had numerous use of force complaints against him. This is typical.
What does happen to the "good apples"? They get fired, arrested, and criminalized.
  • Cariol Horne stopped a fellow officer who was choking a man. She was fired, sued for libel, charged with assault, and when she showed up at the courthouse for her assault trial, arrested for tresspassing. She is currently homeless
  • Stephen Mader, an army veteran and former cop, was fired for not shooting a suicidal man.
    Two other cops arrived and shot him, while Mader was talking him down. Mader tried to prevent the shooting
  • Adrian Schoolcraft blew the whistle on quotas and wrongful arrests in the NYPD. He had taped evidence. Police broke into his home, claimed he was suicidal, and had him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.
  • Shannon Spalding and Daniel Echeverria investigated and proved cops were planting drugs on suspects and shaking them down for money. After the perpetrators were arrested, other cops told them "they'd be going home in a pine box" and other death threats. They were driven out of the force, with legitimate fear for their life.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy
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Re: Another day, another police beating in America

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

And even above this regularly horrible circumstance that's been going on since like the early 90's, this situation today no doubt delivers ever increasingly bizarre news about accounts of instigation from the cops, as listed below:
GreyICE wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:34 am We had peaceful protests when they shot:
  • Philandro Castile for the crime of being a gun owner.
  • A man who was laying on his belly in a hallway crying and begging for his life
  • A man laying on his back with his arms in the air, pleading with them not to shoot his autistic patient who wouldn't put down a toy truck
  • A man awkwardly fleeing from the cops (and then planted a taser on his body)
  • An EMT in her own home
  • A babysitter who was caring for children, through an open window
  • A man who was evading the cigarette tax
  • A 12 year old kid
  • A man holding his hands in the air at a traffic stop
  • A teenager who was running away (apparently afraid for his life)
This list is truncated not because I ran out of incidents, but because I made my point. Peaceful protests followed all of these. No changes. In addition, it has become increasingly apparent that many "justified uses of violence" were nothing of the sort. The police in America are engaged in a large scale coverup of their murders and excessive uses of force.
  • The Baltimore police were carrying toy guns to plant on dead suspects, to justify shootings
  • Terence Crutcher was said to be 'reaching for a gun' when he was shot. Dashcam footage showed his hands in the air
  • Walter Scott had the officer's taser planted on his body. The officer claimed Scott seized his weapon. Video showed Scott fleeing the cop, and dying.
  • A former cop and his son in Florida ran down and shot a man who was jogging. The prosecutor declined to file charges for two months, and swept it under the rugs until a video emerged
  • A minimum of 16 cops in Chicago were proven to be involved in the coverup of a police shooting.
    None were charged or fired.
  • 14 cops in Massachusetts were involved in a coverup of systemic beatings of black suspects in custody
  • So many body camera failures during shootings that it's just worth linking to a damn [url=]google search[/url]
  • Derek Chauvin, the cop who murdered George Flynn, had previously murdered three other suspects. He had numerous use of force complaints against him. This is typical.
What does happen to the "good apples"? They get fired, arrested, and criminalized.
  • Cariol Horne stopped a fellow officer who was choking a man. She was fired, sued for libel, charged with assault, and when she showed up at the courthouse for her assault trial, arrested for tresspassing. She is currently homeless
  • Stephen Mader, an army veteran and former cop, was fired for not shooting a suicidal man.
    Two other cops arrived and shot him, while Mader was talking him down. Mader tried to prevent the shooting
  • Adrian Schoolcraft blew the whistle on quotas and wrongful arrests in the NYPD. He had taped evidence. Police broke into his home, claimed he was suicidal, and had him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.
  • Shannon Spalding and Daniel Echeverria investigated and proved cops were planting drugs on suspects and shaking them down for money. After the perpetrators were arrested, other cops told them "they'd be going home in a pine box" and other death threats. They were driven out of the force, with legitimate fear for their life.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy
..What mirror universe?
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