Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

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Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by stryke »

Winter's thread reminded me of this. Not sure why. Disney free association possibly.

The first ever moral outrage I remember hearing about as a kid was there really was a concern that Pocahontas was drawn too sexily. Won't someone think of the children, etc.

I'm sure I remember seeing front pages of newspapers with her redrawn to be wearing a Baywatch swimsuit or Pamela Anderson wearing her outfit, as I guess she was the symbol of being too filthy on telly at the time.

Was this just a UK thing due to our weird tabloid culture? A culture that was at once obsessed with both peddling as much filth as possible, while also being really morale outraged about all the filth, and one that was at its height in the 90s. Or did this happen elsewhere too?
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by Thebestoftherest »

I didn;t know this.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by CharlesPhipps »

It happened with Esmerelda of The Hunchback too.

But, honestly, that's because Esmerelda is fucking fine.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by hammerofglass »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 am It happened with Esmerelda of The Hunchback too.

But, honestly, that's because Esmerelda is fucking fine.
So did the people doing it know that's the actual plot of the movie or not? I'm not even sure which is funnier.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by stryke »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 am It happened with Esmerelda of The Hunchback too.

But, honestly, that's because Esmerelda is fucking fine.
Ain't that the truth.

I don't think much of Hunchback, but damn if I don't respect the balls it took to have a villain song that basically goes 'dang baby got back, my anaconda is sprung, so you either put out, or I'm got to burn you alive'.

Then again this is the same bulletproof Disney that sang about arabs cutting your hand off if they don't like you, and had hyenas goosestepping like nazi stormtroopers so mileage may vary about what pushed the envelope furthest.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by clearspira »

stryke wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:50 pm
CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 am It happened with Esmerelda of The Hunchback too.

But, honestly, that's because Esmerelda is fucking fine.
Ain't that the truth.

I don't think much of Hunchback, but damn if I don't respect the balls it took to have a villain song that basically goes 'dang baby got back, my anaconda is sprung, so you either put out, or I'm got to burn you alive'.

Then again this is the same bulletproof Disney that sang about arabs cutting your hand off if they don't like you, and had hyenas goosestepping like nazi stormtroopers so mileage may vary about what pushed the envelope furthest.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by clearspira »

I remember some people back in the day calling Ursula the Sea Witch too sexy because she had breast jiggle. Not joking.

That Arial though... hoo wee. I bet she started quite a few boys into puberty.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Music and video games were scrutinized much more than anything on tv. Tv was mostly covered by advertisers and fcc. There was nothing governing the other two.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by ProfessorDetective »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:28 am It happened with Esmerelda of The Hunchback too.

But, honestly, that's because Esmerelda is fucking fine.
Wouldn't surprise me if Jasmine had gotten flak, as well. Especially for the red outfit Jafar forces on her.
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Re: Was Pocahontas considered to be too hot in your country?

Post by Deledrius »

ProfessorDetective wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:04 am Wouldn't surprise me if Jasmine had gotten flak, as well. Especially for the red outfit Jafar forces on her.
She did, and it had nothing to do with Jafar. Those complaints are more recent. At the time there was criticism of her extreme figure and how it was physically improbable.
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