The Romantic Male Trek Guest Star Tierlist/Rating thread

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The Romantic Male Trek Guest Star Tierlist/Rating thread

Post by stryke »

Inspired by a discussion in the DS9 thread I thought it'd be interesting to spin it out into it's own thread to determine if Bariel really is the worst. Sticking to TNG to Ent as they were made together close enough to be better compared, and also that I really don't want to have to look up who turned up to snog the main character on Discovery. Also the relationship should be showcased at least in one scene romantic so imediately ruling out the blatantly non-con or total lack of returned interest ones like the telepath who went after Troi where they were not subtle about the allegory, the vulcan who forced himself on T'pol, the Vidian who wore a face for Torres, or Maxwell Burke on Torres, or Vorik on Torres. Man, Torres got a bunch of those.

I may have missed some people so feel free to add your own. I also did think about doing this on Tiermaker but that'd be way more time spent on this than it deserves so either rate them best to worst, worst to best, add A to F letter rankings, stars, whatever you like.

I've just done this sorted by main character to leave it easier to copy paste to do what you like with them.

Name: John Doe, Main Character: Beverly Crusher, Desc: Amnesiac Zalkonian, Episode(s): Transfigurations
Name: Odan, Main Character: Beverly Crusher, Desc: Trill Ambassador, Episode(s): The Host
Name: Ronin, Main Character: Beverly Crusher, Desc: Candle Ghost, Episode(s): Sub Rosa
Name: Wyatt Miller, Main Character: Deanna Troi, Desc: Arranged Husband-to-be, Episode(s): Haven
Name: Riva, Main Character: Deanna Troi, Desc: Deaf Ambassador, Episode(s): Loud as a Whisper
Name: Aaron Conor, Main Character: Deanna Troi, Desc: Genetically Engineered Leader, Episode(s): The Masterpiece Society
Name: Devinoni Ral, Main Character: Deanna Troi, Desc: Empath Negotiator, Episode(s): The Price
Name: Bareil Antos, Main Character: Kira, Desc: Bajoran Vedek, Episode(s): s1e19, s2e2-3, s2e16, s2e24, s3e10, s3e13, S6e8
Name: Shakaar, Main Character: Kira, Desc: Ex-Resistance Fighter, Episode(s): Shakaar, Crossfire, The Forgotten
Name: Deral, Main Character: Jadzia Dax, Desc: Fades In-and-Out, Episode(s): Meridian
Name: Mark Johnson, Main Character: Janeway, Desc: Loves her Dog, Episode(s): Caretaker
Name: Kashyk, Main Character: Janeway, Desc: Telepath Hunter, Episode(s): Counterpoint
Name: Michael Sullivan, Main Character: Janeway, Desc: Deleted Wife, Episode(s): Fair Haven, Spirit Folk
Name: Jaffen, Main Character: Janeway, Desc: Norvalen Engineer, Episode(s): Work Force
Name: Dathan, Main Character: Torres, Desc: Korenna's Boyfriend, Episode(s): Remember
Name: Lieutenant Chapman, Main Character: Seven Desc: Broken Arm, Episode(s): Someone to Watch Over Me
Name: Axum, Main Character: Seven Desc: Child Predator, Episode(s): Unamatrix Zero
Name: Ravis, Main Character: Hoshi Sato Desc: When in Risa, Episode(s): Two Days and Two Nights

Given that I put in some caveats which elimated Tolaris that makes T'Pol to be the only lady main cast character who was on multiple seasons to not have a romantic guest star fling.

The fact that I didn't remember John Doe had a relationship with Crusher into I googled her romance episodes does not speak well to his chances. I also discovered while doing this that the guy who played Dathan was a regular on Whose Line Is It Anyway? which justified the whole exercise. Sure it was the inferior US version but still, pretty neat.

I'll might do one myself later now the list is done, but at least I've already answered the question to myself that inspired the thead that yeah there's definitely been much, much worse than Bariel.
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