Towards the start of Rise of Kyoshi there's a line from Yun that hints at the darker side to his character, it's soon after the conflict with the Fifth Nation (which is just a glorified pirate band) and when just about everyone starts to realize that Kyoshi is the Avatar. After this Rangi, Kyoshi's friend and love interest, gets angry at Kyoshi for hiding the fact that she is the Avatar from her and storms off though having clearly regretted how she's treating Kyoshi.
During a conversation with Yun who's believed to be the Avatar, Yun tries to put Kyoshi's mind at ease by saying that he knows that Kyoshi never meant to hurt anyone BUT that Rangi doesn't share this view. This makes Kyoshi think that Rangi truly resents her, Kyoshi, for keeping this secret from her, Rangi, even though the truth of the matter is Rangi is just confused and isn't good at dealing with her feelings. Though this is no doubt unintentional on Yun's part this is the first hint towards a more sinister part to him. Yun is basically telling Kyoshi that he is the only one who understands her and that someone like Rangi would never really understand her and that he is the only one Kyoshi can truly rely upon.
Again, this is no doubt not what Yun means but it is something that's interesting to think about. Yun is working to keep Kyoshi on his side but not for any malicious reason but because he does care for Kyoshi and doesn't want to lose her. This is also the first time Yun's habit of lying to himself comes into play as he does try to put Kyoshi at ease by telling her that if she was revealed to be the Avatar he would be relieved when the truth is he couldn't bare the thought of NOT being the Avatar.
I like how Yun's darker nature was set up early in the book so when him goes off the deep end we can see that this darker side of him didn't come out of nowhere and that the seeds for his turn was planted fairly earlier in the story. This book is really good.