ST GXQ Galaxy Quest

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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ST GXQ Galaxy Quest

Post by Artabax »


Chuck says
Honest about the flaws in Trek and Fandom, but not cruel about the flaws.
True. These fans are indeed us.

Terry Pratchett had a cunning plan. The official Linnaean classisfication of People is Homo Sapiens = wise man. Pratchett said the better word is Pan Narrans = the story-telling monkey to show that people are cousins of Pan Troglodytes = chimpanzee & Pan Gracilis = Bonobo.

Chuck's tale is the Stone Mason who wishes to be a Baron and the wish is granted. Next he wishes to be a Prince and it is granted. Third, he wishes to be the Sun etc etc etc until he wishes to be a Mason again.

This is an inferior version of the Czar of China's Cat CCC :

The Emperor of China was inordinately fond of his Cat and wanted it to have the bestest name evah.

Decree went out through all the Land: the Czar's Cat's Name is Sky.
And the wise old men tugged their long wise beards and said Oh King, live for ever, the Sun is king of the Sky, Sun is a better name.

Decree went out through all the Land: the Czar's Cat's Name is Sun.
And the wise old men tugged their long wise beards and said Oh King, live for ever, a Cloud may blot out the Sun, Cloud is a better name.

Decree went out through all the Land: Czar's Cat's Name is Cloud.
And the wise old men tugged their long wise beards and said Oh King, live for ever, Wind drives the Clouds, Wind is a better name.

Etc etc etc, a Wall can stop the Wind etc a Mouse can gnaw at the Wall etc

Decree went out through all the Land: the Czar's Cat's Name is Cat. And ever since then in a thousand languages and over an hundred generations, cats have been called cats.

Likewise, they never tell you the completion of the Jedi syllogism. They will openly tell you Fear => Hate => Anger => Pain => Dark Side. They never tell you the completion of the Syllogism Dark Side => Conspiracy => Secrets => Ignorance => Fear

Likewise GXQ completes the Trek syllogism that even number movies are excellent.
Self sealing stem bolts don't just seal themselves, you know.
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