Fate/Stay Night reviews coming soon?

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Fate/Stay Night reviews coming soon?

Post by Yukaphile »

Now I'm curious if Fate/Stay Night will ever be reviewed... sadly, I suspect whoever requests it will go for Fate/Zero first, or UBW, rather than DEEN's Fate/Stay Night. It just gets so badly abused by the fandom, it's really sad. It is what made me a Fate fan, and the gateway to the larger Fate series. It gave the franchise a chance and people just rag how poor the animation is, and how slow it is, and so on... when really, the character models are great! And the music is simply soul-stirring. What a shame...
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Re: Fate/Stay Night reviews coming soon?

Post by excalibur »

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Re: Fate/Stay Night reviews coming soon?

Post by SabreMau »

Keep in mind that we're coming up on the three-year anniversary of the queue closing. If it wasn't requested prior to September 2016, it's not in the queue. Ever since then, it's been either closed completely or open to a very specifically limited subset of requests, of which "full anime series" hasn't been one.

On top of that, getting through the queue of the anime he already has in there is sssslllloooooooowwww. Even if requested today (which it can't be), I wouldn't expect to see Saber in a review for at least 5 years, and wouldn't expect whichever series is requested to be fully reviewed for another 2-3.
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