Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Winter »

Alinis wrote: Fri May 18, 2018 11:47 pm To be honest it would be very easy to forget Dragon age II happened if it wasn't for Varric's presence in the party and Hawke's later appearance which I am still to this day not sure what I should feel about it.
Part of the problem there is that DA2 is all set up with very little pay off. I wouldn't go as far to say it has no pay off, your companions at least get resolution in each of their own personal quests, but as for the grand plot of the series? I think Merrill's personal quest is the best example of this.

Throughout the entire game we are told about how important Merrill's mirror is, how it is something that can change the fate of the evils, if not all of Thedas and implying that it will mark a important point in this worlds history that you will bare witness to. Only for it to not matter as Merrill never finishes her Eluvian so it just ends up sitting there for the rest of the game. Same thing with the Red Lyrium, the whole game keeps asking what is up with this lyrium and Varric even gets a piece of it only for it to not going anywhere.

The Amazing Spider-Man film series had the same issue, set up with no real pay off makes every chapter buildup to a later chapter making the events of the chapter you're currently witnessing pointless. DAI handles this a lot better IMO as there is set up for future games and teases but you only noticed that in future playthroughs and DLC's like The Decent and Trespasser. DAI answers what Eluvians are and what they can do, and we learn a bit more about Red Lyrium and what's the deal with it.

Other then that, not counting side quests that are intentionally setting up future games, every major goal the characters and the player set for themselves is pretty much fully resolved at the end of the main game. The only exception is Solas who's goal is never achieved and meant to set up future games but other then that, all your companions find what they were looking for and you solve the main story and complete every task given to you at the start of the game.

Again, DAI is where I really started with the series and I had no real problem following the plot or figuring out who anyone was. Varric, Cole, Cullen, Casandra and Leliana were characters from other points in the series but they gave me their basic backstory so I didn't feel like I needed to go and read/play the previous entries in the series to know who they are, I just had to ask them.

Going back and playing/reading was something I've really only recently done and that has only added to the experience because the stories that buildup to DAI were enjoyable in their own right. DA2 is, IMO, the weakest of the lot but I still enjoyed it despite its flaws much in the same why I enjoy the Star Wars Prequels, (though I think the Prequels are better then DA2). But Asunder was well written with a generally likeable cast and a strong, if bitter sweet, ending and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the series.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by Winter »

In regards to the Elves in DA2, one thing I like about them over other Elves in DA is how they're designed. In DAO and DAI, as much as I love them both, the Elves in DA2 are clearly not human, their heads are much more pointy, their body structure is noticeably much more slimmer then a human and of course they have much bigger eyes then a human.

If you were to put Merrill or Fenris next to any of the human characters you would be able to tell right away that something was off about them and I really liked that and I'm rather disappointed that it did not return in DAI. Though if the comic tie-in Knight Errant is anything to go by, it seems that Elves will be going back to the DA2 designs in DA4... and will have goat eyes on top of it... okay.
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Re: Dragon Age II: EA boogaloo

Post by chaos42 »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:09 am
chaos42 wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:46 am I felt a little board at the mid point i just felt like nothing was really happening to me just around me an im trying to drive evens but have no control of the accelerator. i know whats happening but i have no third choice the illusion of choice is important so it doesn't make you feel boxed in
I always argue that when Gamemastering the important thing isn't necessarily that your PCs drive events but they have control over their reactions to events.

plus its easy to give them something they want. Personally i think i know a better way to make some things interesting happen in the story. Have Hawk come into ownership of the hanged man and he has to deal with the events, plotting, ect that happens there. plus you could have him go on adventures and trophies of those adventures are in the hanged man like say the horns or head off a dark spawn oger or a dragon skull, ect. turn the place from just a dive into as varric said the dive. I actually have a plan for that for a d&d campaign the characters come into a bar in a town with a major dungeon system under it, ancient civilization that has halls full of monsters. and the bar has a hidden way in as the only other one has a tax on it, so they use this to move goods in and out of the dungeon so they are't taxed and the tavern they now own so keeping it running is a source of side work, the eventual objective with some side missions and such is to build it into an adventurers hq that does a little of everything the tavern has room to expand and a small area used for smiting, small stuff but can be expanded, ect. so the characters all pull together to turn this place into a worth while place, and dealing with corrupt nobles who run the place and the various issues you have running a bar and inn
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