Star Wars Multiverse Idea: Ahsoka vs. Starkiller

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Star Wars Multiverse Idea: Ahsoka vs. Starkiller

Post by Winter »

I remember back when the Clone Wars was first announced and it was revealed that Anakin was going to have his own Padawan and I remember thinking that was odd since such a character should have been mentioned before and yet clearly never was. I was actually onboard for the idea and obviously it paid off but an idea that always sort of stuck in my mind after meeting Ahsoka was how she held her lightsaber the same way that Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice from the Force Unleashed games.

And later we saw her with two lightsabers instead of just one just like Starkiller which I could never figure out if that was intentional or just a coincidence because holding a sword like that looks cool (hugely impractical but so is spinning around during a sword fight so I'll let it go).

Either way I always wondered how an interaction between Ahsoka and Starkiller would go. I mean ones the Apprentice of Anakin while the other is an Apprentice of Vader, how would they play off one another?

Now technically speaking we have Kinda gotten this encounter on a number of several occasions but only on a purely meta level as the actor who played Starkiller, Sam Witwer, has played a number of characters who's fought with Ahsoka before (most notable with Darth Maul and The Son from the Mortis Trilogy from The Clone Wars and is appearing in the Ahsoka TV Series).

Because of the Disney Buyout many older Star Wars stories were retconned out of the franchise and included in what is now referred to as the "Legends" Continuity. However, a problem with this retcon is that it's kinda impossible to tell what stories are or aren't still canon. There is still a hot debate as to whether Mara Jade is still canon along with many writers from Legends coming over to the Disney Era and still treating their work from the Lucas Era as canon. Not to mention a number of current retcons to try to include more Legend Elements and rumors that Disney Plans to include an in-universe reboot to try and fix the jumble mess they've made and yada yada yada!

Truth be told I'm completely onboard with a Star Wars Multiverse since there's a lot of potential in having several continuities existing at once. This is perhaps best shown with the Spider-Verse films where the films going over repeating patterns and stories motifs is explored to great effect. And with the World Between Worlds returning yet again in Ahsoka which, again, is Star Wars' Time Travel Method and reminding people of that fact in Episode 5 of the show I can't help but wonder if the idea of exploring different realities will come into play.

And thus we return to the actual point of this post, with the possibility that Starkiller doesn't exist in the Disney Era will we get a story of the two actually meeting via Time Travel/Multiverse shenanigans. Personally I would like to see the two fight but later work together given that Starkiller did turn over a new leaf. Regardless I just want to see two characters I like play off each other which is the real strength of a MV. Oh sure it can be botched the recent Flash movie shows how badly this idea can be done but honestly we've had more good MV stories then bad ones so I'd be willing to give it a shot.
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