Babylon 5 Intersections In Real Time

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Babylon 5 Intersections In Real Time

Post by clearspira »

Vote time!

Which was the better ''The Captain Gets Tortured Episode?'' This one or Chain of Command over on TNG?

My gut wants to go with TNG because this really was a crowning moment of awesome for Picard. This really is one of the only times we see this tea drinking old man who is always ready with a Shakespeare quote do something that I can imagine Kirk or Sisko doing. ''There are four lights!'' is classic and up there with Sisko getting back into the hot box.

On the other hand... its very padded. What with the Not!Quark scene and all of the stuff with Jellico which was fine but was ultimately also a distraction. Troi put her boobs away though which was cool.

Meanwhile, I don't think Sheridan resisting torture is quite as badass because he really does come off as being tougher and more badass than Picard. You EXPECT him to survive. And the lead up with Garibaldi as we discussed last time is pretty bad. Sheridan was dumb to put himself in this situation.

On the other hand... I think this is the better script. Tightly focused, less padding.
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